New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
It’s not up to him, they have property of concern, they don’t want a pattern developed it’s really simple. Go to the south side of Chicago

It is up to him. It is his property. Only he can file a complaint for Trespassing. And his testimony at the trial is going to be really harmful for the defense.

Nonsense...again you prove you lack legal expertise despite all your tutoring from para-legals bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa As has been pointed out to you many times nothing that happened before the black guy assaulted the younger McMichaels has any matter what happened before....even if he had been followed, harassed, or falsely arrested (none of which happened) gave him (the insane negro) the right to committ assault...try and wrap your head around that if you want to stop looking so stupid.

Again. That is where you are wrong according to actual lawyers.

The most important part of this statute is the unwritten bit — you are allowed to make arrests only with “reasonable force.” You can’t burn down an orphanage to catch one child snatching extra bowls of gruel. And the Georgia Supreme Court has held, as a matter of law, that you can’t chase someone down with a weapon because you think they have committed burglary. For example, it held that there was no evidence of a “citizen’s arrest” when a man with a baseball bat chased down someone who burglarized his home.

The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law.

Actual Lawyers seem to think you are wrong. But what do they know. I assume you have a BAR card and are licensed in Georgia. I honestly hope you are on the way to take over the defense of the McMichaels because they need all the legal help they can get. Because actual Georgia law applies to actual cases and decided by the actual Georgia Supreme Court says you are actually wrong.

They did not do anything unreasonable in making the arrest.

He only got shot because he grabbed a gun, this is reasonable self defense.

Chasing someone with a weapon and SHOOTING someone with a weapon are two different things. It used to be legal to shoot thieves, that's what you are talking about.

They could NOT arrest him as he had not committed a felony in their presence. Now, push the "I believe" button and STFU until you have something intelligent to add. Judging by your iQ, that will be never!
they don't need to know that. it's why they call them suspects. anyone can be detained.

Wrong answer! That room temp range IQ is doing you no favors. They reading the Constitution.
post a statute that says that a known burglary is required to detain someone for a probable cause? to get a warrant yes, but not to detain. you're in leftist land again.
The law being discussed ad nauseum is citizen's arrest. Did you give up that stupid argument?
well they never told the runner they were performing a citizen arrest. see they have to announce that to the suspect.

If they were not performing a citizen's arrest, they had no business detaining him illegally. You just lost your own argument, fucktard!
they never detained anyone, they wanted to ask the man some questions. they can do that legally. there is no law forbidding someone from asking someone questions. You can post that one as you wish.

There is a law about confronting a man armed and acting aggressive.
he confronted no man. show me that video. The one I got shows a man running at the man with a gun from 100 yards away. no one detains him, no one confronts him. nope, he is allowed free movement to the gun barrel without confrontation. show me your video now.

You keep bouncing back and forth. The Video is all. Then the report is all and the video doesn’t matter. And then it is back to the video is all. Please tell me you are not representing the McMichaels. Because with you as their lawyer they would get no fair trial and be sentenced to twenty years in the electric chair.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

When you watch the video you can observe through the truck the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack....undeniable...proving he attacked before the first shot was fired.
The leftists have now gotten even the person who filmed the incident fired from his job and sent him death threats.

Let's hope these people do not cow to the threats and stand firm for justice.

The true lynching of the story.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
It’s not up to him, they have property of concern, they don’t want a pattern developed it’s really simple. Go to the south side of Chicago

It is up to him. It is his property. Only he can file a complaint for Trespassing. And his testimony at the trial is going to be really harmful for the defense.

Nonsense...again you prove you lack legal expertise despite all your tutoring from para-legals bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa As has been pointed out to you many times nothing that happened before the black guy assaulted the younger McMichaels has any matter what happened before....even if he had been followed, harassed, or falsely arrested (none of which happened) gave him (the insane negro) the right to committ assault...try and wrap your head around that if you want to stop looking so stupid.

Again. That is where you are wrong according to actual lawyers.

The most important part of this statute is the unwritten bit — you are allowed to make arrests only with “reasonable force.” You can’t burn down an orphanage to catch one child snatching extra bowls of gruel. And the Georgia Supreme Court has held, as a matter of law, that you can’t chase someone down with a weapon because you think they have committed burglary. For example, it held that there was no evidence of a “citizen’s arrest” when a man with a baseball bat chased down someone who burglarized his home.

The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law.

Actual Lawyers seem to think you are wrong. But what do they know. I assume you have a BAR card and are licensed in Georgia. I honestly hope you are on the way to take over the defense of the McMichaels because they need all the legal help they can get. Because actual Georgia law applies to actual cases and decided by the actual Georgia Supreme Court says you are actually wrong.

They did not do anything unreasonable in making the arrest.

He only got shot because he grabbed a gun, this is reasonable self defense.

Chasing someone with a weapon and SHOOTING someone with a weapon are two different things. It used to be legal to shoot thieves, that's what you are talking about.

They could NOT arrest him as he had not committed a felony in their presence. Now, push the "I believe" button and STFU until you have something intelligent to add. Judging by your iQ, that will be never!
they don't need to know that. it's why they call them suspects. anyone can be detained.

Wrong answer! That room temp range IQ is doing you no favors. They reading the Constitution.
post a statute that says that a known burglary is required to detain someone for a probable cause? to get a warrant yes, but not to detain. you're in leftist land again.
The law being discussed ad nauseum is citizen's arrest. Did you give up that stupid argument?
well they never told the runner they were performing a citizen arrest. see they have to announce that to the suspect.

If they were not performing a citizen's arrest, they had no business detaining him illegally. You just lost your own argument, fucktard!
they never detained anyone, they wanted to ask the man some questions. they can do that legally. there is no law forbidding someone from asking someone questions. You can post that one as you wish.

There is a law about confronting a man armed and acting aggressive.
he confronted no man. show me that video. The one I got shows a man running at the man with a gun from 100 yards away. no one detains him, no one confronts him. nope, he is allowed free movement to the gun barrel without confrontation. show me your video now.

You keep bouncing back and forth. The Video is all. Then the report is all and the video doesn’t matter. And then it is back to the video is all. Please tell me you are not representing the McMichaels. Because with you as their lawyer they would get no fair trial and be sentenced to twenty years in the electric chair.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 20 yrs in the electric their voltage in Jawja really dat weak boyo?

What a comedian...we are trying to have a serious discussion and these clowns keep trying to muddy the waters.
The leftists have now gotten even the person who filmed the incident fired from his job and sent him death threats.

Let's hope these people do not cow to the threats and stand firm for justice.

The true lynching of the story.

They are very angry with him because his video essentially proves the liberals and the msm narrative is false.

Not even to mention they have edited the video to omit the part showing the black guy attacking...and also they are trying to censor the real video...they do not want the people to know the truth.....Newsflash...the people are not as dumb as they used to be.....most folks now are aware of msm's fake news stories.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.

Ridiculous commentary. Anyhow.....again.....the white guys did nothing illegal.

The black guy was a in had a criminal record. Took a gun to school....stole stuff...violated his probation ....should have been in jail but nothing was done....thus he roamed the streets day and night apparantly doing some very weird stuff....but the mdeia is doing their best to put him up there on the shelf with mother teresa.

Speaking of mothers ahmuad's mother did love him...must have been a difficult thing to do. but i guess once you give birth there is a bond formed even if the kid is a mental defect.

Why should he have been in jail? His probation was over!

Speaking of mental defects, how are you today?

Because he was a burglar.

You know this how?
He already has a history of stealing, and he was caught on video looking around a house under construction. It seems fairly obvious that he was looking for tools to steal. You can play dumb if you want to, but dont expect the rest of us to join your foolishness.

No. It is not obvious since he did not steal anything. You are making an assumption that is not in evidence.

How did they know about a history of stealing? He had a shoplifting charge as a juvenile. Does that deserve the death penalty?
Can we all agree that these 2 bubbas were stupid to hunt down and confront this guy?

Can we at least reach common ground on that point?


Of course not they were trying to help protect their community....they deserve a medal for their patriotism.

BTW the term 'hunted' as used by the msm is false and explosive language to attempt ignite hysteria amongst the black community

There was no need to 'hunt' for the suspect as when observed he was right in front of their house....all they did was to follow him, try to engage in conversation and they also called the police as all good citizens should do in these kinds of cases....model citizens putting their lives at risk to help their community.
spot fking on dude. thank you.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.

Ridiculous commentary. Anyhow.....again.....the white guys did nothing illegal.

The black guy was a in had a criminal record. Took a gun to school....stole stuff...violated his probation ....should have been in jail but nothing was done....thus he roamed the streets day and night apparantly doing some very weird stuff....but the mdeia is doing their best to put him up there on the shelf with mother teresa.

Speaking of mothers ahmuad's mother did love him...must have been a difficult thing to do. but i guess once you give birth there is a bond formed even if the kid is a mental defect.

Why should he have been in jail? His probation was over!

Speaking of mental defects, how are you today?

Because he was a burglar.

You know this how?
He already has a history of stealing, and he was caught on video looking around a house under construction. It seems fairly obvious that he was looking for tools to steal. You can play dumb if you want to, but dont expect the rest of us to join your foolishness.

No. It is not obvious since he did not steal anything. You are making an assumption that is not in evidence.

How did they know about a history of stealing? He had a shoplifting charge as a juvenile. Does that deserve the death penalty?

The law does not require the burglary to be obvious. A suspicion is enough, since we have to even discuss it, yes the suspicion was warranted.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

Wow! maybe 2 seconds is a long time to you, but not to most people.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
It’s not up to him, they have property of concern, they don’t want a pattern developed it’s really simple. Go to the south side of Chicago

It is up to him. It is his property. Only he can file a complaint for Trespassing. And his testimony at the trial is going to be really harmful for the defense.

Nonsense...again you prove you lack legal expertise despite all your tutoring from para-legals bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa As has been pointed out to you many times nothing that happened before the black guy assaulted the younger McMichaels has any matter what happened before....even if he had been followed, harassed, or falsely arrested (none of which happened) gave him (the insane negro) the right to committ assault...try and wrap your head around that if you want to stop looking so stupid.

Again. That is where you are wrong according to actual lawyers.

The most important part of this statute is the unwritten bit — you are allowed to make arrests only with “reasonable force.” You can’t burn down an orphanage to catch one child snatching extra bowls of gruel. And the Georgia Supreme Court has held, as a matter of law, that you can’t chase someone down with a weapon because you think they have committed burglary. For example, it held that there was no evidence of a “citizen’s arrest” when a man with a baseball bat chased down someone who burglarized his home.

The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law.

Actual Lawyers seem to think you are wrong. But what do they know. I assume you have a BAR card and are licensed in Georgia. I honestly hope you are on the way to take over the defense of the McMichaels because they need all the legal help they can get. Because actual Georgia law applies to actual cases and decided by the actual Georgia Supreme Court says you are actually wrong.

They did not do anything unreasonable in making the arrest.

He only got shot because he grabbed a gun, this is reasonable self defense.

Chasing someone with a weapon and SHOOTING someone with a weapon are two different things. It used to be legal to shoot thieves, that's what you are talking about.

They could NOT arrest him as he had not committed a felony in their presence. Now, push the "I believe" button and STFU until you have something intelligent to add. Judging by your iQ, that will be never!
they don't need to know that. it's why they call them suspects. anyone can be detained.

Wrong answer! That room temp range IQ is doing you no favors. They reading the Constitution.
post a statute that says that a known burglary is required to detain someone for a probable cause? to get a warrant yes, but not to detain. you're in leftist land again.
The law being discussed ad nauseum is citizen's arrest. Did you give up that stupid argument?
well they never told the runner they were performing a citizen arrest. see they have to announce that to the suspect.

If they were not performing a citizen's arrest, they had no business detaining him illegally. You just lost your own argument, fucktard!
they never detained anyone, they wanted to ask the man some questions. they can do that legally. there is no law forbidding someone from asking someone questions. You can post that one as you wish.

There is a law about confronting a man armed and acting aggressive.
he confronted no man. show me that video. The one I got shows a man running at the man with a gun from 100 yards away. no one detains him, no one confronts him. nope, he is allowed free movement to the gun barrel without confrontation. show me your video now.

You keep bouncing back and forth. The Video is all. Then the report is all and the video doesn’t matter. And then it is back to the video is all. Please tell me you are not representing the McMichaels. Because with you as their lawyer they would get no fair trial and be sentenced to twenty years in the electric chair.
nope, not bouncing, I'm on steady ground with one video with evidence of what happened. I have explained what is in the video and have asked repeatedly for fks like you to prove your points which to date hasn't been achieved. you got nothing, the video is all anyone needs.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

Wow! maybe 2 seconds is a long time to you, but not to most people.

the first shot is at 22 second mark, right as the running man grabs the barrel.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

Wow! maybe 2 seconds is a long time to you, but not to most people.

That video is fake video. In reality the first shot is fired just when Arbery touches the shotgun.

And you TRULY are a COMPLETE MORON if you believe it was too early when the person already has both hands on your shotgun, grabbing it from you. COMPLETE RETARD OF HIGHEST PROPORTION.

Clearly you have given in to your emotions and feels leftist. Just how far will these dumfucks go to defend a criminal?
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.
nope, the shot was fired after the running man grabbed the barrel. watch the video. why do you ignore watching the video? that's odd. no logic here for you.

He is obsessed with trying to make the white guys cold blooded killers.....typical liberal...I asked him why they would want to murder this guy especially since the police had been called and could arrive any second....ever heard of a cold blooded killer calling the cops before he got around to comitting muder...such outragous claims defy logic as well as common sense.

The white guys had no desire or motive to murder the black claim otherwise is ridiculous.
When you watch the video you can observe through the truck the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack....undeniable...proving he attacked before the first shot was fired.

You are flat out lying now. You can’t be that blind. You are probably that dumb but not that blind.

What you see moving left to right through the windshield is both men, not
Arbery beginning an attack.

The attack was when the gunman moved to the right and then the gun was shot

If Arbery was visable alone in the windshield where is the Gunman?

Where is the Gunman at this instant in time?


Just answer that question. Where is the Gunman?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.

Ridiculous commentary. Anyhow.....again.....the white guys did nothing illegal.

The black guy was a in had a criminal record. Took a gun to school....stole stuff...violated his probation ....should have been in jail but nothing was done....thus he roamed the streets day and night apparantly doing some very weird stuff....but the mdeia is doing their best to put him up there on the shelf with mother teresa.

Speaking of mothers ahmuad's mother did love him...must have been a difficult thing to do. but i guess once you give birth there is a bond formed even if the kid is a mental defect.

Why should he have been in jail? His probation was over!

Speaking of mental defects, how are you today?

Because he was a burglar.

You know this how?
He already has a history of stealing, and he was caught on video looking around a house under construction. It seems fairly obvious that he was looking for tools to steal. You can play dumb if you want to, but dont expect the rest of us to join your foolishness.

No. It is not obvious since he did not steal anything. You are making an assumption that is not in evidence.

How did they know about a history of stealing? He had a shoplifting charge as a juvenile. Does that deserve the death penalty?

The law does not require the burglary to be obvious. A suspicion is enough, since we have to even discuss it, yes the suspicion was warranted.
When are you going to stop fucking that up? There was nothing to cause suspicion that he committed a felony. That is why they were arrested.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.
nope, the shot was fired after the running man grabbed the barrel. watch the video. why do you ignore watching the video? that's odd. no logic here for you.

He is obsessed with trying to make the white guys cold blooded killers.....typical liberal...I asked him why they would want to murder this guy especially since the police had been called and could arrive any second....ever heard of a cold blooded killer calling the cops before he got around to comitting muder...such outragous claims defy logic as well as common sense.

The white guys had no desire or motive to murder the black claim otherwise is ridiculous.

The person is literally on the call with 911, seen on the clip.

Apparently it's now in fashion to hunt for people while on the phone with 911.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

Wow! maybe 2 seconds is a long time to you, but not to most people.

That video is fake video. In reality the first shot is fired just when Arbery touches the shotgun.

And you TRULY are a COMPLETE MORON if you believe it was too early when the person already has both hands on your shotgun, grabbing it from you. COMPLETE RETARD OF HIGHEST PROPORTION.

Clearly you have given in to your emotions and feels leftist. Just how far will these dumfucks go to defend a criminal?

I did not post that video you imbecile. Do you not know how quotes work? Godboy posted that video and he is a sympathetic moron to you! You seriously need mental health treatment and I mean today.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

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He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.

Ridiculous commentary. Anyhow.....again.....the white guys did nothing illegal.

The black guy was a in had a criminal record. Took a gun to school....stole stuff...violated his probation ....should have been in jail but nothing was done....thus he roamed the streets day and night apparantly doing some very weird stuff....but the mdeia is doing their best to put him up there on the shelf with mother teresa.

Speaking of mothers ahmuad's mother did love him...must have been a difficult thing to do. but i guess once you give birth there is a bond formed even if the kid is a mental defect.

Why should he have been in jail? His probation was over!

Speaking of mental defects, how are you today?

Because he was a burglar.

You know this how?
He already has a history of stealing, and he was caught on video looking around a house under construction. It seems fairly obvious that he was looking for tools to steal. You can play dumb if you want to, but dont expect the rest of us to join your foolishness.

No. It is not obvious since he did not steal anything. You are making an assumption that is not in evidence.

How did they know about a history of stealing? He had a shoplifting charge as a juvenile. Does that deserve the death penalty?

The law does not require the burglary to be obvious. A suspicion is enough, since we have to even discuss it, yes the suspicion was warranted.
When are you going to stop fucking that up? There was nothing to cause suspicion that he committed a felony. That is why they were arrested.

The running alone is enough to conclude that he committed a felony. No one runs like that over petty shit.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

Wow! maybe 2 seconds is a long time to you, but not to most people.

That video is fake video. In reality the first shot is fired just when Arbery touches the shotgun.

And you TRULY are a COMPLETE MORON if you believe it was too early when the person already has both hands on your shotgun, grabbing it from you. COMPLETE RETARD OF HIGHEST PROPORTION.

Clearly you have given in to your emotions and feels leftist. Just how far will these dumfucks go to defend a criminal?

I did not post that video you imbecile. You seriously need mental health treatment and I mean today.

You did not post the video. But you did show that NOTHING will convince you.

You literally just said that the man was not justified in the shooting when Arbery's both hands were trying to grab his shotgun. That is beyond retarded.

Wait until dead, that's the plan apparently.
they never detained anyone.

IDIOT. Worse they shot and killed him put him on the pavement for jogging while black.

Dead on the road never able to move again.

If that is not detained I don’t know what is.,

And this is the view on the left side of the truck when the first shot was fired.

View attachment 335915

Do you think the shooter was on the left or to the right?

If to the right he has to be obstructing the jogger’s path with shotgun point it.

That clearly was an attempt to detain when the gun went off within a few feet of the jogger’s intend rout.

When the shot was fired - there is no self defense for the shooter because he fired and possibly wounded his target. That it was clearly initiated the combat.
he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

he is dead due to his own reaction. thanks, the video shows him attacking the man with the gun, holding the gun, struggling to remove the gun from the owner's hands. it's in the video. go look.

What you are calling the jogger’s attack is after a shot was fired which means the jogger was responding to an attack in the only way he could which was to take the gun away from the madman just shot him.

You failed to see the person lunging at the person with the shotgun?

It's not even clear the shotgun was fired before he touched it. Recall, he was hit in the ARM.

If someone lunges at your gun, of course you can defend yourself.
Watch the video. Listen to when the gun goes off. He definitely attacked the guy long before the first shot.

When you watch the video you can observe through the truck the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack....undeniable...proving he attacked before the first shot was fired.

You point a gun at me and I'll do my best to kick your ass before you can shoot me.
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