New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
Since the McMichaels guns were inside their truck, it's doubtful that Arbery even knew they were there, while he was being chased. And even if he knew, there's no reason to think that the McMichaels were going to shoot him.

Lots of people know I have a gun in my pocket. They don't feel threatened by it. In fact, many feel comforted by it.

McMichael emerged from the truck with his shotgun clearly in his hands before the final confrontation.

That argument doesn’t get you very far.
You changed the subject. What I said stands intact. I was referring to your notion that "being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life." My point was that Arbery, while "being chased" (your words) may not have seen it that way.
Your refute attempt didn't get you very far.

And there was no reason for Arbery to see the shotgun as a threat to his life, at ANY time, unless it had been pointed at him, which nothing in the evidence indicates that ever happened.
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
and a stupid or guilty man attacks them instead of calling the cops himself,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense. You can call it stupid if you want, but that’s his right.
both partys did,,

its just his decision to attack ended with his death when running away wouldnt have,,,

to bad he didnt call the cops himself or run into a front yard of a house and yell for the police to be called,,,
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
your right arbry didnt have a right to attack them,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense.
of course he does,,,so does everyone else which was his mistake,,,he decide to attack someone that had a right to protect themselves,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
Since the McMichaels guns were inside their truck, it's doubtful that Arbery even knew they were there, while he was being chased. And even if he knew, there's no reason to think that the McMichaels were going to shoot him.

Lots of people know I have a gun in my pocket. They don't feel threatened by it. In fact, many feel comforted by it.

McMichael emerged from the truck with his shotgun clearly in his hands before the final confrontation.

That argument doesn’t get you very far.
You changed the subject. What I said stands intact. I was referring to your notion that "being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life." My point was that Arbery, while "being chased" (your words) may not have seen it that way.
Your refute attempt didn't get you very far.

And there was no reason for Arbery to see the shotgun as a threat to his life, at ANY time, unless it had been pointed at him, which nothing in the evidence indicates that ever happened.
Not sure what you mean.

Arbery knew he was being chased. He knew they had firearms.

That’s the reason to see it as a threat to his life.
according to the video he had several seconds to change directions again,,,but as we see he chose to attack instead of any rational option,,,

According tho the police report, by McMichaels own admission, the jogger had already tried to go the opposite way.

Also in the police report, and also by McMichaels own admission, they continued the hunt.

Runing away didn't work. And the men demonstrated that they were committed to the hunt.

When a man is being hunted by men with guns and running away doesn't work, he's left with two choices.

Either keep running, knowing it didn't work the first time, or you fight for your life and you try to kill the motherfucker who's hunting you.

BULLSHIT,,,running away always works,,,and you can see in the video he had a lot of options to run to that didnt include confrontation,,,

I also pulled up the area on google maps and have a lot of questions as to why he was even in that area,, and he had all kinds of places to run and hide and wait for the cops to get there after he called them,,,
No one can run away from a pickup retard
based on that comment youre the retard,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
Since the McMichaels guns were inside their truck, it's doubtful that Arbery even knew they were there, while he was being chased. And even if he knew, there's no reason to think that the McMichaels were going to shoot him.

Lots of people know I have a gun in my pocket. They don't feel threatened by it. In fact, many feel comforted by it.

McMichael emerged from the truck with his shotgun clearly in his hands before the final confrontation.

That argument doesn’t get you very far.
You changed the subject. What I said stands intact. I was referring to your notion that "being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life." My point was that Arbery, while "being chased" (your words) may not have seen it that way.
Your refute attempt didn't get you very far.

And there was no reason for Arbery to see the shotgun as a threat to his life, at ANY time, unless it had been pointed at him, which nothing in the evidence indicates that ever happened.
Not sure what you mean.

Arbery knew he was being chased. He knew they had firearms.

That’s the reason to see it as a threat to his life.
how do you know what he knew???

how about we stick with facts we know and not make shit up???
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
and a stupid or guilty man attacks them instead of calling the cops himself,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense. You can call it stupid if you want, but that’s his right.
both partys did,,

its just his decision to attack ended with his death when running away wouldnt have,,,

to bad he didnt call the cops himself or run into a front yard of a house and yell for the police to be called,,,
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
your right arbry didnt have a right to attack them,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense.
of course he does,,,so does everyone else which was his mistake,,,he decide to attack someone that had a right to protect themselves,,,

Both can’t claim self defense at the same time. McMichael created the situation, he is the aggressor.
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
Since the McMichaels guns were inside their truck, it's doubtful that Arbery even knew they were there, while he was being chased. And even if he knew, there's no reason to think that the McMichaels were going to shoot him.

Lots of people know I have a gun in my pocket. They don't feel threatened by it. In fact, many feel comforted by it.

McMichael emerged from the truck with his shotgun clearly in his hands before the final confrontation.

That argument doesn’t get you very far.
You changed the subject. What I said stands intact. I was referring to your notion that "being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life." My point was that Arbery, while "being chased" (your words) may not have seen it that way.
Your refute attempt didn't get you very far.

And there was no reason for Arbery to see the shotgun as a threat to his life, at ANY time, unless it had been pointed at him, which nothing in the evidence indicates that ever happened.
Not sure what you mean.

Arbery knew he was being chased. He knew they had firearms.

That’s the reason to see it as a threat to his life.
how do you know what he knew???

how about we stick with facts we know and not make shit up???

How could he not know? He’s not blind.

The trucks had cut him off several times. McMichael clearly had a shotgun in his hands.
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
The fact that the McMichaels chased Arbery, doesn't mean they caused Arbery to be shot. Only one person caused Arbery to be shot, and that is Arbery.

And yes >> "You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves." Which is why Arbery did not have a right to attack McMichael. .

If the McMichael’s hadn’t chased and confronted Arbery, they wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now.

Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
how do you know what he was thinking???

stick to facts and lets not just make shit up,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
and a stupid or guilty man attacks them instead of calling the cops himself,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense. You can call it stupid if you want, but that’s his right.
both partys did,,

its just his decision to attack ended with his death when running away wouldnt have,,,

to bad he didnt call the cops himself or run into a front yard of a house and yell for the police to be called,,,
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
your right arbry didnt have a right to attack them,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense.
of course he does,,,so does everyone else which was his mistake,,,he decide to attack someone that had a right to protect themselves,,,

Both can’t claim self defense at the same time. McMichael created the situation, he is the aggressor.
when did arbry tell you what he thought???

lying doesnt help your argument,,,
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
The fact that the McMichaels chased Arbery, doesn't mean they caused Arbery to be shot. Only one person caused Arbery to be shot, and that is Arbery.

And yes >> "You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves." Which is why Arbery did not have a right to attack McMichael. .

If the McMichael’s hadn’t chased and confronted Arbery, they wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now.

Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
how do you know what he was thinking???

stick to facts and lets not just make shit up,,,

A rational person would see armed men chasing you in this manner as a threat. I’m basing that on facts of the case.
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
The fact that the McMichaels chased Arbery, doesn't mean they caused Arbery to be shot. Only one person caused Arbery to be shot, and that is Arbery.

And yes >> "You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves." Which is why Arbery did not have a right to attack McMichael. .

If the McMichael’s hadn’t chased and confronted Arbery, they wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now.

Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
how do you know what he was thinking???

stick to facts and lets not just make shit up,,,

A rational person would see armed men chasing you in this manner as a threat. I’m basing that on facts of the case.
as we see arbry wasnt a rational person,,,a rational person would have called the cops,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
they have every right to follow who ever they want,,,and they never detained him,,,so stop lying,,,

Exadtly evidence that any arrest was made nor was there any attempt to make an arrest.

Some try to muddy the waters claiming they were attempting to make an illegal citizens arrest...but there is no evidence of such an attempt being made....even though I think they were entitled to do that....for whatever reason they did not do that....the black guy had a open road in front of him....he should have just kept jogging down that road....there was nothing to stop in no one was trying to stop him.
Not according to the original DA who stated that was precisely their apparent intent.

we arent talking about intent,,,that only applies if arbry didnt attack them and get killed for it,,,

It demonstrates that this was not a friendly encounter but one of force on the part of McMichaels, which makes the case of self defense for Arbery more consistent.
it proves the case arbry was a stupid fuck if he thought he could beat a guy with a gun,,,
he should have waited and let them detain him then he could have sued them if it ended up he was innocent,,,

Yeah, Arbery’s the stupid fuck for defending himself.

Meanwhile these two geniuses are spending the weekend in jail.

View attachment 333996
yes he is because hes now dead,,,when all he had to do was let them do their thing and if they were wrong he could sue the shit out of them,,,

And what if letting them do “their thing” meant they murder him?

I mean, listen to yourself. You’re saying that he should just submit to these guys?
as per the report they had plenty of time to kill him if they wanted to,,,so your saying that was their intent is the rantings of a racist,,,
Ah, you played the race card. That must mean you know you’re losing.

A reasonable person being chased by armed men would see that as a threat to their life.
and a stupid or guilty man attacks them instead of calling the cops himself,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense. You can call it stupid if you want, but that’s his right.
both partys did,,

its just his decision to attack ended with his death when running away wouldnt have,,,

to bad he didnt call the cops himself or run into a front yard of a house and yell for the police to be called,,,
The decision to go after him resulted in Arbery’s death. Had they not chased after him, never would have happened.

You don’t have a right to attack someone who is defending themselves.
your right arbry didnt have a right to attack them,,,
Arbery had a right to self defense.
of course he does,,,so does everyone else which was his mistake,,,he decide to attack someone that had a right to protect themselves,,,

Both can’t claim self defense at the same time. McMichael created the situation, he is the aggressor.
when did arbry tell you what he thought???

lying doesnt help your argument,,,
I’d love to ask him but he’s dead so we are forced to work through this without him.

McMichael created the situation, did he not?
Arbery wasn’t attacking someone defending themselves. He was attacking someone who was behaving in a threatening manner.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

Three men in two trucks shouting at you to stop and brandishing firearms.
I would have called the cops not attack them,,,

why didnt he call the cops???

Irrelevant. The question is whether Arbery had a right to self defense. If he did, the McMichael’s are done.
The fact that the McMichaels chased Arbery, doesn't mean they caused Arbery to be shot. Only one person caused Arbery to be shot, and that is Arbery.

The law in Georgia says you cannot claim self defense when you kill somebody when you are the aggressor and initiated the conflict. There is no debate as to who were the aggressors here. The dumbfuck Goober Jr got out of the truck and moved in the direction of unarmed Arbery with a goddamned shotgun at point blank range.

With what is known by watching the video Only hard core racists would declare that unarmed Arbery started the fight that resulted in his death.

(b) A person is not justified in using force under the circumstances specified in subsection (a) of this Code section if he:​

(3) Was the aggressor.​

When two men with guns and a pickup truck chase and harass an unarmed pedestrians on a public road causing no harm or threat to anyone, them order him to stop stop at gunpoint they are the aggressors and cowardly ignorant assholes as well.
Funny how the media keeps calling black burglary suspect 1 as a “jogger”.

Because that's what he was
Then what were all the calls to 9-1-1 for?

Why don't you ask the two racist bubbas who killed him?

Why don't you let the facts come out first before jumping to conclusions?

Granted it looks bad for dad and son but you're in the dark right now like everyone else.

I mean it's like you've never been wrong Mr Trump can't win.
Upon WHAT do you base this wild and reckless comment ? There's nothing in the police report or video to substantiate it.

False. The entire video substantiates the fact that two white goobers were using their pickup truck, a shotgun, and a handgun to threaten a black man was jogging on a public road.

Your view of that video is through the lens of white privilege that holds black Americans do not have the same civil rights as white Americans. You see nothing wrong with two white men threatening an innocent black man with a truck, a shotgun and a handgun and ordering him to stop and talk to them at gunpoint.

Black men do not have to take orders from white people in public. That was supposed to end years ago. It’s gonna take another generation or two to end this racism. And that is what is so sad about this.
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