New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?
At what time in the video do you contend the first shot was fired? must be looking at a different video.

Either that or somehow the timing of your photos got messed up.

i slow it down and pause / play forward and reverse before the shot and after
the shot is heard. it occurs in split seconds between Arbery’s shadow disappearing and Cooter’ white hat being visible through the windshield.

You can’t see Cooter crossing the line and his hat moving to the right / but he was moving. And what you See of Cooter in contact with his victim is both men moving to the left to a point when they both leave view and the second shot is fired and you can see a puff of smoke.

There is no shot fired when both men are near the double yellow line. the shot was fired when Cooter’s hat was seen through the windshield and from there Cooter started backing up to the left

I am certain that Cooter was moving toward Arbery and moving to the right when he fired the first shot - perhaps a warning? but he was not standing still with his gun pointing down willing to let Arbery pass by without stopping as they were yelling for him to STOP.

when you see the old man aiming the camera straight ahead everything comes together.
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Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.

lol you claiming they're public property, and black people get to help themselves to whatever they 'find' there? lol you truly are a Democrat.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
good thing he never pointed his gun then. it's obvious you didn't watch the video evidence.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
good thing he never pointed his gun then. it's obvious you didn't watch the video evidence.

I did, so did the GBI. Which is why they are under arrest.
At what time in the video do you contend the first shot was fired? must be looking at a different video.

Either that or somehow the timing of your photos got messed up.

i slow it down and pause / play forward and reverse before the shot and after
the shot is heard. it occurs in split seconds between Arbery’s shadow disappearing and Cooter’ white hat being visible through the windshield.

You can’t see Cooter crossing the line and his hat moving to the right / but he was moving. And what you See of Cooter in contact with his victim is both men moving to the left to a point when they both leave view and the second shot is fired and you can see a puff of smoke.

There is no shot fired when both men are near the double yellow line. the shot was fired when Cooter’s hat was seen through the windshield and from there Cooter started backing up to the left

I am certain that Cooter was moving toward Arbery and moving to the right when he fired the first shot - perhaps a warning? but he was not standing still with his gun pointing down willing to let Arbery pass by without stopping as they were yelling for him to STOP.

when you see the old man aiming the camera straight ahead everything comes together.
the hat never gets to the windshield, I submitted your photo, highlighted the hat and the shirt. The hat never made it passed the driver side window. So, you're making things up.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
good thing he never pointed his gun then. it's obvious you didn't watch the video evidence.

I did, so did the GBI. Which is why they are under arrest.
nope, they're under arrest because media pressure. that's all. the courts will get this straight just like with travon martin. you remember how the court ruled there right? same thing. precedence.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
good thing he never pointed his gun then. it's obvious you didn't watch the video evidence.

I did, so did the GBI. Which is why they are under arrest.
nope, they're under arrest because media pressure. that's all. the courts will get this straight just like with travon martin. you remember how the court ruled there right? same thing. precedence.

Travon was killed in Florida. This is Georgia. Different states. Different laws. I know this is hard for you to understand. But each state has different laws. In Georgia no matter what color the victim was this was a crime.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis/running shoes.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis shoes.

the photo I posted shows boots. just commenting on what was provided.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
good thing he never pointed his gun then. it's obvious you didn't watch the video evidence.

I did, so did the GBI. Which is why they are under arrest.
nope, they're under arrest because media pressure. that's all. the courts will get this straight just like with travon martin. you remember how the court ruled there right? same thing. precedence.

Travon was killed in Florida. This is Georgia. Different states. Different laws. I know this is hard for you to understand. But each state has different laws. In Georgia no matter what color the victim was this was a crime.
they have very similar laws. again, get out over your skis, it makes no difference to me you're always wrong.
This is obviously a case of manslaughter.

The dude with the shotgun, who shouldnt have had it in the first place, had his gun grabbed by the other man and a fight began over the shotgun.

From the moment the jogger grabbed the gun the gunman was in a no win situation and an unintended death occured.

This is another case of anti-gun, anti-self defense ideologues trying to make the case in peoples minds that it is never justified to shoot in self defense.

HANDS UP! DONT SHOOT! all over again.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis shoes.

the photo I posted shows boots. just commenting on what was provided.

That photo was shopped.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis shoes.

the photo I posted shows boots. just commenting on what was provided.

Look at 1:47 of the video. Sneakers for sure. It also shows Arbery not taking anything, which we know he didn't. The owners of the house said they don't know the McMichaels and would never condone the vigilante justice that occurred here. They had no idea he was even in the construction area which means the McMichaels were acting on their own and performing an illegal citizens arrest for a guy that didn't do anything wrong.

Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Okay but the goobers didn’t run up on AA. AA ran up on them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t run toward men with guns. Do you?

The Goobers in their own statement took off in the truck to catch and detain Ahmad. So yeah. They ran up on him.
Detain is much different from murder

Murder has varying circumstances in Georgia as in many places. From premeditated. To in the commission of a crime. A robber who does not plan to kill the clerk can still face Murder charges. If the McMorons plea deal it will be Involuntary Manslaughter if they are lucky. But in Georgia you can face Murder charges over an argument gone wrong. Even if you never intended to kill anyone.

If it is decided that the McMorons were committing a Felony in trying to stop or detain Ahmad, they could still face Murder charges even absent the intent when they set out.

Y’all need to realize that Georgia laws may be different than the laws where you are from. What may be called Murder in the third degree in your state is just plain murder in Georgia.
just post the felony the two goobers broke. Can you post that?

Attempted Kidnapping. Aggravated Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. All before Ahmad ran around the truck.

How did they attempt to kidnap him? How did they assault him? Anyone that lives in Georgia should know it is legal to carry guns around.

But yes............Ahmad did run around the truck and assault a guy with a shot-gun....the former D.A. thought his mental history had something to do with his agressiveness...I would not doubt that.

People need to read the links provided. Under Georgia law it is a felony to point your gun at someone. The only way to avoid prosecution is self defense. McMoron Junior broke the law when he got out of the truck with the shotgun. McMoron Senior broke the law in the back of the truck. This means they committed the first Felony. Not Ahmad.

This also means that the McMorons can not claim Self Defense.
you just contradicted yourself,,,

you said he needed too point the gun at him to make it a crime and then said all he did was get out of the truck with the gun and that was illegal,,
so which is it

if anything the self defense started when arbrey turned and attacked mcmoron jr,,,
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

View attachment 334767

Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis shoes.

the photo I posted shows boots. just commenting on what was provided.

Look at 1:47 of the video. Sneakers for sure. It also shows Arbery not taking anything, which we know he didn't. The owners of the house said they don't know the McMichaels and would never condone the vigilante justice that occurred here. They had no idea he was even in the construction area which means the McMichaels were acting on their own and performing an illegal citizens arrest for a guy that didn't do anything wrong.

maybe that isn't AA. maybe it was really another day. I can only comment on the video footage from the truck and what he had on there, and it's what looks like high ankle boots. sorry. My eyes are really good.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.

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Please explain how the police managed to miss that he was wearing construction boots. They said Nike sneakers/running shoes.

What reason did the local police have to lie? Are you saying they're leftists? If so, why didn't they arrest the McMichaels?

look like boots in the video. can only call what I see.

He is most definitely not wearing construction boots. Tennis shoes.

the photo I posted shows boots. just commenting on what was provided.

That photo was shopped.

yeah, no. how do you know he didn't change his shoes? he took his shirt off, so undressing and redressing he was doing.
This is obviously a case of manslaughter.

The dude with the shotgun, who shouldnt have had it in the first place, had his gun grabbed by the other man and a fight began over the shotgun.

From the moment the jogger grabbed the gun the gunman was in a no win situation and an unintended death occured.

This is another case of anti-gun, anti-self defense ideologues trying to make the case in peoples minds that it is never justified to shoot in self defense.

HANDS UP! DONT SHOOT! all over again.

[/B] Sorry. The guy with the gun had no business getting in the truck to chase down Ahmad. Daddy had no business getting in the back of the truck to chase him down. That means from the moment they tried to stop Ahmad they were the felons. The criminals. By Georgia law. Ahmad could have beaten them to death legally. They were the aggressors. They were the attackers.

Let me ask you this. A Black Guy won’t let a white woman pass. He is trying to detain her because he thinks she might be a prostitute. The woman Tries to kick him in the balls and she is shot and killed. Who is the criminal?

In that case the Black Guy. Not because he is black or she is a woman. But because he had no legal authority to stop the woman. He can not claim self defense because he was engaged in the criminal activity. Otherwise every robber who kills a clerk would claim self defense.

The commission of a crime. The felony Aggravated Assault means it was not self defense. At that point in time the person who could and was acting in self defense was Ahmad.
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