New California Bill Will Include Snatching Children From Parents Who Refuse to Affirm Their New Gender Identity and Arresting Them

Except for being a tyrant and a whole lot of things I promised God that I wouldn't say anymore, I admit that I honestly don't know much about him.
Oh, he is a liberal, but he is a liberal trying to get on the big stage. He can't do that without
a Ca. majority of voters
It's towards the bottom in light blue. Get your eyes checked.
Your endless lack of manners is much appreciated.

Too full of yourself about being afraid of guns being "taken away" from you, blah, blah, and more blah you swallow by the gallons.

Stay afraid, very afraid, of your own shadow.
California is doomed. the Subduction is changed and down its going. No future California has, that what the soothsayer told me. Nostradamus 450 years foretold that the Golden state was doomed to recounts.
I didn't see anywhere in there that they would make exceptions.
I would leave it for the experts in the law and health care to deal with it. You are clearly not suited to judge what it says.

You see one thing only and you stick to it. Especially if a tweet says something you will agree to.
You do not know to copy and paste exactly the sentence where it says what the tweet alleges?
Just do it.
Sure .. you just have to read the amended bill here, where it discusses existing law, and proposed changes for child custody. From the text of the bill:


Existing law governs the determination of child custody and visitation in contested proceedings and requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the health, safety, and welfare of the child.

Bill Text


(a) In making a determination of the best interests of the child in a proceeding described in Section 3021, the court shall, among any other factors it finds relevant and consistent with Section 3020, consider all of the following:
(1) (A) The health, safety, and welfare of the child.

(B) As used in this paragraph, the health, safety, and welfare of the child includes a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity.

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