New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Murder and aggravated assault.

the jogger goes around the right side of the truck veers left all the way over to where the guy with the shotgun is and attacks him....the moment of the attackcan be seen and thus it cannot be denied.

The “attack” is from the two white men with a truck parked in the road, brandishing weapons and obstructing the victim’s path, trying to force an unarmed black jogger to obey their command to stop and talk to them.

That’s why;
So what if he confronted him with a shotgun ? He's entitled to have a shotgun to defend himself from violent criminals- which is exactly what he did.

There is nothing in the video that suggests Arbery was a criminal or violent in any way. Jogging while black is not a crime.

And no your asshole hero is not entitled to stand in the middle of the road with a shotgun telling a passerby that he has to stop

That’s why;
And just because you don't know somebodys intentions, doesn;t give you the right to attack and start punching them.

Apparently if Arbery did attack Goober II before being shot at or shot he was within his rights to defend himself by rushing the gunman to disarm him.

That’s why;

Yep....they were on their way to confront a black criminalsuspect.....not knowing if the suspect was armed or not out of prudence they took their weapons to defend themselves if need be.

Entirely legal and very prudent.

Confronting Arbery as seen in the video, backed by the threat of lethal force to make him stop running is neither legal or prudent.

That’s why; cannot defend someone who attacks someone with a shotgun .....

if unarmed Arbery decided to rush one of his attackers who was armed with a shotgun, before or after said gunman fired a shot as his best chance to save his own life, that was his choice. That the attempt at self defense failed does not absolve the gunmen for being the aggressors and the originators of a conflict that resulted in the wrongful death of Ahmaud Arberry for jogging while black.

That’s why;
though at least these guys have a video of the black guy attacking....not a innocent victim...a criminal guilty of assault just like Trayvon but with visual proof in this case.

No, they have a video that shows they were trying to stop an unarmed jogger by using the threat of lethal force that ended in a wrongful death that wouid not have happened if they had decided to not be gun toting assholes setting up roadblocks to stop an unarmed jogger in order to force him to be detained for no reason until police would arrive.

For all Arbery knew their intent was to lynch him or tie him to the back of the truck and drag him.

That’s why;

FALSE! Exactly the OPPOSITE of that, is what the video shows. It shows Arbery ATTACKING McMichaels, and repeatedly punching him. There is a good reason why Arbery got blasted to bits with that shotgun. Because he DESERVED it.

Apparently the GBI says you are wrong:

That’s why;
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Apparently the GBI says you are wrong:

That’s why;
Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.
Apparently the GBI says you are wrong:

That’s why;
Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

Isn't it outrageous how practically all of the media is in lockstep with those who want to lie and legally lynch a couple of good citizens trying to protect their community......our msm is nothing more than an enemy of the people promoting lies and very flagrant in the way they do so.....actually saying stuff like the 2 guys drove up to the jogger and attacked him....when the video clearly shows that is not what happend.....apparantly they lerned nothing from their attempt to lynch Zimmerman.....more than anthing after Trump gets re-elected and hopefully gains control of congress....we need congressional herings about how treasonous our msm has become...we need a free media but we also need a honest media which we do not have...that should not be tolerated.

At President Trump said the media is the enemy of the people.....truer words were never said.
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All the guy had to do was keep on 'jogging'; nobody tried to stop him from doing that. He chose to attack an armed individual.

All they had to do was call the police and follow him.

That's what they were doing; he ran up and attacked them, not the other way around. They were on a public road, and had every right to be there.
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.
BULLSHIT,,,running away always works

Well, that doesn't appear to be the case, if we go by McMichael's statements to police in the police report.

He ran the opposite direction.

They followed.

He died.
He died because he attacked someone with a shotgun
He wouldn’t have attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing him with a shotgun.
That makes no sense

people dont chase other people with a shotgun

they either shoot them or they dont

the jogger had to attack the man with the shotgun for them to have been wrestling over the weapon

It makes perfect sense. Arbery would have not attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing them with guns.

If the McMichaels hadn’t grabbed their guns to run down this man, none of this would have ever happened.

You know I’m right.
I dont disagree

but the black jogger would still be alive if he hadnt tried to take the shotgun away

it was a fatal mistake on his part
they called the cops and wanted him to wait and talk to them,,,,

When Arbery refused to stop or comply with illegal and immoral demands by two armed white men, it should have been the end of it. That’s if you believe Arbery has the same rights and freedoms as the two white men who killed him because he refused to comply with their criminal demand to ‘stop and wait’. You apparently suffer from the same concept that White Privilege is a privilege that needs to be maintained.

The killers had all the options to de-escalate the situation if they truly, but ridiculously wanted the police to talk to him about a crime they did not see him commit.

The video shows Arbery jogging. That is cIear in the video. There is no indication that he was trying to flee the two goons who were attacking him until Goober Jr got out of the truck and Approached him. . I doubt he could run faster than the truck. The killers could have simply followed a jogger and reported his location to the police.

But if the cops did their job they would have asked the Goobers if they Witnessed a felony. When they said “no”the cops shouid have said take your guns and go home before someone gets hurt.
there was nothing illegal or immoral about what they did,,,
I wont bother reading the rest of your rant,,,

Actually they committed the crimes. The McMorons were brandishing firearms. That is illegal in Georgia. Brandishing is defined as handling weapons in a dangerous manner.

So the McMorons committed a Felony. Just getting out of the truck to confront the jogger they committed a Felony. Dad committed it in the back of the truck waving his gun around. Aggravated Assault. Felony.

In Georgia it is legal to pull your firearm only in self defense while in public. The McMorons were the criminals. From the moment they began to chase the Jogger they were acting in a criminal manner.

Sorry. But the law is pretty clear on this. The only reason they were not charged was the Good Old Boy Network.

It is no different than the us versus them cliques in any area. The cops are special. We take care of our own. It is telling that the GBI made an arrest about ten minutes after arriving. It was obvious that the McMorons had committed numerous crimes.

These are things that any even moderately intelligent concealed weapons permit holder learns. You do not pull your weapon except as a last resort. If you do you are going to jail.

They are talking about changing the law. Because right now if I pull my weapon and the guy attacking me stops and I do not fire I have still technically broken the law. It is unlikely that I would be convicted. Unlikely that I would be indicted. But it is possible.

The only defense is that it was reasonable to pull your firearm when you pulled it. However when you pulled it the situation changed and it was now unreasonable to fire.

It was not reasonable to be in the back of the truck with the weapon in hand. It was not reasonable to exit the truck with the weapon in hand. It was not self defense. No claim of self defense can be claimed when you initiate the violence. It was not stand your ground. It can not be stand your ground when you pursue someone.

I know this is hard to hear. But by Georgia laws. By common sense and any definition of reasonable. The McMorons were the Felons.
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

BULLSHIT,,,running away always works

Well, that doesn't appear to be the case, if we go by McMichael's statements to police in the police report.

He ran the opposite direction.

They followed.

He died.
He died because he attacked someone with a shotgun
He wouldn’t have attacked them if they hadn’t been chasing him with a shotgun.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa tooo friggin the video you will see the truckis parked way ahead of the jogger who jogs up to the truck goes to the right around the truck and immediately veers left to attack the white guy....clearly visible...look through the windshield and you will see the black guy running across the front of the truck to attack the white guy...cannot be denied....though many have tried.
Arbery had attempted to avoid confrontation multiple times. Only after the McMichael’s cut him off and brandished forearms did Arbery attack.

Out of self defense.
Don’t know. Several possibilities. Why do it again if it failed to work? They were still pursuing him after trying to run away, they clearly weren’t giving up. Maybe the fact that McMichaels was attempting to confront him with a shotgun had something to do with it.
So what if he confronted him with a shotgun ? He's entitled to have a shotgun to defend himself from violent criminals- which is exactly what he did.

He confronted him with a shotgun making him the aggressor.

if you were being chased by several armed me screaming at you to shout, would you consider it a threat?
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?

There was no intent to harass......all they wanted to do was to find out if this guy was a burglar or not....they wanted to talk to him and try and get to the bottom of it.....was he up to no good or not.

They stated they wanted to do a citizens arrest but for whatever reason they did not attempt that.

When the jogger got to the truck the father in the back did not even get out but remained there...showed no inclination to try and arrest or detain the jogger

Then suddenly the jogger turns into an attacker....why?...can be debated but there really is no rational can only conjecture as to why he would do that.
You have no right to stop and question anyone you choose. Neither do people in Georgia. The killers said that their intent was to perform a citizens arrest which was illegal without probable cause of which there was none then or now.

You are chasing your own tail in this thread and will never succeed
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
And the citizen is going to spend the rest of his life in the pokey with his hero Leroy

Life is great sometimes
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
And the citizen is going to spend the rest of his life in the pokey with his hero Leroy

Life is great sometimes
Yeah, maybe he'll be cellies with Zimmerman. Ooops, another state.

Another dead thug? So what?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?
I explained to this idiot what the 1st amendment says, then they said 2nd amendment.

Great news, they just let minor drug offense criminals out of the prison to make room for murderers

Karma does happen sometimes
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
Happened in Florida too. Dumb thugs.
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
And the citizen is going to spend the rest of his life in the pokey with his hero Leroy

Life is great sometimes
Yeah, maybe he'll be cellies with Zimmerman. Ooops, another state.

Another dead thug? So what?
Zimmerman was Florida's fault for giving a gun to a stalker who did nothing but watch cop shows on TV when he was not stalking
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
And the citizen is going to spend the rest of his life in the pokey with his hero Leroy

Life is great sometimes
Yeah, maybe he'll be cellies with Zimmerman. Ooops, another state.

Another dead thug? So what?
Zimmerman was Florida's fault for giving a gun to a stalker who did nothing but watch cop shows on TV when he was not stalking
Another dead thug? So what? The world is a better place without them.
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed. Same thing with the cop in Ferguson, Missouri. Many Afro Americans simply cannot comprehend White citizens will defend themselves when they are assaulted even when the White citizens are obviously armed.
And the citizen is going to spend the rest of his life in the pokey with his hero Leroy

Life is great sometimes
Yeah, maybe he'll be cellies with Zimmerman. Ooops, another state.

Another dead thug? So what?
Zimmerman was Florida's fault for giving a gun to a stalker who did nothing but watch cop shows on TV when he was not stalking
Another dead thug? So what? The world is a better place without them.
Actually there are two thugs here and they are going to plead down to life in prison to avoid lethal injection.

It however is not clear how long life in prison will be for these clowns

Karma is great
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