New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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....not the behavior of a innocent man.

So if you're walking down the street, and multiple black men with guns in a trailing car demand your attention, do you:

1. Assume that you must be guilty of a crime, even if you know of no such crime, and that the gentlemen in question are merely there to perform a valid citizens arrest, causing you to instantly stop and submit completely.


2. Attempt to get away from them, and then defend yourself when they jump out with guns and come after you.

The point is that your definition of "the behavior of an innocent man" is wildly different from what normal people and law enforcement consider to be "the behavior of an innocent man."
3. know you've been caught and know what that outcome might look like. you forgot that option.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Exactly...not the behavior of a innocent man more like the behavior of a criminal and or some mental case or a combination thereof.
sleeping there? why does he have his shirt off?
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
he didn't see an issue. he didn't need to do dick.

Exactly...there was a good investigation and a good review and the father and son were not charged...that should have ended it. But along comes the media and sees another oportunity to engage in race baiting and all the dupes follow along in order and tight formation.
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
What did they do wrong? Or against the law?

According to the US Attorney and the GBI, they hunted down and murdered an unarmed man.

Now, before you go off on some ignorant, mindless rant about how Arbery escalated the situation and how Travis McMichael acted in self defense, you need to understand that people who actually make their living prosecuting these types of crimes say you're wrong...
nope, the video doesn't support your statement. get back to us when you fit your shit to the video.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
What did they do wrong? Or against the law?

According to the US Attorney and the GBI, they hunted down and murdered an unarmed man.

Now, before you go off on some ignorant, mindless rant about how Arbery escalated the situation and how Travis McMichael acted in self defense, you need to understand that people who actually make their living prosecuting these types of crimes say you're wrong...

What in the hell do you mean? Either it was self defense - in which case no laws were broken. Or it wasn't, in which case the ex-cop and investigator decided to shoot a person for the heck of it.

It does not look good for your case. Black man charging for cops gun... the media is getting lazy, the gentle giant story again...
they keep squeezing the lens on the video. funny as shit. anything to produce a race war.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I give him my wallet. I sure the fk wouldn't reach for his gun. it could go off and it could kill me. I can replace a wallet and cancel all of my credit cards.
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
he didn't see an issue. he didn't need to do dick.

Exactly...there was a good investigation and a good review and the father and son were not charged...that should have ended it. But along comes the media and sees another oportunity to engage in race baiting and all the dupes follow along in order and tight formation.

But what about the Glynn County police who believed that the McMichaels should be arrested and said so on the very day of the shooting?
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.
....not the behavior of a innocent man.

So if you're walking down the street, and multiple black men with guns in a trailing car demand your attention, do you:

1. Assume that you must be guilty of a crime, even if you know of no such crime, and that the gentlemen in question are merely there to perform a valid citizens arrest, causing you to instantly stop and submit completely.


2. Attempt to get away from them, and then defend yourself when they jump out with guns and come after you.

The point is that your definition of "the behavior of an innocent man" is wildly different from what normal people and law enforcement consider to be "the behavior of an innocent man."
These weren't black men.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I give him my wallet. I sure the fk wouldn't reach for his gun. it could go off and it could kill me. I can replace a wallet and cancel all of my credit cards.

So you are saying the presence of a gun makes the statement no matter how it is phrased a command and not a request?
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
What did they do wrong? Or against the law?

According to the US Attorney and the GBI, they hunted down and murdered an unarmed man.

Now, before you go off on some ignorant, mindless rant about how Arbery escalated the situation and how Travis McMichael acted in self defense, you need to understand that people who actually make their living prosecuting these types of crimes say you're wrong...

What in the hell do you mean? Either it was self defense - in which case no laws were broken. Or it wasn't, in which case the ex-cop and investigator decided to shoot a person for the heck of it.

It does not look good for your case. Black man charging for cops gun... the media is getting lazy, the gentle giant story again...

Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.
I think the white folk outcry would be much louder. they are trying to recreate the civil war I see.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I give him my wallet. I sure the fk wouldn't reach for his gun. it could go off and it could kill me. I can replace a wallet and cancel all of my credit cards.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa just common sense hehheh
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So the Police in Georgia who say that the shooting was not justified are not only ignorant of the law they enforce but grossly ignorant? The Judge who issued the arrest warrant is also grossly ignorant?
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I give him my wallet. I sure the fk wouldn't reach for his gun. it could go off and it could kill me. I can replace a wallet and cancel all of my credit cards.

So you are saying the presence of a gun makes the statement no matter how it is phrased a command and not a request?
I answered your scenario. It has nothing to do with this thread. let me know when the guy running was asked to hand over his wallet.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So the Police in Georgia who say that the shooting was not justified are not only ignorant of the law they enforce but grossly ignorant? The Judge who issued the arrest warrant is also grossly ignorant?
they haven't said any such thing. they aren't the courts. that's crazy. the DA already said that once, he is.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichael’d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arbery’s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Let’s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I don’t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

I’m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arbery’s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ‘jogging in construction boots’ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichael’s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You can’t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.
yep, he stated he asked the black man to stop and talk. he kept running.

Ok. An armed man “asked” someone to stop and talk.

Let me ask you this. If a black guy has a gun and says. “Please give me your wallet.” Is he asking or robbing you?
I give him my wallet. I sure the fk wouldn't reach for his gun. it could go off and it could kill me. I can replace a wallet and cancel all of my credit cards.

So you are saying the presence of a gun makes the statement no matter how it is phrased a command and not a request?

You really are not too bright are you. hehheh

Anyhow.... What would you do if a black guy accosted you and said sir would you please hand over your wallet and those nice tennis shoes you are wearing....I mean he is being very nice....has no weapon you can see...though he is holding his hand in his pocket...perhaps holding a knife or just maybe playing pool with his balls???
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
he didn't see an issue. he didn't need to do dick.

Exactly...there was a good investigation and a good review and the father and son were not charged...that should have ended it. But along comes the media and sees another oportunity to engage in race baiting and all the dupes follow along in order and tight formation.

It wasn't a "good investigation". That was the problem.

I've used my firearm twice in my life to defend either myself or a loved one. In both instances I was taken into custody, taken to the police station and questioned (one of them for about seven hours). In both instances it was found that I conducted myself perfectly lawfully. Guess that's what happens when you actually learn what the law says.

In this case, Travis McMichael was never taken into custody. That's pretty much standard operating procedure following a shooting, regardless of who the shooter is or whether or not the shooting was lawful. But, because his father was a former cop and a former investigator, they didn't take him into custody.

The initial investigation was rife with problems. Getting the State authorities involved was the proper decision and, to this point, their treatment of this case has been damn near perfect...
3. know you've been caught and know what that outcome might look like. you forgot that option.

So exactly what crimes are you admitting to?

You admit to being a career criminal of some sort. But that's not the situation. Normal people aren't career criminals, so they're not going to assume that people with guns are merely out to perform a citizen's arrest. The actions of normal innocent people will be to get away from the people with the guns, and then defend themselves if they can't do it. And that's exactly what the dead man did here.
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