New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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From the police report:

"Gregory McMichael said they called to Arbery: "Stop, stop, we want to talk to you", and that they pulled up to Arbery, with Travis exiting the truck with the shotgun. Gregory McMichael claimed Arbery "began to violently attack Travis" before two shots were fired. Arbery died on the spot after "bleeding out", the report concluded."

So if true, exactly how retarded do you believe Arbery is if he thought they were there just to rob him? It makes no sense whatsoever.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.
Gotcha. So the vigilante murderers are screwed.

Oh, you start playing CNN. The second sentence which is bolded disappeared - as if it was CNN itself reporting!

If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
"If the offense is a felony"


The offense wasn't a felony.

Congrats, you just lost the case for the McMichaels. Good thing for them you're not their attorney.

Burglary is a felony.

(c) A person commits the offense of burglary in the second degree when, without authority and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein, he or she enters or remains within an occupied, unoccupied, or vacant building, structure, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, or aircraft. A person who commits the offense of burglary in the second degree shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years. Upon the second and all subsequent convictions for burglary in the second degree, the defendant shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than eight years.

They did not see him steal anything, so they cannot suspect him of a felony (burglary), you fucking dumbass!
they saw him come out of house he wasn't supposed to be in. that's ludicrous dude. Again, I thought you a better thinker than that.
You're lying. They never said they saw him coming out of any house. All they said they saw was a "black male" running past their house.

You can't even see the house under construction from the street in front of the McMichael's home...

Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.

The position that Arbery was lunging at the shotgun as self-defense is beyond absurd.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly found out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries.

We know that was a lie. Why don't you? The "Dad" know the victim. Lie after lie after lie.

No. You have no evidence that he stole anything. Another lie.

Why do you find it necessary to lie all the fucking time?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.

The position that Arbery was lunging at the shotgun as self-defense is beyond absurd.

If the gun was pointed at him, which it was, it is perfectly logical to try to disarm the individual before they can shoot you.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.

The position that Arbery was lunging at the shotgun as self-defense is beyond absurd.
didn't he attempt to take McMichaels weapon? isn't that a crime? it's called attempted stealing. taking what's McMichaels without permission. And getting his face punched at the same time. too fking funny. their intelligent cells left them.
The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?
Just hypothetically, suppose they had not had a reason. So what ? The events shown on the video still show a self-defense shooting. Period.

Had Travis McMichael just been standing there minding his own business, and Arbery ran up on him and attacked him, you would be 100% correct.

But we're not dealing with a hypothetical situation.

Instead, we're dealing with a situation in which McMichal armed himself, chased Arbery down, and then exited his vehicle with the loaded shotgun. Those set of circumstances preclude McMichael from being able to legitimately claim he was acting in self defense...
I get what you are saying, it is a valid point. However if they intended to kill him from the start they could had shot him much earlier. They never did. Also, if Arbery feared for his life, then why did he run up behind them? He could had turned around and ran away, or ran to the left or right between houses to the next street. Instead he charged right at one of them and assaulted him.
At that point it doesn’t matter what happened previously, Travis had no choice but to shoot, otherwise Arbery would had likely shot him.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.

The position that Arbery was lunging at the shotgun as self-defense is beyond absurd.

If the gun was pointed at him, which it was, it is perfectly logical to try to disarm the individual before they can shoot you.
you have no evidence a gun was ever pointed. I've been asking you to submit it into evidence. you still haven't. there's that. there's also the fact the black man intentionally attacked the man holding the gun.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?
Just hypothetically, suppose they had not had a reason. So what ? The events shown on the video still show a self-defense shooting. Period.

Had Travis McMichael just been standing there minding his own business, and Arbery ran up on him and attacked him, you would be 100% correct.

But we're not dealing with a hypothetical situation.

Instead, we're dealing with a situation in which McMichal armed himself, chased Arbery down, and then exited his vehicle with the loaded shotgun. Those set of circumstances preclude McMichael from being able to legitimately claim he was acting in self defense...
I get what you are saying, it is a valid point. However if they intended to kill him from the start they could had shot him much earlier. They never did. Also, if Arbery feared for his life, then why did he run up behind them? He could had turned around and ran away, or ran to the left or right between houses to the next street. Instead he charged right at one of them and assaulted him.
At that point it doesn’t matter what happened previously, Travis had no choice but to shoot, otherwise Arbery would had likely shot him.
see these stupid fks think that once the blackman grabbed the gun, the white guy was just supposed to let him have it. Really, that's what they think. seriously, it is.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
By blocking Arbery's path with a shotgun and truck.
The video does not show anybody blocking Aubrey from continue running
Liar. The video shows Arbery jogging down the left lane in the road, with McMichael's truck blocking the right lane and Travis McMichael standing with a shotgun, blocking the left lane.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

The video shows black man lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Yeah kids, don't do this. It won't end well for you, but will end well for whoever is defending himself.
It shows them moving at each other. And by ending well, you mean facing the possibility of life in prison?

Moving at each other? Well duh, they were trying to catch him as you said before.

The mistake that cost the life was lunging at a man with a shotgun.

Why did they have a shotgun to start with?
they can? carry laws allow it? I don't know, admiral, I thought you a better thinking person than this. you should stop looking so silly. BTW, neither man needs to testify. so any answer will not be given.

The admiral is a nut case....I put him on ignore long ago.

Just how am I a nut case? Because I use logic, facts and laws to make my arguments. Typical fucktard!
logic? you have no evidence to support any statement you've made. I'm still waiting.

The position that Arbery was lunging at the shotgun as self-defense is beyond absurd.

If the gun was pointed at him, which it was, it is perfectly logical to try to disarm the individual before they can shoot you.
you have no evidence a gun was ever pointed. I've been asking you to submit it into evidence. you still haven't. there's that. there's also the fact the black man intentionally attacked the man holding the gun.

Watch the video. In front of the truck, the victim gets shot and then the struggle continues with him getting shot twice more.

It also appears to be a pump-action shotgun which would require it to be "pumped" to be reloaded. Is that possible in the struggle over a gun?
The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?
Just hypothetically, suppose they had not had a reason. So what ? The events shown on the video still show a self-defense shooting. Period.

Had Travis McMichael just been standing there minding his own business, and Arbery ran up on him and attacked him, you would be 100% correct.

But we're not dealing with a hypothetical situation.

Instead, we're dealing with a situation in which McMichal armed himself, chased Arbery down, and then exited his vehicle with the loaded shotgun. Those set of circumstances preclude McMichael from being able to legitimately claim he was acting in self defense...
I get what you are saying, it is a valid point. However if they intended to kill him from the start they could had shot him much earlier. They never did. Also, if Arbery feared for his life, then why did he run up behind them? He could had turned around and ran away, or ran to the left or right between houses to the next street. Instead he charged right at one of them and assaulted him.
At that point it doesn’t matter what happened previously, Travis had no choice but to shoot, otherwise Arbery would had likely shot him.
see these stupid fks think that once the blackman grabbed the gun, the white guy was just supposed to let him have it. Really, that's what they think. seriously, it is.

No, he never should have had the gun to start.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?
Just hypothetically, suppose they had not had a reason. So what ? The events shown on the video still show a self-defense shooting. Period.

Had Travis McMichael just been standing there minding his own business, and Arbery ran up on him and attacked him, you would be 100% correct.

But we're not dealing with a hypothetical situation.

Instead, we're dealing with a situation in which McMichal armed himself, chased Arbery down, and then exited his vehicle with the loaded shotgun. Those set of circumstances preclude McMichael from being able to legitimately claim he was acting in self defense...
I get what you are saying, it is a valid point. However if they intended to kill him from the start they could had shot him much earlier. They never did. Also, if Arbery feared for his life, then why did he run up behind them? He could had turned around and ran away, or ran to the left or right between houses to the next street. Instead he charged right at one of them and assaulted him.
At that point it doesn’t matter what happened previously, Travis had no choice but to shoot, otherwise Arbery would had likely shot him.
see these stupid fks think that once the blackman grabbed the gun, the white guy was just supposed to let him have it. Really, that's what they think. seriously, it is.

No, he never should have had the gun to start.

Cool story.

Well this is America, and people have right to have guns. Move to Venezuela.
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