New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
“No reason”?
The thug was committing first degree burglary in their neighborhood.

If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today.
"If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today."

That's a flat out lie. The McMichaels had no knowledge he was in the house. All they saw was a "black male" running down the street. Let me break this down for the less intelligent folks around here ... That means even had Arbery not entered that house, had Gregory McMichael seen Arbery running past his house, the exact same set of events would have unfolded.
Can you prove they had no knowledge?
Read the police report. All they said was Gregory was outside on his front lawn when he saw a "black male" run by. He said nothing about seeing him enter or leave the house under construction. His son was inside their house and saw nothing at all. Furthermore, he couldn't have seen Arbery in that house. I posted the street view earlier from the McMichael home and you can't even see the lot where the construction is taking place.

No, a suspicious black male had been a discussion topic in the neighborhood, as is heard in the 911 call. He knew what was going on. And he was correct, the black man illegally trespassed.

Heroic protector of his community.
still doesn't answer why the black man attempted to steal the man's gun in a confrontation for it. the gun was the man's and he had every right to have it in his hands. he wasn't committing any crime by standing in a street armed. the white man was under no obligation to hand him his weapon.
That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
which they had a right to do. why did the black man want to die by suicide? just curious. how do you answer for him?

Good question. In the clip it looks like the black man is yanking the shotgun towards himself so that it goes off.

Charging at a shotgun is not a good idea, pulling it when you are in front of the barrel... from bad to worse.,,
Technically it isn’t. The charge in Georgia is Aggravated Assault. And Travis McMichaels committed it. Which is why he is in jail held without bond even during the Covid release as many as possible situation.
Manslaughter, due to the struggle for posession of the shotgun.
yes, I can see that charge only. there was never any intent to shoot the black man. he created the situation where harm was done to him. Self inflicted.
That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
“No reason”?
The thug was committing first degree burglary in their neighborhood.

If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today.
"If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today."

That's a flat out lie. The McMichaels had no knowledge he was in the house. All they saw was a "black male" running down the street. Let me break this down for the less intelligent folks around here ... That means even had Arbery not entered that house, had Gregory McMichael seen Arbery running past his house, the exact same set of events would have unfolded.
Can you prove they had no knowledge?
Read the police report. All they said was Gregory was outside on his front lawn when he saw a "black male" run by. He said nothing about seeing him enter or leave the house under construction. His son was inside their house and saw nothing at all. Furthermore, he couldn't have seen Arbery in that house. I posted the street view earlier from the McMichael home and you can't even see the lot where the construction is taking place.

No, a suspicious black male had been a discussion topic in the neighborhood, as is heard in the 911 call. He knew what was going on. And he was correct, the black man illegally trespassed.

Heroic protector of his community.
No, he was not right. The black man who was seen on those premises earlier was not Arbery.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
He pointed it at him AFTER the burglar started punching him and trying to grab the shotgun.
Then how did Arbery get shot?
He pulled the trigger, thats how. :cuckoo:
With the gun not pointed at Arbery??
It was pointed at him AFTER he was attacked. Are you dumb or what?

Great, show me that in the video. Of course, you're going to need another camera angle -- one that's not obscuring your baseless claim by a vehicle.
In other words, your claim that he pointed the gun at him before being attacked isnt supported by the video evidence? Thanks for admitting youve been wrong this whole time.
That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
“No reason”?
The thug was committing first degree burglary in their neighborhood.

If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today.
"If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today."

That's a flat out lie. The McMichaels had no knowledge he was in the house. All they saw was a "black male" running down the street. Let me break this down for the less intelligent folks around here ... That means even had Arbery not entered that house, had Gregory McMichael seen Arbery running past his house, the exact same set of events would have unfolded.
Can you prove they had no knowledge?
Read the police report. All they said was Gregory was outside on his front lawn when he saw a "black male" run by. He said nothing about seeing him enter or leave the house under construction. His son was inside their house and saw nothing at all. Furthermore, he couldn't have seen Arbery in that house. I posted the street view earlier from the McMichael home and you can't even see the lot where the construction is taking place.

No, a suspicious black male had been a discussion topic in the neighborhood, as is heard in the 911 call. He knew what was going on. And he was correct, the black man illegally trespassed.

Heroic protector of his community.
No, he was not right. The black man who was seen on those premises earlier was not Arbery.

Yeah... right...

Now you are getting truly desperate.
I get what you are saying, it is a valid point. However if they intended to kill him from the start they could had shot him much earlier. They never did. Also, if Arbery feared for his life, then why did he run up behind them? He could had turned around and ran away, or ran to the left or right between houses to the next street. Instead he charged right at one of them and assaulted him.
At that point it doesn’t matter what happened previously, Travis had no choice but to shoot, otherwise Arbery would had likely shot him.


You just explained this rather simple scenario, nicely and concisely, in a nutshell. Well done!
That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
“No reason”?
The thug was committing first degree burglary in their neighborhood.

If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today.
"If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today."

That's a flat out lie. The McMichaels had no knowledge he was in the house. All they saw was a "black male" running down the street. Let me break this down for the less intelligent folks around here ... That means even had Arbery not entered that house, had Gregory McMichael seen Arbery running past his house, the exact same set of events would have unfolded.
Can you prove they had no knowledge?
Read the police report. All they said was Gregory was outside on his front lawn when he saw a "black male" run by. He said nothing about seeing him enter or leave the house under construction. His son was inside their house and saw nothing at all. Furthermore, he couldn't have seen Arbery in that house. I posted the street view earlier from the McMichael home and you can't even see the lot where the construction is taking place.

No, a suspicious black male had been a discussion topic in the neighborhood, as is heard in the 911 call. He knew what was going on. And he was correct, the black man illegally trespassed.

Heroic protector of his community.
No, he was not right. The black man who was seen on those premises earlier was not Arbery.

Yeah... right...

Now you are getting truly desperate.
He’s out of control
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
He pointed it at him AFTER the burglar started punching him and trying to grab the shotgun.
Then how did Arbery get shot?
He pulled the trigger, thats how. :cuckoo:
With the gun not pointed at Arbery??
It was pointed at him AFTER he was attacked. Are you dumb or what?

Great, show me that in the video. Of course, you're going to need another camera angle -- one that's not obscuring your baseless claim by a vehicle.
In other words, your claim that he pointed the gun at him before being attacked isnt supported by the video evidence? Thanks for admitting youve been wrong this whole time.
A point I stopped making when someone pointed out to me that moment was obscured by the truck. Something you're apparently just now learning since you're still claiming the gun wasn't pointed at him.
That's your opinion.

What cops call this is probable-cause.
Nobody bothered to ask whether the owner would have wanted to press charges.
So you know DICK about the law or the situation.

Yes they did.

Owner of house Ahmaud Arbery purportedly entered before fatal shooting is getting death threats

From the article -

In the months before February, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the construction site a handful of times, Graddy said. The first time, English called a non-emergency police number and reported the unauthorized entry, Graddy said.

"He never used the word 'burglary,'" she said, adding that nothing has ever been stolen from or damaged at the property. "My client did not want people to come on to the property because it's just not safe."

English never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know, according to his attorney.

"Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response," Graddy said. "They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities."
That's not what I asked.
I asked if the assumption was charges would have been filed if this perp hadn't been killed.
It's difficult to file charges against a corpse.

I'm sure the owner didn't want him killed. He acted like knucklehead, but he didn't deserve to die. However, he'd be alive today if he hadn't acted like an idiot.
He'd be alive today if a couple of half-wit racists hadn't chased him down and murdered him for no reason.
“No reason”?
The thug was committing first degree burglary in their neighborhood.

If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today.
"If little thug boy didn’t trespass on private property, he’d be alive today."

That's a flat out lie. The McMichaels had no knowledge he was in the house. All they saw was a "black male" running down the street. Let me break this down for the less intelligent folks around here ... That means even had Arbery not entered that house, had Gregory McMichael seen Arbery running past his house, the exact same set of events would have unfolded.
Can you prove they had no knowledge?
Read the police report. All they said was Gregory was outside on his front lawn when he saw a "black male" run by. He said nothing about seeing him enter or leave the house under construction. His son was inside their house and saw nothing at all. Furthermore, he couldn't have seen Arbery in that house. I posted the street view earlier from the McMichael home and you can't even see the lot where the construction is taking place.

No, a suspicious black male had been a discussion topic in the neighborhood, as is heard in the 911 call. He knew what was going on. And he was correct, the black man illegally trespassed.

Heroic protector of his community.
No, he was not right. The black man who was seen on those premises earlier was not Arbery.

Yeah... right...

Now you are getting truly desperate.

Dumbfuck, photos have been posted of the other person who was caught on camera inside that construction site.

Have you always been this stupid?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
He pointed it at him AFTER the burglar started punching him and trying to grab the shotgun.
Then how did Arbery get shot?
He pulled the trigger, thats how. :cuckoo:
With the gun not pointed at Arbery??
It was pointed at him AFTER he was attacked. Are you dumb or what?

Great, show me that in the video. Of course, you're going to need another camera angle -- one that's not obscuring your baseless claim by a vehicle.
In other words, your claim that he pointed the gun at him before being attacked isnt supported by the video evidence? Thanks for admitting youve been wrong this whole time.
A point I stopped making when someone pointed out to me that moment was obscured by the truck. Something you're apparently just now learning since you're still claiming the gun wasn't pointed at him.

The gun was pointed at him the moment he charged at a white man. And not a moment before that.

Did you forget to post the evidence that it wasn't Arbery before?
No, he never should have had the gun to start.
FALSE! He had every right to have the gun with him for self-defense. Open carry is legal in Georgia if you have a CCW license. The license allows you to carry in any way, open or concealed. If you do not have a CCW license then you are not permitted to openly carry in Georgia. Both McMichaels have one.

If he did not have the gun, then he would have had to survive the attack of Arbery unarmed. Since Arbery was not strong enough to wrest the gun away from Travis, it's possible, Arbery would not have been too successful in a hand to hand combat either, with Travis. He looked quite skinny compared to the more muscular Travis.


These guys look like they can deal.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

What’s that got to do with anything? The owner of the house being built said nothing was stolen. The video shows nothing was stolen. The police said Arbery was UNARMED! His past had nothing to it. He did a common thing. He checked out a house being built and got killed for it by two idiots playing cop. If Arbery was a white dude arrests would have been made immediately but because he’s black and the suspects white and have ties to the local cops, no arrest was made. There is zero justification for killing this kid. The McMichaels need to rot in jail.
Georgia law explicitly states that unlawful entry into a dwelling is burglary. Nothing has to be stolen.

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.

Does Johnson vs Jackson give people who are NOT THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY the right to kill someone who allegedly committed a crime if they are UNARMED and non violent? If that’s the case people who’s children break and enter on another’s property while retrieving a ball that bounced over a fence can be shot and killed legally. They broke and entered and didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to them. In my neighborhood you’d have dead people all over the place. That’s absurd and if that’s the law there then the state is run by idiots.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

What’s that got to do with anything? The owner of the house being built said nothing was stolen. The video shows nothing was stolen. The police said Arbery was UNARMED! His past had nothing to it. He did a common thing. He checked out a house being built and got killed for it by two idiots playing cop. If Arbery was a white dude arrests would have been made immediately but because he’s black and the suspects white and have ties to the local cops, no arrest was made. There is zero justification for killing this kid. The McMichaels need to rot in jail.
Georgia law explicitly states that unlawful entry into a dwelling is burglary. Nothing has to be stolen.

I didn't even steal anything: Even though you may not have stolen anything, you could still be convicted of burglary. According to Johnson v. Jackson, it is not necessary that the defendant actually steal anything. 140 Ga. App. 252, (1976). It is enough if they enter without authority and with intent to commit theft.

Does Johnson vs Jackson give people who are NOT THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY the right to kill someone who allegedly committed a crime if they are UNARMED and non violent? If that’s the case people who’s children break and enter on another’s property while retrieving a ball that bounced over a fence can be shot and killed legally. They broke and entered and didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to them. In my neighborhood you’d have dead people all over the place. That’s absurd and if that’s the law there then the state is run by idiots.
He didnt kill him for burglary. He killed him because the burglar attacked him and tried to take his gun.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!
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