New Cosmos on right now - topic: Climate Change

No, you are IGNORING one fundamental Principle of Science, that being Uniformitarianism. What has happened in the past will happen again and the causes will most likely be the SAME.

In other words, for the mentally deficient (that means you derpy) EVERYTHING that is happening now, has happened before and the cause of that event is most likely the SAME. Look up Occams Razor for that.

You have made extraordinary claims that the weather we are experiencing now is somehow man caused. The problem you have is NOTHING happening now is any different from that which has gone before.


That makes your claim null and void according to basic scientific principles, and the scientific method.

uniformitarianism (ˌjuːnɪˌfɔːmɪˈtɛərɪəˌnɪzəm)
1. (Geological Science) the concept that the earth's surface was shaped in the past by gradual processes, such as erosion, and by small sudden changes, such as earthquakes, of the type acting today rather than by the sudden divine acts, such as the flood survived by Noah (Genesis 6-8), demanded by the doctrine of catastrophism

The theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time.


Science Journals - Earth Science: Astronomy, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Geology

Meteorology: Meteorology is the branch of Earth Science that studies the air that surrounds our planet. Meteorologists study the processes that cause weather and how changes in those processes might affect the earth.

Geology: This is the study of the materials that make up the Earth. Geology also includes studying the processes that form and change the materials in the earth. This includes the identification of rocks, study of glaciers and their movements, and determining how forces change our planet. As a geologist, you are expected to be able to interpret clues as to information about the Earth’s 4.6 billion year history.


Information you might find interesting.

You smell smoke????

Oh never mind, it was just RDean trying to larn hisself some science.

That therin smoke u smell is just hellfire and damnation. Member, 'publicans think science is a faith and the only good science is all ratch thair in the Bahbul.

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