New CNN poll - Most Americans Reject Biden’s War in Ukraine

Glenn Greenwald is good people.

An actual Liberal.

I may not be one, but I can sure tell the difference vs. the mindless unquestioning "progressives" who take their orders from the infotainment bullshit and then consider themselves educated on a subject.

Most Americans support US arming Ukraine, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows​

June 28, 2023

WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - Solid majorities of Americans support providing weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and believe that such aid demonstrates to China and other U.S. rivals a will to protect U.S. interests and allies, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey.

The two-day poll that was concluded on Tuesday charted a sharp rise in backing for arming Ukraine, with 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll.


Most Americans Still Support Ukraine War Effort, Gallup, JUNE 29, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A majority of Americans continue to support the effort in helping Ukraine regain all of its lost territory, even if that means a more prolonged conflict. The 62% favoring this today represents a slight decline in popular support for that position from August 2022, when Gallup first asked the question.​

If democrats cared about democracy, they would stop, but they don't.

The Rats and this criminal stolen Administration don't give a shit about democracy or saving life!

They will fight this stupid war to the last Ukrainian

I feel sorry for Ukrainians they should all surrender and save their lives, it's not worth fight for this anymore.
Well, this is it here. How much longer in this corrupt funding of Ukraine go on for. We the American people don’t stand for it. What an incredible point made by Glenn Greenwald that it is the far left wing who is the most adamant supporters of the war in Ukraine.

How much longer can the corrupt media keep on blasting the anti-Russian racism and war propaganda. It can’t keep up we the American people Don’t accept it.

Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government in Ukraine.

Thanks to the old-school Democrats and the non-neo conservative Republicans that are standing up for what’s right.

Strange how you didn't quote CNN on a CNN poll.

Well, this is it here. How much longer in this corrupt funding of Ukraine go on for. We the American people don’t stand for it. What an incredible point made by Glenn Greenwald that it is the far left wing who is the most adamant supporters of the war in Ukraine.

How much longer can the corrupt media keep on blasting the anti-Russian racism and war propaganda. It can’t keep up we the American people Don’t accept it.

Imagine the response If someone was to tell a far left Democrat in 2005, that 18 years down the road 75% of the far left Democrats would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Ukraine, and a corrupt government in Ukraine.

Thanks to the old-school Democrats and the non-neo conservative Republicans that are standing up for what’s right.

Good news; thanks for sharing. :)
He’s a leftist, not a liberal or progressive.

But yeah, he’s great. :)
I watch Glenn Greenwald’s YouTube clips on a daily basis. I think I’m gonna start washing his full episodes on rumble.

He makes a lot of great points about how some of my fellow Democrats have turned into exactly what they criticized 15 or 20 years ago.
THey probably keep cutting the borscht Ration for the Troll Farm, no wonder FDR is blurting out such nonsense.
Thanks for keeping the thread active with your responses. Thanks for contributing to my thread using thread responses.
Imagine the response If someone was to tell a Republican in 2005, that 18 years down the road many of the Republicans would be so adamant about supporting a war machine in Russia, and a corrupt government under a Russia autocrat.
Almost no republican or democrat support Russia that’s made up propaganda and it’s a part of racism against Russians. It’s like somebody who criticizes Israel saying everyone is a Jew for supporting Israel or something like that. Imagine somebody talking about Israelpalestine someone says he supports Israel. The other guy comes in “you’re a Zionist Jew”. That is exactly what your side sounds like.

Look at the CNN poll only the far left. Democrats are hanging onto supporting Ukraine. Huge numbers of moderate Democrats do not support Ukraine.

The only Americans that support Russia are Russian Americans, and not all of them even support the war.
This war began with a completely unjustified Russian invasion. As long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their country we should be willing to give them the weapons they need.
Do your Russian handlers award you more brownie points if the thread goes on longer?

I can see why that matters. If you don't produce, off to the front lines in Ukraine you go.
Thanks for contributing to the thread views
The Rats and this criminal stolen Administration don't give a shit about democracy or saving life!

They will fight this stupid war to the last Ukrainian

I feel sorry for Ukrainians they should all surrender and save their lives, it's not worth fight for this anymore.
Who are you to tell them it's not worth the fight? Maybe you should move to Russia and try to convince the Ukrainians it's not so bad.

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