New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Absolute can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line....

You are blind then.

I posted this days ago:

Middie photo red arrow shows Junior’s position I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. He was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot

Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as Goon Jr is retreating after firing a shot.

and the older goon was Making a Video of

A shot was fired before this

COOTER Is at least one big step to the right on another frame.

his white hat is all that can be seen through the windshield

if you want to see that photo I’ll send it to you.

He is vjearly over double yellow line right before your eyes .

Why do you say this

“ can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line...”
them sitting in jail right now facing murder chargers says otherwise,,,,

and based on the events being in broad daylight and no proof their lives were in danger just adds to their guilt,,,
No, it does not say otherwise, and you apparently are completely unaware of the most important factor of this entire case, and that is the racial politics. THAT is what has put the McMichaels duo in jail, not the events.

As for their lives being in danger, getting ready to confront a known criminal certainly would be a "lives in danger" situation, and the punches Arbery threw on the video, well bears that out. Even if Arbery were not a known criminal, what's wrong with having your gun ready to defend yourself if need be ?

I carry a pistol in my pocket every day, without any anticipation of danger or trouble. It's just the correct and safe thing to do. If every law-abiding person would do that, we'd have less mass shootings, and less crime.
Absolute can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line....

You are blind then.

I posted this days ago:

Middie photo red arrow shows Junior’s position I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. He was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot

Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as Goon Jr is retreating after firing a shot.

and the older goon was Making a Video of

A shot was fired before this

COOTER Is at least one big step to the right on another frame.

his white hat is all that can be seen through the windshield

if you want to see that photo I’ll send it to you.

He is vjearly over double yellow line right before your eyes .

Why do you say this

“ can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line...”
actually, the kid's foot is on the double yellow line, he is most likely less than three feet from his truck's front end if that. His momentum in your picture is him moving backward. And there is only one arrow. And in that one arrow, the white shirt is on top of the dude with the gun. there is no actual separation. you're wrong in every thing afterward.
He is vjearly over double yellow line right before your eyes .
What the hell does this double yellow line have to do with this? McMicheal DID NOT BLOCK ARBERY'S PATH. He was 6 feet away. Arbery could have kept going straight, if he had chosen to. That's the key to this, not your double yellow line.
He is vjearly over double yellow line right before your eyes .
What the hell does this double yellow line have to do with this? McMicheal DID NOT BLOCK ARBERY'S PATH. He was 6 feet away. Arbery could have kept going straight, if he had chosen to. That's the key to this, not your double yellow line.
and in his own snap shot, the guy with the gun is being pushed backward by the guy in the white shirt. It's in his own post. hilarious he sees something that's not there. even pointed an arrow at the white shirt. so we can see the aggressor moving the big kid backward.
Absolute can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line....

You are blind then.

I posted this days ago:

Middie photo red arrow shows Junior’s position I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. He was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot

Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as Goon Jr is retreating after firing a shot.

and the older goon was Making a Video of

A shot was fired before this

COOTER Is at least one big step to the right on another frame.

his white hat is all that can be seen through the windshield

if you want to see that photo I’ll send it to you.

He is vjearly over double yellow line right before your eyes .

Why do you say this

“ can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line...”
and you admit the guy in the truck bed had a camera and not a gun. so again, no threat.
them sitting in jail right now facing murder chargers says otherwise,,,,

and based on the events being in broad daylight and no proof their lives were in danger just adds to their guilt,,,
No, it does not say otherwise, and you apparently are completely unaware of the most important factor of this entire case, and that is the racial politics. THAT is what has put the McMichaels duo in jail, not the events.

As for their lives being in danger, getting ready to confront a known criminal certainly would be a "lives in danger" situation, and the punches Arbery threw on the video, well bears that out. Even if Arbery were not a known criminal, what's wrong with having your gun ready to defend yourself if need be ?

I carry a pistol in my pocket every day, without any anticipation of danger or trouble. It's just the correct and safe thing to do. If every law-abiding person would do that, we'd have less mass shootings, and less crime.
so they did a google search of him before they started the chase to know he was a criminal???
I highly doubt that,,,

and I clearly said they should have guns with them,,,the problem occurred when they led with the guns before the confrontation even started when their lives were not in danger,,,,
them sitting in jail right now facing murder chargers says otherwise,,,,

and based on the events being in broad daylight and no proof their lives were in danger just adds to their guilt,,,
No, it does not say otherwise, and you apparently are completely unaware of the most important factor of this entire case, and that is the racial politics. THAT is what has put the McMichaels duo in jail, not the events.

As for their lives being in danger, getting ready to confront a known criminal certainly would be a "lives in danger" situation, and the punches Arbery threw on the video, well bears that out. Even if Arbery were not a known criminal, what's wrong with having your gun ready to defend yourself if need be ?

I carry a pistol in my pocket every day, without any anticipation of danger or trouble. It's just the correct and safe thing to do. If every law-abiding person would do that, we'd have less mass shootings, and less crime.
so they did a google search of him before they started the chase to know he was a criminal???
I highly doubt that,,,

and I clearly said they should have guns with them,,,the problem occurred when they led with the guns before the confrontation even started when their lives were not in danger,,,,
they never claimed he was a criminal, they said they thought he resembled someone who had been seen in a construction home. It seems they were right. Google wasn't necessary.
so you admit they werent in danger when they fist pulled their guns,,,

like I said they set a bad example for gun owners,,,
I'm a gun owner, and I'd say they set a GOOD example.

And it doesn't matter if they were in danger or not.
so your saying its OK to pull a gun on someone when your life is not in danger???

are you a democrat trying to make gun owners look bad???
cause thats what youre doing with that stupid shit,,,
No one will ever know the answer to that, but we do know that you are obviously concocting a story here, and arranging the scene to exactly how you wish it to be.


COOTER WAS at least two steps across the yellow line when he fired the first shot.

where do you think that puts the mean end of the shotgun when fired? Right in Arbery’s face.

At least you can admit that MacTheKnife has bad eyesight.

at least you can see Cooter was way over the double yellow line when he ripped off a shot.

I see it possible that Arbery couid have grabbed the barrel of the gun without changing directiion

If we get Cletus’ video we will have the answers.

I know this for sure due to MAC posting these words:

“ can plainly see in the video that the white guy never crosses the yellow line in the middle of the always to the left of the line...”

that yours and Mac’s “turned hard left to attack” version based on Cooter never crossing the yellow lines is a lie. It’s not true.
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them sitting in jail right now facing murder chargers says otherwise,,,,

and based on the events being in broad daylight and no proof their lives were in danger just adds to their guilt,,,
No, it does not say otherwise, and you apparently are completely unaware of the most important factor of this entire case, and that is the racial politics. THAT is what has put the McMichaels duo in jail, not the events.

As for their lives being in danger, getting ready to confront a known criminal certainly would be a "lives in danger" situation, and the punches Arbery threw on the video, well bears that out. Even if Arbery were not a known criminal, what's wrong with having your gun ready to defend yourself if need be ?

I carry a pistol in my pocket every day, without any anticipation of danger or trouble. It's just the correct and safe thing to do. If every law-abiding person would do that, we'd have less mass shootings, and less crime.
so they did a google search of him before they started the chase to know he was a criminal???
I highly doubt that,,,

and I clearly said they should have guns with them,,,the problem occurred when they led with the guns before the confrontation even started when their lives were not in danger,,,,
they never claimed he was a criminal, they said they thought he resembled someone who had been seen in a construction home. It seems they were right. Google wasn't necessary.

I wasntt talking about what they said,,,do try and keep up,,,
so you admit they werent in danger when they fist pulled their guns,,,

like I said they set a bad example for gun owners,,,
I'm a gun owner, and I'd say they set a GOOD example.

And it doesn't matter if they were in danger or not.
so your saying its OK to pull a gun on someone when your life is not in danger???
are you a democrat trying to make gun owners look bad???
cause thats what youre doing with that stupid shit,,,

Lookee here boyo.....the two outstanding citizens did not pull a gun on anyone....they were carrying weapons....which they did not brandish or point at anyone.

As pointed out ad nauseum....they were on their way to confront a black criminal who could have been for their own protection they carried their weapons...absolutely nothing illegal or imprudent about that.

You have drunk the msm kool-aid...plain to see tht.

You simply do not know the facts of the case.
so you admit they werent in danger when they fist pulled their guns,,,

like I said they set a bad example for gun owners,,,
I'm a gun owner, and I'd say they set a GOOD example.

And it doesn't matter if they were in danger or not.
so your saying its OK to pull a gun on someone when your life is not in danger???
are you a democrat trying to make gun owners look bad???
cause thats what youre doing with that stupid shit,,,

Lookee here boyo.....the two outstanding citizens did not pull a gun on anyone....they were carrying weapons....which they did not brandish or point at anyone.

As pointed out ad nauseum....they were on their way to confront a black criminal who could have been for their own protection they carried their weapons...absolutely nothing illegal or imprudent about that.

You have drunk the msm kool-aid...plain to see tht.

You simply do not know the facts of the case.
if thats true then this is a hate crime based on skin color,,,,
which I dont think it is but you seem too,,,
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.

So if informed differently...if informed that he had indeed been arrested on a gun charge..that would have changed your mind about something? I can still provide the link but lets make sure it isnt a waste of time first. I've dealt with liberals too long.
The gun charge was when he was 19, at a school sporting event. He was carrying in a gun free zone.

The shoplifting charge was in 2018. Totally separate. My reading of that post was that he was saying Arbery had shoplifted with a gun. Now how those two things go together, I'm not sure. But that was why I asked for a link.
so shoplifting isn't a crime to you? just curious.
It is a crime. I didn't realize people got put in jail for it.
so you admit they werent in danger when they fist pulled their guns,,,

like I said they set a bad example for gun owners,,,
I'm a gun owner, and I'd say they set a GOOD example.

And it doesn't matter if they were in danger or not.

They did everything right....nothing illegal whatsoever.

No one was in danger until the black guy attacked the white guy with a shot-gun
so you admit they werent in danger when they fist pulled their guns,,,

like I said they set a bad example for gun owners,,,
I'm a gun owner, and I'd say they set a GOOD example.

And it doesn't matter if they were in danger or not.
so your saying its OK to pull a gun on someone when your life is not in danger???
are you a democrat trying to make gun owners look bad???
cause thats what youre doing with that stupid shit,,,

Lookee here boyo.....the two outstanding citizens did not pull a gun on anyone....they were carrying weapons....which they did not brandish or point at anyone.

As pointed out ad nauseum....they were on their way to confront a black criminal who could have been for their own protection they carried their weapons...absolutely nothing illegal or imprudent about that.

You have drunk the msm kool-aid...plain to see tht.

You simply do not know the facts of the case.
if thats true then this is a hate crime based on skin color,,,,
which I dont think it is but you seem too,,,

How do you come to that conclusion?
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

I love this. I have lived in Georgia for more than twenty years. My wife worked for lawyers as a Paralegal and I have talked with them from time to time. Even used them a time or two. But some dolt from somewhere else is going to tell me what Georgia law says and damn the folks in Georgia who actually know. Folks like lawyers and the like.

I guess he also tells Muslims how to worship, Hindu’s what their religion says. And otherwise is the subject matter expert right?

Let’s be real for a minute. The DA’s recused themselves. They essentially said they were unable to do their jobs because of a personal relationship. What that really means is they could not whitewash it or sweep it under the rug. Why? The McMorons lawyer released the video. That was just flat assed stupid. Dumber than a box of rocks.

But wait. It is getting worse for the McMorons every day.

The owners of the house never contacted the McMorons. They did not condone the McMorons going after the “trespasser”. In other words. The guy stole nothing. He looked around. No construction boots. Low shoes. Most likely sneakers or running shoes.

But the McMorons took the law into their own hands. That has a term. Vigilante.

But why is the attitude of the owners important? Because in Georgia only the owners or their representatives can press charges for Trespassing. In other words the McMorons has no legal authority to stop or detain Ahmad. This is why the local Prosecutors passed in the case. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a friend.

The more that comes out the worse the McMorons look. I would be saying exactly the same thing if Ahmad was Arnold and was blinding white and the McMorons were black. That is why Citizens Arrest is so tricky. You can’t just think you are right. You have to be 100% certain. Otherwise it is you who is going to jail. In Georgia the charges would be kidnapping. That is what it is called when you use force to illegally prevent someone from leaving.

he had boots on. you know, if you can't at least be honest with that piece, the rest of your post is nonsense.

He was wearing Nike sneakers. Stop lying.
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