New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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However what I don't like about this character who got shot was the smiling picture which makes him look innocent in the story. Sort of like the misleading pic of Trayvon that was shown. Since the victim here has a criminal record, why didn't they show his official Mug Shot instead of a high school yearbook pic
However what I don't like about this character who got shot was the smiling picture which makes him look innocent in the story. Sort of like the misleading pic of Trayvon that was shown. Since the victim here has a criminal record, why didn't they show his official Mug Shot instead of a high school yearbook pic

That is a problem, as this kind of picture tends to taint the jury pool and more importantly public opinion. The defendants here are entitled by law to a fair trial and a presumption of evidence and I'm sure they will get it in Georgia. But this is directly toward radical gangs, that the media would love to have riot over an acquittal. Riots really build up audiences and money. I remember the coverage and the ad revenue that CNN got in Ferguson and Baltimore when they scheduled Riots there and put them on TV. Numerous oriental merchants got wiped the fuck out, and just so CNN could sell commercial time by broadcasting their grief.
The Afro American criminal attacked a citizen who was armed

The only criminals at the scene and on the day ttat Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed were white.

That is true even if Arbery attempted to disarm one of the gunmen who was illegally ordering to stop at the roadblock they set up.

The video is not conclusive that Arbery rushed the white goon before the first shot was fired.

It is more probable that white MAGA Goon Jr positioned himself across the double yellow line far enough to block Arbery’s oath with shotgun pointed toward Arbery and fired the first shot, and then Arbery continued as Junior backed across the double yellow line to try to disarm him. It was his only option at that point once the ambush was set with MAGA Goon Sr. Set up to video record the plan to shoot if the jogger did not stop on their white privilege right to stop a running negro for any reason they see necessary.

That means Junior shot before Arberry tried to take the Shotgun.

Top photo red arrow shows the point where Arbery’s shadow disappears from view. The first gun shot Is heard.

Middie photo red arrow shows Junior’s position I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. He was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot

Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as Goon Jr is retreating after firing a shot.

and the older goon was Making a Video of just dumbass Coward son shooting an unarmed jogger he tried to block.

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When I say “stupid” I mean their actions were stupid. Even if the guy had been white, their actions were reckless. And now a man is dead because of their recklessness.

By choosing to chase the guy down and to do so while armed, they introduced an element of danger to the situation that was completely unnecessary, given that the alleged crime was simple burglery and the guy was not exhibiting threatening behavior to them or anyone else.
You act like chasing the guy down and being armed is something unusual. I carry a gun every minute of every day while I'm outside. So what ?

Arbery is dead because of HIS recklessness and criminal violence, nothing else.

Being armed is not necessarily the problem. Chasing a man down while armed presents a whole host of problems, especially if you have no idea whether or not the man you are chasing actually committed the crimes you think he did.

Also, I don’t know if the McMichaels usually went around armed as you do but it’s clear from their initial testimony that they specifically grabbed their weapons before setting out to accost Aubery.

Having said that, the way they went about this does not look good for them. They only had a suspicion that he was the burgler so they had no legal justification whatsoever for attempting to accost him at all.

It’s been pointed out many times that they called the cops. That’s all well and good except, they should have left it at that.

For the umpteenth time they did nothing is not illegal to follow or chase someone. It is not illegal in Georgia to possess firearms......tell us exactly what you think they did that was illegal?

I never said that what they did was illegal, I said it was stupid.

Strictly speaking, according to Georgia state laws, everything they did up to the first shot may have been entirely legal. But given that a man is dead, I personally don’t think their choices were very wise.

This entire case revolves around Aubery’s possible culpability in the burgleries and whether or not the McMichaels knew it. They did not know if he was the burgler and Aubery was not exhibiting threatening behavior so they had no justification for attempting to accost him.

Aubery only attacked after the McMichaels tried twice to head him off and accost him. I might have done the same in that situation.
Strictly speaking, according to Georgia state laws, everything they did up to the first shot may have been entirely legal.

It was not. Not even close. They needed to witness a felony themselves by the one they were confronting. There was no felony until they brandished their weapons against a Man who was jogging while black..

The road block and ambush they set was massively illegal. See my post before this one.

This is a hate crime in my opinion.
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.
Strictly speaking, according to Georgia state laws, everything they did up to the first shot may have been entirely legal.

It was not. Not even close. They needed to witness a felony themselves by the one they were confronting. There was no felony until they brandished their weapons against a Man who was jogging while black..

The road block and ambush they set was massively illegal. See my post before this one.

This is a hate crime in my opinion.
based on what you just said your opinion is shit,,,

you need to get a dictionary and learn the meaning of road block and ambush,,,
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?

There was no intent to harass......all they wanted to do was to find out if this guy was a burglar or not....they wanted to talk to him and try and get to the bottom of it.....was he up to no good or not.

They stated they wanted to do a citizens arrest but for whatever reason they did not attempt that.

When the jogger got to the truck the father in the back did not even get out but remained there...showed no inclination to try and arrest or detain the jogger

Then suddenly the jogger turns into an attacker....why?...can be debated but there really is no rational can only conjecture as to why he would do that.
You have no right to stop and question anyone you choose. Neither do people in Georgia. The killers said that their intent was to perform a citizens arrest which was illegal without probable cause of which there was none then or now.

You are chasing your own tail in this thread and will never succeed

He wasn't stopped and detained, idiot. He raced up to the truck and attacked the guy with the shotgun. No way they will get convicted, unless they get an all black jury made up of the racist relatives of career criminals, which of course is what your ilk hopes happens. If they were out to murder the idiot, he would have been dead a long way back up the road, dumbass; certainly dead long before he got up to the truck.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
The 2nd amendment allows people with guns to chase innocent joggers down?
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
The 2nd amendment allows people with guns to chase innocent joggers down?
Being armed is not necessarily the problem. Chasing a man down while armed presents a whole host of problems, especially if you have no idea whether or not the man you are chasing actually committed the crimes you think he did.

Also, I don’t know if the McMichaels usually went around armed as you do but it’s clear from their initial testimony that they specifically grabbed their weapons before setting out to accost Aubery.

Having said that, the way they went about this does not look good for them. They only had a suspicion that he was the burgler so they had no legal justification whatsoever for attempting to accost him at all.

It’s been pointed out many times that they called the cops. That’s all well and good except, they should have left it at that.
So what if they grabbed their guns before going out ? Their guns are for self-defense. This is something liberals can't seem to get focused to.

I’m a conservative and registered Republican.

The suspicion the McMicheals had of Arbery as a burglar is plenty of legal justification for them to follow and accost him. And if you look up the word "accost" in the dictionary, you'll find it's not such a bad thing.

They may or may not have had justification to be armed and perhaps follow the guy to observe him. However, they did more than this; they actively attempted to stop and restrain him and restrict his movement. I don’t believe they had legal justification for this based on a mere suspicion. Maybe the law says otherwise, I don’t know. And even if their intent was only to talk to him, the way they went about it, it would have appeared to Aubery that they were attempting to restrict his free movement.

I'd say the way the McMichaels went about this, was just fine, and commendable, as they were concerned about crime in their community, and were getting off their duffs to do something about it

After they get cleared by a jury, they should be given a public service medal.

Perhaps. But I have to ask an important question: If Aubery had stopped and talked to them and answered their questions and said “I’m not your guy. Fuck off.”, what were they prepared to do at that point? They would have had no legal justification to take it any further at that point anyway.
Actually there are two thugs here and they are going to plead down to life in prison to avoid lethal injection.

It however is not clear how long life in prison will be for these clowns

Karma is great
This must be your first rodeo.
Ask the FBI about my riding skills..............................

Flynn is innocent, but was is and always will be a moron
But it does make the attackers guilty. And it should serve as a lesson for the next delusional dolt who sees himself as the vigilante for the hood.
There ARE NO "attackers".. The only attacker (as shown by the video) is Arbery. And the only lesson is that in communities with sizable black voting populations, you can't rely on the politicans and police to back you up, for your legal rights of self-defense, if/whenever the person attacking you is black.

I wonder how many of these "Blame the white guy" cases there now have been in America. Must be 100, just since the Zimmerman fiasco.

No you see the aggressor is the two idiots who grabbed their guns and went to chase Ahmad down.
Ok. Let’s review. Self Defense does not apply when you chase the guy down. It is not stand your ground when you are the aggressor. Any questions?
Yeah, let's review.
Simply going to somebody to ask some questions, isn't being an aggressor.

Firing a gun when somebody (Arbery) is attacking you with their fists, is stand your ground self-defense.

What incompetency the schools are exhibiting these days. Sad.

OK. Let’s say you are running down the street. A Pick Up drives around you and two black guys get out with shotguns. Are you being attacked? Are they being aggressive?
I’d run the other way!
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
The 2nd amendment allows people with guns to chase innocent joggers down?
Well at least at Klan events, yea
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