New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?

Call it misconduct or whatever you want............but do not try to deny the truth they spoke.

This is really what is lacking in all of your desire for the truth. You essentially try to use the law to undermine the truth of the case and your ability to adequately interpet the law is exceedingly lame.

I honestly do not get it. Legal experts weigh in and you guys scream that they are wrong. Links to the actual laws are posted and you guys refuse to even consider that the law does not say what you want it to.

GBI agents said there was enough evidence for an arrest. They had Warrants issued by a court within 36 hours.

Again professional cops who I usually am on the other side following the law and looking at the totality of the evidence say it was a crime and absolutely not Self Defense.

So we have the Glynn County Police who wanted to arrest the McMichaels. We have the GBI who did arrest them. But it is all a frame job or something.

You fail to understand this is all political theater....the GBI is controlled by politicians in you know who runs Atlanta?

There was a good investigation following the incident.....and for good reasons the father and son were not arrested because they were following the law in all respects....the father being a former policeman knew what the law was.

This case comes down to a black criminal on the loose running from the scene where he had witnessed a neighbor calling 911 on him ....then being recognized and followed by the former policeman and his son and then the suspect attacks the father's son.

That is really all there is to it. The rest is just hyperbole, lying, spinning in an effort to further the liberal narrative...crap they do all the time. Get real. Learn to think for yourself...stop parroting the msm propaganda machine.

The GBI? Republicans. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General are all elected and are all Republicans. I know. I voted for one Democrat for the top slots. I voted for all but one of those elected officials.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.
The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?
Just hypothetically, suppose they had not had a reason. So what ? The events shown on the video still show a self-defense shooting. Period.

Had Travis McMichael just been standing there minding his own business, and Arbery ran up on him and attacked him, you would be 100% correct.

But we're not dealing with a hypothetical situation.

Instead, we're dealing with a situation in which McMichal armed himself, chased Arbery down, and then exited his vehicle with the loaded shotgun. Those set of circumstances preclude McMichael from being able to legitimately claim he was acting in self defense...
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

Perfectly stated.

The idiots here will dismiss all of it, but your post could not be more on point...
I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?

Call it misconduct or whatever you want............but do not try to deny the truth they spoke.

This is really what is lacking in all of your desire for the truth. You essentially try to use the law to undermine the truth of the case and your ability to adequately interpet the law is exceedingly lame.

I honestly do not get it. Legal experts weigh in and you guys scream that they are wrong. Links to the actual laws are posted and you guys refuse to even consider that the law does not say what you want it to.

GBI agents said there was enough evidence for an arrest. They had Warrants issued by a court within 36 hours.

Again professional cops who I usually am on the other side following the law and looking at the totality of the evidence say it was a crime and absolutely not Self Defense.

So we have the Glynn County Police who wanted to arrest the McMichaels. We have the GBI who did arrest them. But it is all a frame job or something.

You fail to understand this is all political theater....the GBI is controlled by politicians in you know who runs Atlanta?

There was a good investigation following the incident.....and for good reasons the father and son were not arrested because they were following the law in all respects....the father being a former policeman knew what the law was.

This case comes down to a black criminal on the loose running from the scene where he had witnessed a neighbor calling 911 on him ....then being recognized and followed by the former policeman and his son and then the suspect attacks the father's son.

That is really all there is to it. The rest is just hyperbole, lying, spinning in an effort to further the liberal narrative...crap they do all the time. Get real. Learn to think for yourself...stop parroting the msm propaganda machine.

The GBI? Republicans. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General are all elected and are all Republicans. I know. I voted for one Democrat for the top slots. I voted for all but one of those elected officials.

You think because they are allegedly republicans they do not bow to the forces of political correctness? You are very naive.

There are far too many liberal/pc republicans. The black vote is very significant in Georgia.

All politicians are very,very sensitive and afraid of being labeled a racist...thus they go to the other extreme to prove they are not Get real.
I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?
I see two guys in pursuit of a burglary, under GA law.. why were they going after him because he’s black? Lol

Ok. Work with me here. What Burglary? Find a link to a police report. The cops say there were no reported Burglaries in two months before the shooting. So what Burglary did Ahmad commit in your mind?
Did he enter a dwelling that wasn’t his? Did he run? The presumption is that he was burglarizing the location. And as my fellow colleague said this was not an arrest they were following him trying to slow him down until the cops got there. And he attacked him

OK. We are getting somewhere. You just admitted that there was no burglary. In fact there were no burglaries for some time before this date is that right?
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesn’t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there
I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?

Call it misconduct or whatever you want............but do not try to deny the truth they spoke.

This is really what is lacking in all of your desire for the truth. You essentially try to use the law to undermine the truth of the case and your ability to adequately interpet the law is exceedingly lame.

I honestly do not get it. Legal experts weigh in and you guys scream that they are wrong. Links to the actual laws are posted and you guys refuse to even consider that the law does not say what you want it to.

GBI agents said there was enough evidence for an arrest. They had Warrants issued by a court within 36 hours.

Again professional cops who I usually am on the other side following the law and looking at the totality of the evidence say it was a crime and absolutely not Self Defense.

So we have the Glynn County Police who wanted to arrest the McMichaels. We have the GBI who did arrest them. But it is all a frame job or something.
You haven’t told us what law he broke you are making stuff up Under Georgia law every thing they did was by law and you have two men in jail is it just us or not

The Burglary that the McMichaels said was the reason they pursued never happened. So what reason did they have?

The father saw the video and recognized the guy...they pursued him in good faith believing him to be a suspect on the run and they were right to pursue him and try to question him and to call the police and report what was happening.
I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?
I see two guys in pursuit of a burglary, under GA law.. why were they going after him because he’s black? Lol

Ok. Work with me here. What Burglary? Find a link to a police report. The cops say there were no reported Burglaries in two months before the shooting. So what Burglary did Ahmad commit in your mind?
Did he enter a dwelling that wasn’t his? Did he run? The presumption is that he was burglarizing the location. And as my fellow colleague said this was not an arrest they were following him trying to slow him down until the cops got there. And he attacked him

OK. We are getting somewhere. You just admitted that there was no burglary. In fact there were no burglaries for some time before this date is that right?
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesn’t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there

No matter what thie black nut case was doing at that and night....he was a legitimate suspect as in very suspicious and a likely danger to others at some level whidh he ultimately proved beyond doubt.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the weapon that had already
been fired once.
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72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.
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Funny how all these blacks and ignorant liberals come on here and get shot down....obviously not used to being hit over the head with the truth. hehheh

They probably think getting hit over the head with the truth is assault and battery.......bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The father saw the video and recognized the guy...they pursued him in good faith believing him to be a suspect on the run and they were right to pursue him and try to question him and to call the police and report what was happening.

And had the father been the one who got out of the truck and confronted him things might be different.

But Gregory McMichael told Travis McMichael about the video. Travis didn't see the video. He only acted on what his father told him to do, and that's not a valid defense...
I posted link after link. I posted the link to the aggravated assault statute. I posted the link to citizens arrest. This morning I posted links that showed even the attempt given the circumstances to perform a citizens arrest was illegal. I posted where they had lied to the cops.

The problem is not that those who disagree with you are not posting links. It is that you refuse to believe those posts because you do not want it to be true.
You posted links. That's nice. The links you cited, have nothing to do with Canon claiming the McMicheals committed murder and aggravated assault, while not presenting a shred of evidence to support that. You might as well have posted links pertaining to an eclipse of the moon.

I also have not seen any evidence that the McMichaels lied to cops. Ho hum.

I'm comfortable relying on those who actually make a living doing this, just as you would rely on a dentist or an orthopedist to do their job.

Do you really need a link to show you what they've been charged with? Are you that stupid?

2 men charged with murder in fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia

Furthermore, there's a judge up there in Georgia who agrees with the Georgia authorities, as evidenced by the fact that both McMichaels have been denied bail.

You wish to deal in opinion because you have no facts..
After it was ruled a Justifiable homicide twice

And that is part of the problem. Let’s say you have a job. Let’s say you are the prosecutor. You have a personal relationship with a suspect. You believe this relationship might create the image of favoritism. So you decide to recuse yourself. Fine and dandy right?

But after you make the decision you issue opinions. That also has a term. Official Misconduct. And the Prosecutors you are relying on admitted in their statements that they issued opinions and instructions after the decision to recuse. So your proof is two prosecutor’s who told the world in their statement they had engaged in misconduct?
I see two guys in pursuit of a burglary, under GA law.. why were they going after him because he’s black? Lol

Ok. Work with me here. What Burglary? Find a link to a police report. The cops say there were no reported Burglaries in two months before the shooting. So what Burglary did Ahmad commit in your mind?
Did he enter a dwelling that wasn’t his? Did he run? The presumption is that he was burglarizing the location. And as my fellow colleague said this was not an arrest they were following him trying to slow him down until the cops got there. And he attacked him

OK. We are getting somewhere. You just admitted that there was no burglary. In fact there were no burglaries for some time before this date is that right?
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesn’t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesn’t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there

Hey, Elliot Ness, there's no such thing as "presumed burglary" within the law. Such a thing doesn't exist...
So where are we? The McMichaels supporters claim they were absolutely justified. After all Ahmad was a criminal, a suspected burglar. In fact, McMichaels himself said in the 911 call that there were a lot of break ins around here.

Only none were reported to the actual Police. So that makes the argument a little weaker. I mean, we have to examine all the evidence. We have to consider every action, statement, and all that in order to bring credit to the argument right? So that statement is problematic. No Burglaries were committed for two months before the shooting in the neighborhood.

Next, the decision to arm up. According to McMichaels own statement they had previously seen Ahmad running by and reach into his shorts. This means he was running in the neighborhood before, and apparently many times. By McMichaels own statement. Because of this, the McMichaels argue that they thought that Ahmad was armed, and they took the precaution of getting their own firearms before setting off in pursuit. Again, according to McMichaels own statement.

What does that mean? Well it means they were not just following Ahmad. They were pursuing, and hoping to catch, or capture. Now, Citizens Arrest in Georgia. It does not give the citizens the same rights and authority of a police officer. It doesn’t even come close. It allows the Citizen a greater latitude, and at the same time presents a problem because it also places the citizen in greater jeopardy legally speaking. But that is not just my assessment.

You might think that you witnessed something that's an arrestable offense, but it's not really an arrestable offense," Fort Valley Police Chief Lawrence Spurgeon said.

Spurgeon wrote a Facebook post Wednesday night explaining the risk factors associated with the rule.

"I always tell people, 'Are you really ready to absorb the possibility that if you're wrong you'll be criminally responsible? Or are you ready to absorb the fact that if you're wrong you'll be civilly responsible as well'," Spurgeon said.

Under Georgia code, Moore says a citizen can use force if they fear for their life, but they cannot create a confrontation themselves and then claim self defense after harming someone. Especially if they did not witness a crime take place.

"It does not allow us to create armed posses and roam the community looking for someone we think might have done something wrong," Moore said.

Spurgeon also says, when possible, you should report wrongdoing to the police instead of taking your own action.

So the Police in Georgia say you are taking a huge risk in performing a Citizens Arrest. If you are wrong, you risk criminal and civil consequences. Now, are all these folks just parroting the party line for the Black Community? Or are they reporting accurately what the law actually says concerning the Citizens Arrest power?

The arguments in favor of the McMichaels are getting weaker all the time, and are starting to look like they are based in wishful thinking, instead of law, and logic, and common sense, as they are want to proclaim.

Now, we have the Citizens Arrest authority worked out. We have even dismissed the argument that it was self defense to shoot Ahmad. According to Georgia Law, and the actual people involved in the administration of and enforcement of the actual law. Not what you think it should be, or what you think it might be, or what you think it is. What it really actually is.

Now, we are to the actual confrontation. The McMichaels had no first hand knowledge of any crimes. They had heard rumors of crimes, but none had been reported. Rumors only. I say rumors because no police reports were ever filed. None of the actual owners or representatives objected to or reported the presence of Ahmad in any of the under construction houses. None of them reported anything missing to the Police.

So now we have to legally describe the event using the actual Georgia Law. We know from the link above, the McMichaels were way out on a limb speaking of the legality of the issue. We know that the McMichaels had not developed enough information for the Citizens Arrest. They had not witnessed any crime. We also know that according to their own statement they had armed up and gone off to stop, detain, or catch, capture, or any other word you want to use, Ahmad.

That means that the moment they tried to confront Ahmad, they were committing another crime. They had the weapons, and the obvious reason for the weapons is the threat they represent. It says this. Do what I say or I can and will shoot you. It is what the cop is saying when he points his weapon at someone. It is what the soldier is saying when he points his weapon at someone. It is what we are saying when we humans pull a Weapon out. Do what I say or I will shoot you.

Now, here again, the police officer has greater authority than the Citizens. For a citizen the problem is that the law is specifically telling them not to do this except in extreme circumstances, and those circumstances did not exist. The McMichaels instigated the situation. That means they can not claim self defense. Hollywood and your newsletters aside, you can’t do it. Not in Georgia. In Georgia, the law says that if you jump out of your truck and confront someone with a weapon you need to be absolutely certain that it is a necessary action. That you are acting to preserve life, that you are doing so to defend yourself or another. There is no provision for holding a jogger at gunpoint until the cops show up.

Even without the shooting, the McMichaels had committed several crimes. The cops all over Georgia are saying so in many many news articles. Yet, we keep hearing how that is wrong, it is all a conspiracy. It is nonsense. The same sort of nonsense the Flat Earth folks put out. It was not self defense. And knowing it was not the “friends and associates” of the suspects recused themselves. They could not bring themselves to prosecute a former cop whom they knew and liked. They put friendship ahead of duty.

So now we have gone far enough away that others are taking a look at the evidence. No friends, no local considerations. Just a cold and calculating look at the facts. Yet, here again, the facts as I have explained them again after explaining the time and time again, are dismissed by those who refuse to admit that the hill they have chosen is a bad one to die upon.

Now, to the question of racism. Do I care that the victim is black? No. I ranted for two years about John Geer, who was white, and murdered by police. The cop was Hispanic. I typed many posts and messages online denouncing this disaster. It is not the color that offends. It is the lack of equality before the law, and the good old boy network trying to sweep an abomination under the rug that offends me. I find it Offensive no matter what color the victim is.

I find it Offensive that Robert Seldon Lady, a convicted kidnapper, is protected by the United States through the W admin, the Obama Admin, and the Trump admin. Lady is white. He was a CIA agent that performed a rendition with a team of a dozen on a man who had no ties to Terrorists in any way.

Here again, I don’t care what color the guy is. I think Islam is far closer to a cult than a religion. I think the terrorists are despicable. But I think that the laws, and rules, need to be followed by those with the power. Because only that way do we have a Civilization worthy the name when we check out of this plane for the next. So what do you want to leave to your children? A country, and world, where the laws mean nothing, and justice is whatever favors you can call in? Or do we live up to the ideal that all men are created equal. In other words, do we stand for right, or wrong. If we say that the laws are bullshit, fine. I can agree to that. But if we say that, then we have to apply that same standard to everyone. And none of the McMichael’s supporters want that.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
....not the behavior of a innocent man.

So if you're walking down the street, and multiple black men with guns in a trailing car demand your attention, do you:

1. Assume that you must be guilty of a crime, even if you know of no such crime, and that the gentlemen in question are merely there to perform a valid citizens arrest, causing you to instantly stop and submit completely.


2. Attempt to get away from them, and then defend yourself when they jump out with guns and come after you.

The point is that your definition of "the behavior of an innocent man" is wildly different from what normal people and law enforcement consider to be "the behavior of an innocent man."
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
he didn't see an issue. he didn't need to do dick.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.
....not the behavior of a innocent man.

So if you're walking down the street, and multiple black men with guns in a trailing car demand your attention, do you:

1. Assume that you must be guilty of a crime, even if you know of no such crime, and that the gentlemen in question are merely there to perform a valid citizens arrest, causing you to instantly stop and submit completely.


2. Attempt to get away from them, and then defend yourself when they jump out with guns and come after you.

The point is that your definition of "the behavior of an innocent man" is wildly different from what normal people and law enforcement consider to be "the behavior of an innocent man." engaging with your wild imagination aka the move running in your head you blind yourself to the truth....pathetic and a waste of time.

I have never seen so many blacks on this board. Do they think if they stir up enough stupid white folk someone gonna send them a bigger check??? hehheh
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