New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Being armed is not necessarily the problem. Chasing a man down while armed presents a whole host of problems, especially if you have no idea whether or not the man you are chasing actually committed the crimes you think he did.

Also, I don’t know if the McMichaels usually went around armed as you do but it’s clear from their initial testimony that they specifically grabbed their weapons before setting out to accost Aubery.

Having said that, the way they went about this does not look good for them. They only had a suspicion that he was the burgler so they had no legal justification whatsoever for attempting to accost him at all.

It’s been pointed out many times that they called the cops. That’s all well and good except, they should have left it at that.
So what if they grabbed their guns before going out ? Their guns are for self-defense. This is something liberals can't seem to get focused to.

The suspicion the McMicheals had of Arbery as a burglar is plenty of legal justification for them to follow and accost him. And if you look up the word "accost" in the dictionary, you'll find it's not such a bad thing.

I'd say the way the McMichaels went about this, was just fine, and commendable, as they were concerned about crime in their community, and were getting off their duffs to do something about it

After they get cleared by a jury, they should be given a public service medal.

No. It wasn't. Their duty was to call the police and report their concern and let the police handle it. I'm sure they had phones, they could even have photographed him for evidenced if they were so concerned.

Killing an unarmed man is not commendable.
The video proves nothing, at least not what you think since you can't see exactly what occurred. What you CAN see is he tried to avoid them.
FALSE! Exactly the OPPOSITE of that, is what the video shows. It shows Arbery ATTACKING McMichaels, and repeatedly punching him. There is a good reason why Arbery got blasted to bits with that shotgun. Because he DESERVED it.


You can't see anything like that on the video.

Approx: 0:26

The video proves nothing, at least not what you think since you can't see exactly what occurred. What you CAN see is he tried to avoid them.
FALSE! Exactly the OPPOSITE of that, is what the video shows. It shows Arbery ATTACKING McMichaels, and repeatedly punching him. There is a good reason why Arbery got blasted to bits with that shotgun. Because he DESERVED it.

Absolutely and good riddance....far too many nutcases like that running around loose comitting mayhem. Proably never worked a day in his life. Stayed home with mama getting his food stamps and welfare check.

Nothing more than a parasite...and white working people have to support them with their taxes...outrageous.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

I pointed that out in the other thread. . . Old Lady said it didn't matter.

I thought it was relevant, as the father of the shooter knew who the guy was.

I thought there might be history there, since he was the one responsible for having him charged.
The video proves nothing, at least not what you think since you can't see exactly what occurred. What you CAN see is he tried to avoid them.
FALSE! Exactly the OPPOSITE of that, is what the video shows. It shows Arbery ATTACKING McMichaels, and repeatedly punching him. There is a good reason why Arbery got blasted to bits with that shotgun. Because he DESERVED it.


You can't see anything like that on the video.

Approx: 0:26

bwaaaaaaaaaaaa obviously you could not bring yourself to post the whole video....what does that say about you? What does it say about the MSM? Quite obvious ---neither of you want the truth exposed.....and then the source you quote claims the men drove up on the black guy and attacked him.....outrageous lie to the extreme.

When you watch the complete will easily see the truck is parked way ahead of the black will see the black guy jogging up to the truck going around the right side of the truck quickly veering to the left across the front of the truck and attacking the white guy.

The father remains in the bed of the truck and does not get out till the black guy is shot and killed...yet the msm claims he attacked the black guy....disgusting lie.

Unfortunately we see the media engage in these tactics time and again...just like in the Zimmerman case.

There should be a penalty for people posting lies on here.

Quite sad you would do that especially since you are part of the governing body so to speak....after posting a lie like that you should be forced to resign your post....just my humble opinion. hehheh
Being armed is not necessarily the problem. Chasing a man down while armed presents a whole host of problems, especially if you have no idea whether or not the man you are chasing actually committed the crimes you think he did.

Also, I don’t know if the McMichaels usually went around armed as you do but it’s clear from their initial testimony that they specifically grabbed their weapons before setting out to accost Aubery.

Having said that, the way they went about this does not look good for them. They only had a suspicion that he was the burgler so they had no legal justification whatsoever for attempting to accost him at all.

It’s been pointed out many times that they called the cops. That’s all well and good except, they should have left it at that.
So what if they grabbed their guns before going out ? Their guns are for self-defense. This is something liberals can't seem to get focused to.

The suspicion the McMicheals had of Arbery as a burglar is plenty of legal justification for them to follow and accost him. And if you look up the word "accost" in the dictionary, you'll find it's not such a bad thing.

I'd say the way the McMichaels went about this, was just fine, and commendable, as they were concerned about crime in their community, and were getting off their duffs to do something about it

After they get cleared by a jury, they should be given a public service medal.

No. It wasn't. Their duty was to call the police and report their concern and let the police handle it. I'm sure they had phones, they could even have photographed him for evidenced if they were so concerned.

Killing an unarmed man is not commendable.
They WERE letting the police handle it. They were doing nothing but catching up with the guy, which is commendable.

As for killing an unarmed man, this is another major understanding gap between liberals and conservatives. It is necessary when the unarmed man attacks with violence. That's his fault, nobody else. Self-defense law does not distinguish between armed or unarmed, and when the attacker is grappling with you for your gun, he is NOT UNARMED, he is armed with YOUR GUN, if you don't shoot him.

Also, unarmed people are shot all the time, properly, when they fail to keep their hands visible (something clueless liberal schools don't teach, which is probably why you don't know it) . I spoke about this further back in this thread, regarding police academy training, and my own National Guard training.

I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him
There are zero reasons that Ahmaud Arbery should have been chased followed, harassed, ordered to stop, or have two white men bring their guns to block him from jogging on a public road.

There can’t be that many cowards that would arm up and stalk an unarmed man who is doing nothing but out jogging in broad daylight.
Heads are going to roll in that police department where Goober Sr used to work.
zero reason that you are aware of from behind your computer,,,

IMO the best they will get is disorderly conduct and negligent homicide,,if they try for more these guys will walk,,,

Well they have been charged with murder....but by the time of the trial those charges may be reduced....what we see now is political theater....the local officials trying to keep the natives down on the reservation so to speak aka keep them from rioting, looting and burning.

It will be a tragic miscarriage of justice if they are convicted of anything....but it is a sign of the times we live in that there is often miscarriages of justice when it comes to whites using lethal force to defend themselves against black thugs and criminals.
What is "political theater" here? Two gunmen try to stop a guy jogging, with a third guy in a second vehicle filming the whole thing, with the jogger sandwiched between the gunmen's truck and a guy who just decided to start filming for no reason. Your "whites" were NOT "defending themselves." They were the instigators of this fatal encounter. I'm not black. I am of European background. I think that you are full of shit.

And that's just weird. Who is this person in a second vehicle?
if you educated yourself before talking about a subject you would know the answer to that,,,

They don't care about facts; the problem here is white people defending themselves from black criminals. This just can't be allowed or tolerated by the racists on the left, is all.
The video proves nothing, at least not what you think since you can't see exactly what occurred. What you CAN see is he tried to avoid them.
FALSE! Exactly the OPPOSITE of that, is what the video shows. It shows Arbery ATTACKING McMichaels, and repeatedly punching him. There is a good reason why Arbery got blasted to bits with that shotgun. Because he DESERVED it.


You can't see anything like that on the video.

Approx: 0:26

Here is the real video dear..........Just as I expected you obviously have never watched it or if you have you will not admit it.

It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

So what. He was doing nothing criminal when he was murdered.
Here is the real video dear..........Just as I expected you obviously have never watched it or if you have you will not admit it.

At 0:28 of this video, you can (one time) see Arbery punching McMicheal. I saw a video previously that showed Arbery punching McMicheal about 5 times, while they were struggling for possession of the shotgun, the battle of which was won by McMicheal.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

So what. He was doing nothing criminal when he was murdered.

Its called assault in the black guy was assaulting the white guy and he was not was a justifiable homicide. Murder is a legal term of which you do not know the meaning.
So what. He was doing nothing criminal when he was murdered.
When who was "murdered" ? Are you in the wrong thread ? NOBODY was "murdered" in this thread.

And the guy who was killed (in self-defense), was committing a violent criminal attack.
Here is the real video dear..........Just as I expected you obviously have never watched it or if you have you will not admit it.

At 0:28 of this video, you can (one time) see Arbery punching McMicheal. I saw a video previously that showed Arbery punching McMicheal about 5 times, while they were struggling for possession of the shotgun, the battle of which was won by McMicheal.

No wonder the media does not want people to see this video.....which proves they are lying when they claim the men drove up on the black dude and attacked him....outrageous lie....sounds like grounds for a lawsuit to me.

I hope they can come up with a good legal team...they should try and get the team that defended Zimmerman.
I expect this thread to be taken down soon......the liberals are looking very bad on the point of actual lying claiming the white guys drove up on the black guy and attacked him.....outrageous way this can stand up in court.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

I pointed that out in the other thread. . . Old Lady said it didn't matter.

I thought it was relevant, as the father of the shooter knew who the guy was.

I thought there might be history there, since he was the one responsible for having him charged.

Yes. He was a known criminal, and he certainly wasn't 'jogging' until he got caught at something he knew was criminal, and then tried to get away. He then gets angry and butt hurt because he's being tailed, by someone he knows, and decides to assault one of them. It's clear these guys should never be charged with anything, and the only reason they are is the wailing of the lynch mob whining because white people defended themselves from a obviously violent black thug all mad n stuff because he got caught at something. The lynch mob is just angry because they hate white people being armed and able to defend themselves, is all. They desperately need to ruin and hopefully get these guys killed in prison to send a message that self-defense is a crime when committed by white people.
Keep in mind that protectionist and MacTheKnife are posters that blamed the crowd for the Charlottesville driver killing a woman and injuring others. I wouldn’t take their opinions on this too seriously. ;)

Let's keep in mind that the left wing really hates it when white people defend themselves from violent criminal minorities and will try and railroad those who defend themselves into prison.
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