New Data accounting to grow GDP # by 2-3%....


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
talk about pulling a rabbit out of the hat, Obama is one lucky the shitty 1.% or 1.4% we are due will it appears be buoyed by R&D accounting the article....

GDP to Get Bigger, Not Necessarily Faster


The most notable change will be measuring the value of research and development investment by companies and the government. The new practices mean, for example, that a pharmaceuticals company’s spending on research for a drug will be included in GDP. Under current practices, such spending is considered “intermediate” and isn’t included in GDP calculations. Government spending on research and development — for example, for state-of-the-art avionics — already largely is included in GDP calculations, Ms. Kelly said. That is because most government research and development isn’t sold and can’t be measured — as bottles of medicine can.

The shift to the new accounting has been in the works for some time, with the BEA working on “satellite accounts” to estimate the effect of the changes. In a BEA paper published last month, analysts said that based on preliminary estimates for 2007, the shift to recognizing research and development as investment would raise the level of GDP “by about 2%, or about $300 billion,” with about two-thirds coming from private fixed investment and the remainder primarily coming from government consumption expenditures.”

The second accounting change involves recognizing business investment in artistic endeavors, such as long-running television shows, theatrical movies, books, music and assorted other works. That means, Ms. Kelly said, that a studio recording of a music album would now be valued and included in GDP. Before, the GDP formula would include not the value of the original work, but rather that of the CDs or other reproductions of it. The BEA didn’t quantify how much this change would affect GDP, but noted in its March paper that “private investment in entertainment originals for 2007 is estimated at about $70 billion.” The Bureau broke down that new-investment tally as roughly one-third for movies, one-third for television programs and one-third for other entertainment assets.

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GDP to Get Bigger, Not Necessarily Faster - Real Time Economics - WSJ


The US economy will officially become 3 per cent bigger in July as part of a shake-up that will see government statistics take into account 21st century components such as film royalties and spending on research and development.

Billions of dollars of intangible assets will enter the gross domestic product of the world's largest economy in a revision aimed at capturing the changing nature of US output.

Brent Moulton, who manages the national accounts at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, told the Financial Times that the update was the biggest since computer software was added to the accounts in 1999.

BEA Will Change The GDP Calculation To Boost Economy By 3% In July - StreetTalk Live
but a spike in July followed by a reduced growthrate in August does sound like it could trigger a running of the stops in the stock market.
This is a total farce indeed. Including the RnD and changing the way pensions are calculated are truly some creative accounting right there.

I wonder how you can even compare the US gdp to other countries anymore after the change. Although I am not so sure if it's comparable anyway with the creative inflation metrics.
It's monopoly money---It doesn't matter how we account for it. It's shell game until the food runs out. then it's anybody's guess.
This is akin to redefining inflation by leaving out food and energy.

Or redefining inflation by deciding that substituting inferior products for superior products means that the rising cost of the superior products is NOT inflationary.


But you know their lies are now so blatant and obvious and insulting that it shows us that the Masters just aren't much concerned about us KNOWING that they are lying to us.
This is a total farce indeed. Including the RnD and changing the way pensions are calculated are truly some creative accounting right there.

I wonder how you can even compare the US gdp to other countries anymore after the change. Although I am not so sure if it's comparable anyway with the creative inflation metrics.
Given that gaming GDP has been SOP since the concept was invented what makes you think they ever have been comparable? The CIA dodge to get more accurate figures was midpoint Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): take the shopping cart from country A and see what it costs in country B vs. country A, then do the same with Country B's shopping cart and then take an average.

Midpoint PPP is lightyears better than GDP figures and yet it ends up wrong quite often, as in the collapse of communism.
This is akin to redefining inflation by leaving out food and energy.

Or redefining inflation by deciding that substituting inferior products for superior products means that the rising cost of the superior products is NOT inflationary.

And you're the ones mis-informing. The headline CPI most certainly includes food and energy (there are multiple other versions excluding various things published as well)

And as for your ridiculous claims about substitution, where in the Handbook of Methods did you find anything to give you that idea?

Or did you just read some blogger and not actually do research?
Common Misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index: Questions and Answers
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