New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Funny how the media keeps calling black burglary suspect 1 as a “jogger”.

He was not a burglary suspect when he was harassed, attacked and killed for being black. That is a lie and we know why you repeat it.
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions

The only action they were sure he was doing was running. If he had run in any other direction but the road he would have been shot. Running in the road the truck can catch him. Running towards someone’s house in a neighborhood? One of those idiots would have shot him.

Nonsense....if being stupid was illegal you would get at least 20yrs.

How does anyone get so stupid? Do you take a stupid pill when you wake up in the morning?

Again........pointed out before.....but again since you obviously just post crap without checking out what has already been said....the father....the former policeman had investigated the black criminal back when he was a policeman....thus he recognized him on the video doing the he knew who he was dealing with.....a black criminal. (Though the media will not report that....they never can be counted on to report the truth.)

The black suspect would not have been shot if he had not attacked the guy with the shot gun....if they just wanted to shoot him they could have done that at any time.

Are you black or just a stupid airhead brainwahed by some sociology professor at some junior college?
No citizen has any right to detain anyone with a firearm because they think they looked like someone on a video.

End of story.
they never tried to detain him,,,all he had to do was continue on his way,,,cause if he did and they tried to detain him he would be alive to file a complaint against them,,,

They were shouting at him to stop, chased him down in their trucks, got out in front of him and then emerged from the truck holding a shotgun.

Unless you’re a complete idiot, that’s attempting to detain someone
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

in this case both parties have fault,, but the death is a result of arbreys stupidity,,,
Legally it is. The only reason it’s an attempt is because he fought back.

Do we now fault people for acting in self defense? Do we now say people are stupid for defending themselves?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

Would they be in jail? I doubt it. The local prosecutor already was brushing this under the rug.

His actions are entirely consistent with self defense. Furthermore, the two accused murderer have demonstrated they were behaving outside the law and their legal rights. They are responsible for the outcome of a situation they created.
they were right up until the time abrey attacked them,,,

No they were not. They had no legal authority to approach him brandishing weapons. They had no justification to try and stop him. That means they were committing a crime even with the attempt. What is it called if a citizen holds you at gunpoint and refuses to let you leave when you have committed no crime? If you are a police officer protected by qualified immunity it is a bad or false arrest. What is it when a citizen does it?
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions

The only action they were sure he was doing was running. If he had run in any other direction but the road he would have been shot. Running in the road the truck can catch him. Running towards someone’s house in a neighborhood? One of those idiots would have shot him.

Nonsense....if being stupid was illegal you would get at least 20yrs.

How does anyone get so stupid? Do you take a stupid pill when you wake up in the morning?

Again........pointed out before.....but again since you obviously just post crap without checking out what has already been said....the father....the former policeman had investigated the black criminal back when he was a policeman....thus he recognized him on the video doing the he knew who he was dealing with.....a black criminal. (Though the media will not report that....they never can be counted on to report the truth.)

The black suspect would not have been shot if he had not attacked the guy with the shot gun....if they just wanted to shoot him they could have done that at any time.

Are you black or just a stupid airhead brainwahed by some sociology professor at some junior college?
No citizen has any right to detain anyone with a firearm because they think they looked like someone on a video.

End of story.
they never tried to detain him,,,all he had to do was continue on his way,,,cause if he did and they tried to detain him he would be alive to file a complaint against them,,,

They were shouting at him to stop, chased him down in their trucks, got out in front of him and then emerged from the truck holding a shotgun.

Unless you’re a complete idiot, that’s attempting to detain someone
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

in this case both parties have fault,, but the death is a result of arbreys stupidity,,,
Legally it is. The only reason it’s an attempt is because he fought back.

Do we now fault people for acting in self defense? Do we now say people are stupid for defending themselves?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

Would they be in jail? I doubt it. The local prosecutor already was brushing this under the rug.

His actions are entirely consistent with self defense. Furthermore, the two accused murderer have demonstrated they were behaving outside the law and their legal rights. They are responsible for the outcome of a situation they created.
they were right up until the time abrey attacked them,,,

No they were not. They had no legal authority to approach him brandishing weapons. They had no justification to try and stop him. That means they were committing a crime even with the attempt. What is it called if a citizen holds you at gunpoint and refuses to let you leave when you have committed no crime? If you are a police officer protected by qualified immunity it is a bad or false arrest. What is it when a citizen does it?
they never pointed a gun at him until he attacked them,,,at least thats how I've heard it so far
They didn't "follow" the the jogger. They cut in front of him and stopped, with a guy following from behind, with whom they must have been in communication. No one had the right the confront the jogger, only to report to the police if they found anything questionable.
We have freedom of speech Pal deal with it
What the hell does "freedom of speech" have to do with thugs blocking our Americans from living their daily lives? Does some pigfucker have the right to block me from returning from the grocery store, which I did a few hours earlier?
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Truths often emerge at critical moments....anyhow whats good for the goose is good for the gander...ya'll with the help of the fake news ....editing the video etc. have trashed two fine white men who were just acting as good citizens trying to help the police.

Ignoring the fact the black guy attacked the son and tried to wrest his weapon from him.

Also it seems very possible now that the black dude used jogging as a cover to scope out places to burglarize....which would also perhaps explain why he did not want to be questioned....which before seemed like a simple matter...stop and talk to the white guys .....but not so simple if he was a criminal...probably feared they had something on him...which also might have provoked his attack on the get his weapon and then kill both the white guys with the shotgun....yes the facts are coming in and they will alter everyone's pre-conceived notions of this black guy being as innocent as a baby striking this case is with the way the media is handling it in pretty much the same manner they handled the zimmmerman case.....they lost then...and it looks like they will lose again.

Even supposing that is true that doesn't in any remote way justify what occurred.

I have serious issues with armed vigilante citizens who perceive themselves to be judge-jury-executioner.
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
thats why he should have ran away and called the police,,,
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

Funny how the media keeps calling black burglary suspect 1 as a “jogger”.

Was he in actuality a burglary suspect? Were the police working on him as a suspect?
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Truths often emerge at critical moments....anyhow whats good for the goose is good for the gander...ya'll with the help of the fake news ....editing the video etc. have trashed two fine white men who were just acting as good citizens trying to help the police.

Ignoring the fact the black guy attacked the son and tried to wrest his weapon from him.

Also it seems very possible now that the black dude used jogging as a cover to scope out places to burglarize....which would also perhaps explain why he did not want to be questioned....which before seemed like a simple matter...stop and talk to the white guys .....but not so simple if he was a criminal...probably feared they had something on him...which also might have provoked his attack on the get his weapon and then kill both the white guys with the shotgun....yes the facts are coming in and they will alter everyone's pre-conceived notions of this black guy being as innocent as a baby striking this case is with the way the media is handling it in pretty much the same manner they handled the zimmmerman case.....they lost then...and it looks like they will lose again.

Most of us, even the racist Democrats here, pretty much knew that is how it would turn out. But the lynch mobs will still want to railroad these guys; leftists just can't have white people defending themselves from the waves of black violence and hate crimes.
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Truths often emerge at critical moments....anyhow whats good for the goose is good for the gander...ya'll with the help of the fake news ....editing the video etc. have trashed two fine white men who were just acting as good citizens trying to help the police.

Ignoring the fact the black guy attacked the son and tried to wrest his weapon from him.

Also it seems very possible now that the black dude used jogging as a cover to scope out places to burglarize....which would also perhaps explain why he did not want to be questioned....which before seemed like a simple matter...stop and talk to the white guys .....but not so simple if he was a criminal...probably feared they had something on him...which also might have provoked his attack on the get his weapon and then kill both the white guys with the shotgun....yes the facts are coming in and they will alter everyone's pre-conceived notions of this black guy being as innocent as a baby striking this case is with the way the media is handling it in pretty much the same manner they handled the zimmmerman case.....they lost then...and it looks like they will lose again.

Even supposing that is true that doesn't in any remote way justify what occurred.

I have serious issues with armed vigilante citizens who perceive themselves to be judge-jury-executioner.
when did they say they were going to try him and execute him???

they called the cops and wanted him to wait and talk to them,,,,
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Who said that this incident had anything to do with race at all?

Libs are saying it, but they already have a narrative that they are squeezing the facts into. Doesn't mean this is true.

Suppose the victim here had trash talked the shooter's mum? I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him

And people who would do that or think that is a good reason to murder have no right owning a firearm. Words aren't bullets.
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
thats why he should have ran away and called the police,,,
He did try to run away, if even if he didn’t, he has no obligation to. Georgia is a “stand your ground” state. Someone claiming self defense has no obligation to retreat. A policy that is lauded by the right.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

I'd really want to know what charges Mr. Arbery had before. This is interesting.

Serious enough charges that somebody who knew him and his record followed him, and rightly so.
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Who said that this incident had anything to do with race at all?

Libs are saying it, but they already have a narrative that they are squeezing the facts into. Doesn't mean this is true.

Suppose the victim here had trash talked the shooter's mum? I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him

And people who would do that or think that is a good reason to murder have no right owning a firearm. Words aren't bullets.

He wasn't murdered. Quit lying.
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
thats why he should have ran away and called the police,,,
He did try to run away, if even if he didn’t, he has no obligation to. Georgia is a “stand your ground” state. Someone claiming self defense has no obligation to retreat. A policy that is lauded by the right.

lol he charged a guy and tried to steal his firearm. That's obviously annoying to you racists who think white people should all be killed.
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions

The only action they were sure he was doing was running. If he had run in any other direction but the road he would have been shot. Running in the road the truck can catch him. Running towards someone’s house in a neighborhood? One of those idiots would have shot him.

Nonsense....if being stupid was illegal you would get at least 20yrs.

How does anyone get so stupid? Do you take a stupid pill when you wake up in the morning?

Again........pointed out before.....but again since you obviously just post crap without checking out what has already been said....the father....the former policeman had investigated the black criminal back when he was a policeman....thus he recognized him on the video doing the he knew who he was dealing with.....a black criminal. (Though the media will not report that....they never can be counted on to report the truth.)

The black suspect would not have been shot if he had not attacked the guy with the shot gun....if they just wanted to shoot him they could have done that at any time.

Are you black or just a stupid airhead brainwahed by some sociology professor at some junior college?
No citizen has any right to detain anyone with a firearm because they think they looked like someone on a video.

End of story.
they never tried to detain him,,,all he had to do was continue on his way,,,cause if he did and they tried to detain him he would be alive to file a complaint against them,,,

They were shouting at him to stop, chased him down in their trucks, got out in front of him and then emerged from the truck holding a shotgun.

Unless you’re a complete idiot, that’s attempting to detain someone
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

in this case both parties have fault,, but the death is a result of arbreys stupidity,,,
Legally it is. The only reason it’s an attempt is because he fought back.

Do we now fault people for acting in self defense? Do we now say people are stupid for defending themselves?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

Would they be in jail? I doubt it. The local prosecutor already was brushing this under the rug.

His actions are entirely consistent with self defense. Furthermore, the two accused murderer have demonstrated they were behaving outside the law and their legal rights. They are responsible for the outcome of a situation they created.
they were right up until the time abrey attacked them,,,

No they were not. They had no legal authority to approach him brandishing weapons. They had no justification to try and stop him. That means they were committing a crime even with the attempt. What is it called if a citizen holds you at gunpoint and refuses to let you leave when you have committed no crime? If you are a police officer protected by qualified immunity it is a bad or false arrest. What is it when a citizen does it?
they never pointed a gun at him until he attacked them,,,at least thats how I've heard it so far

What went on when the video could not record what went on between the armed gunman and the unarmed jogger behind the truck? Why was a driver in a second vehicle filming this situation? Who did the person in the second video know to film a recording of a jogger just jogging down a street?
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
we havent proven his life was in danger,,,thatas for a court to decide,,,

A person being pursued by three screaming men with firearms would be perceived as a life threatening situation by any reasonable person.
thats why he should have ran away and called the police,,,
He did try to run away, if even if he didn’t, he has no obligation to. Georgia is a “stand your ground” state. Someone claiming self defense has no obligation to retreat. A policy that is lauded by the right.
he didnt try hard enough,,,if it were me I would be in the next county long before they realized it,,,
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