New CNN narrative "does Trump believe in climate change". Not about Paris Accord pros/cons


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Old fashioned Communist tactic to avoid the crux of the question, just change the focus. Here's the reality, Trump could believe in flying pink cows it has no relevance to this decision, the question is "Is this Paris Accord going to help climate change, and if so, how is it fair to the United States"?

Not once has CNN explained in any level of detail why this deal is beneficial to America or how the massive costs and prompting of foreign governments economies at the hope that the earth will cool 2/10th of 1% in 83 years.

Oddly, Fox has repeated numerous times why this deal is NOT a good deal. Carson Tucker, The Five and their website has stated some of the ridiculous sacrifices and fleecing of American taxpayers that is in place with this so-called "deal". This is no deal, let's be clear, this was an attempted theft.

If anyone from CNN surfs this forum, please, by all means, as you spend hundreds of hours attacking Trump and this particular decision, at least preserve SOME credibility by telling your viewers WHY this Accord is going to be such a great deal for America or the planet. It would take 15-20 minutes, hell you could use point forms with "pros and cons" and it would take you 4-5 minutes.

Yeah, the world can feed foreign businesses with thier taxpayers monies under the false premise of dealing with climate change. China can fill the void and give India and others $100B a year while they continue to increase their gases until 2030.

Update: EPA taking questions and they continue to push the same narrative. They are trying to set up the Democrats for the position they will take when going at him. Comical.
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