New CNN poll - Most Americans Reject Biden’s War in Ukraine


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Well, this is it here. How much longer in this corrupt funding of Ukraine go on for. We the American people don’t stand for it. What an incredible point made by Glenn Greenwald that it is the far left wing who is the most adamant supporters of the war in Ukraine.

How much longer can the corrupt media keep on blasting the anti-Russian racism and war propaganda. It can’t keep up we the American people Don’t accept it.

Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government in Ukraine.

Thanks to the old-school Democrats and the non-neo conservative Republicans that are standing up for what’s right.
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Well, this is it here. How much longer in this corrupt funding of Ukraine go on for. With the American people don’t stand for it. What is incredible point made by Glenn Greenwald that it is the far left wing who is the most adamant supporters of the war in Ukraine.

How much longer can corrupt media keep on blasting the anti-Russian racism and war propaganda. It can’t keep up we the American people Don’t accept it.

Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government and Ukraine.

Thanks to the old-school Democrats and the non-neo conservative Republicans that are standing up for what’s right.

If democrats cared about democracy, they would stop, but they don't.
Things aren't going well for Russia, on the battlefield or the propaganda front.

That must make you all sad...

Well, this is it here. How much longer in this corrupt funding of Ukraine go on for. With the American people don’t stand for it. What is incredible point made by Glenn Greenwald that it is the far left wing who is the most adamant supporters of the war in Ukraine.

How much longer can corrupt media keep on blasting the anti-Russian racism and war propaganda. It can’t keep up we the American people Don’t accept it.

Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government and Ukraine.

Thanks to the old-school Democrats and the non-neo conservative Republicans that are standing up for what’s right.

Glenn Greenwald? Guy who always lies through omission?


and Rumble? :laughing0301:

A majority, but not all (68%) of those who say the US should do more to support Ukraine favor additional funding, as do 23% of those who say the US has already done enough.
Why do we care?
Cuz they gotta micromanage the world

It's the only way the world keeps from destroying itself, is democrat military intervention

Just look at how they have held the Middle East intact over the years.

Great track record they have.

Trump, that idiot goes over there and signs a peace deal with Israel and their middle eastern neighbors.

He simply had to go, and will be in prison soon for being such a world wide threat.
Glenn Greenwald is one of the head tankies. Another prominent example is Noam Chomsky. Tulsi Gabbard is a borderline tankie.

Tankies are the kook leftists who went so far left, they came back around on the right. They now endorse all things right-wing.

In the mind of the tankie, US imperialism is responsible for all evils in the world, including Russian imperialism. Tankies lovelovelove any authoritarians who oppose democracy. And they often draw a salary from Russia.

Needless to say, all decent people despise tankies.
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Glenn Greenwald is one of the head tankies. Another promient example is Noam Chomsky. Tulsi Gabbard is a borderline tankie.

Tankies are the kook leftists who went so far left, they came back around on the right. They now endorse all things right-wing.

In the mind of the tankie, US imperialism is responsible for all evils in the world, including Russian imperialism. Tankies lovelovelove any authoritarian who oppose democracy. And they often draw a salary from Russia.

Needless to say, all decent people despise tankies.

^^^Says the warmonger.
China says they're allies with Russia but you have to know they're happy as hell to have Russia and the US both depleting their military stockpiles on the Ukraine war. I wouldn't even be surprised to find out China was rewarding Joe for his efforts in Ukraine. In the end, China comes out of this debacle as the big winner.
^^^Says the warmonger.
It's fun to watch the Trump Cult act like a Hippy Drum Circle because no wars broke out on Trump's watch.

And we have the winner ^^^. When you peddle influence for millions of dollars at some point you have to pay up. Pretty good deal for Ukraine, they purchased the influence for millions and got billions in return.

What did they get that was supposedly worth "Billions"?

Shokin getting fired? Shokin was getting fired no matter what, right after his two subordinates were caught with tons of cash and diamonds. The IMF, EU, and Obama Administration all insisted he had to go. So Bursima paid Biden millions to do something that everyone was already trying to accomplish?
Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government in Ukraine.
Imagine the response If someone was to tell a Republican in 2005, that 18 years down the road many of the Republicans would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Russia, and a corrupt government under a Russia autocrat.

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