New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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if that dude from the truck aimed his gun at you you bet. that isn't this incident, so curious to why you asked?

This is where both men were when the first shot was fired. Where is the gun aimed

View attachment 335180
Red arrow is white cap on shooter.
Blue Arrow is white shirt on jogger.

How do you know the gun was never aimed at the jogger? You cant know because you canā€™t see the shotgun during the entire Citizens arrest. That makes you a liar for stating ā€œthat isn't this incidentā€.
the body language of the white cap dude, where the white shirt is in relation to the white cap and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

BTW, the length of the shot gun is most likely close to three foot long. If you look carefully at your two points of interest, they are less than two feet apart. If the barrel was in front, it would be in the blackman's mouth through his head.

you should look up perspective.
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The white folk should be out marching in the streets....

Thank god the vast majority of white folk are not white extremists who believe whites with guns can never be wrong when they shoot unarmed black folks dead.

Most whites donā€™t play with guns and donā€™t need them to have meaning in their lives.
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72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichaelā€™d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arberyā€™s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Letā€™s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I donā€™t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

Iā€™m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arberyā€™s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ā€˜jogging in construction bootsā€™ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichaelā€™s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You canā€™t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So it does not matter what preceded. The only thing that matters is that the black guy attacked the person with the gun. Ok. Why was the person with a gun in the middle of the street? If we are going to start with that doesnā€™t it make him a potential mass shooter and a danger to everyone right? I mean if we are going to start from that moment then we have to ignore why and just make an assumption right?

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the assault of the white guy with the shotgun by the black criminal nut case.

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

Although you could claim they are illegally the Poehleeece and demand they be given a parking ticket. hehheh

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the murder of the black guy with the shotgun by the white racist asshole..

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

There! I fixed it for you!
the body language of the white cap dude and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

I cant see the body of the shooter or the hand of the jogger at the spot when the first shot was fired. Hoe do you see what you think you see?
if that dude from the truck aimed his gun at you you bet. that isn't this incident, so curious to why you asked?

This is where both men were when the first shot was fired. Where is the gun aimed

View attachment 335180
Red arrow is white cap on shooter.
Blue Arrow is white shirt on jogger.

How do you know the gun was never aimed at the jogger? You cant know because you canā€™t see the shotgun during the entire Citizens arrest. That makes you a liar for stating ā€œthat isn't this incidentā€.
the body language of the white cap dude, where the white shirt is in relation to the white cap and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

BTW, the length of the shot gun is most likely close to three foot long. If you look carefully at your two points of interest, they are less than two feet apart. If the barrel was in front, it would be in the blackman's mouth through his head.

It was a shotgun, not a rifle.
First of all the black dude is not normal....he has a mental history, a felony conviction and when he was killed he was in violation of his parole.

Not relevant in any way.

A normal innocent person's reaction to being stalked by men with guns is to get away from them, and then defend themselves if they can't get away.

The dead man acted like any normal innocent person would, like you would in the same situation.

What nonsense you you think anyone believes you.

By your standards, if you didn't instantly submit to any gun-wielding person, it would okay to kill you, because you're obviously guilty.

Your standards are clearly stupid and evil.
why would you say that? that isn't what happened. so you should watch the video. it has all the evidence of the incident one needs.

Ok. Taking only the video. A deranged white guy with a fellow deranged individual in the back both of whom are armed and acting reckless are in the street. They are noticed by a fine upstanding citizen who fearing a mass Murder is taking place attempts to save the lives of his fellow citizens and risking his own life charges the armed lunatic unarmed to save lives.

using only the video and nothing else. Prove I am wrong.
so from the video you can tell two people are deranged? wow, you're talented. the courts would love you.

Using only the video with nothing else as you said we had to there is no way to accurately know what happened. There is nothing to say absent any evidence or information from any other source that it did not happen exactly that way. So now what evidence are we going to accept? Just that which helps your narrative? Or all of it which makes your narrative sound as stupid as my description?
well what do you see from the video? why can't you just address the video? I see two guys, one outside the driver door with a weapon, a guy in the truck bed standing up, the truck is stopped and in the middle of one lane, a black man running toward the truck from quite a distance. I also know another vehicle is following the blackman running. I see the black man run toward the driver side of the truck, seems to react to the man with the weapon and runs around to the passenger side of the truck, his path seems to circle to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires, he continues wrestling with the man and his weapon while punching him in the head, and the weapon goes off again, continues wrestling and punching and while the struggle continues, the weapon goes off one more time hitting the guy who was jogging, he releases the gun and staggers away and falls to the ground. Now you tell me what you see.

Why were the people there? Why were armed men in the middle of the road and blocking the road and circling to cut off the black man jogging? Using only the video, and nothing else. They could have been a lynch mob couldnā€™t they? Going to kill a black man for sleeping with a white woman?

In the video you can see what happened in a few short seconds of time. You do not get the information that brings context to the events. You donā€™t get the information that the McMichaels were breaking the law. You do not get the context that Ahmad had entered and left empty handed a house under construction. You do not get the context that the McMichaels saw Ahmad run by and saw nothing else, no criminal activity, and then rushed to get guns and chase him down. You donā€™t get any context from just the video.

So how you see the video, with no context from anything else, is that two armed white guys in the middle of the street armed and apparently chasing a black guy are attacked. Without any context, that may seem reasonable. I wonder why? I wonder why those guys are there. I wonder what the hell they thought they were doing. I see it and know by Georgia Laws they are breaking the law waving those guns around in public like that. I watch it and know that by Georgia Law, they are in a lot of trouble. Watching nothing but the video, I see a lot of things going on, and Without the context the attack by the black guy is another thing I would wonder about.

The problem is that I have the context. Iā€™ve been reading it a lot. Not just here, but many many other places. And knowing that I have read about the dangers of weapons in public, extensively read about it, long before this, I know that there is a lot of criminal activity in that video.

Here is your problem. You refuse to admit that Georgia law says what it actually says. You donā€™t want to believe that the White Guys did anything wrong. No matter who tells you they did, no matter how many sources are posted, you just will not consider the fact that these two idiots broke the damned law doing what you wish more people would. If more people did, Iā€™d have my taxes increased in Georgia to afford the new prisons to hold them.

Now, maybe the Brandishing Laws are too narrow, and too restrictive. But for now, that is the law on the books. If we ignore those laws, claiming they are unfair, do we do so for everyone, or just your heroes the McMichaels?
if that dude from the truck aimed his gun at you you bet. that isn't this incident, so curious to why you asked?

This is where both men were when the first shot was fired. Where is the gun aimed

View attachment 335180
Red arrow is white cap on shooter.
Blue Arrow is white shirt on jogger.

How do you know the gun was never aimed at the jogger? You cant know because you canā€™t see the shotgun during the entire Citizens arrest. That makes you a liar for stating ā€œthat isn't this incidentā€.
the body language of the white cap dude, where the white shirt is in relation to the white cap and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

BTW, the length of the shot gun is most likely close to three foot long. If you look carefully at your two points of interest, they are less than two feet apart. If the barrel was in front, it would be in the blackman's mouth through his head.

It was a shotgun, not a rifle.
I said shot gun. are you really that fking blind? a shot gun isn't considered a rifle?
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there

Hey, Elliot Ness, there's no such thing as "presumed burglary" within the law. Such a thing doesn't exist...
You still didnā€™t answer my question

You didn't ask one. All you said was "I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there"

There's no question there.

You really are fabulously stupid, aren't you?
First of all the black dude is not normal....he has a mental history, a felony conviction and when he was killed he was in violation of his parole.

Not relevant in any way.

A normal innocent person's reaction to being stalked by men with guns is to get away from them, and then defend themselves if they can't get away.

The dead man acted like any normal innocent person would, like you would in the same situation.

What nonsense you you think anyone believes you.

By your standards, if you didn't instantly submit to any gun-wielding person, it would okay to kill you, because you're obviously guilty.

Your standards are clearly stupid and evil.
why would you say that? that isn't what happened. so you should watch the video. it has all the evidence of the incident one needs.

Ok. Taking only the video. A deranged white guy with a fellow deranged individual in the back both of whom are armed and acting reckless are in the street. They are noticed by a fine upstanding citizen who fearing a mass Murder is taking place attempts to save the lives of his fellow citizens and risking his own life charges the armed lunatic unarmed to save lives.

using only the video and nothing else. Prove I am wrong.
so from the video you can tell two people are deranged? wow, you're talented. the courts would love you.

Using only the video with nothing else as you said we had to there is no way to accurately know what happened. There is nothing to say absent any evidence or information from any other source that it did not happen exactly that way. So now what evidence are we going to accept? Just that which helps your narrative? Or all of it which makes your narrative sound as stupid as my description?
well what do you see from the video? why can't you just address the video? I see two guys, one outside the driver door with a weapon, a guy in the truck bed standing up, the truck is stopped and in the middle of one lane, a black man running toward the truck from quite a distance. I also know another vehicle is following the blackman running. I see the black man run toward the driver side of the truck, seems to react to the man with the weapon and runs around to the passenger side of the truck, his path seems to circle to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires, he continues wrestling with the man and his weapon while punching him in the head, and the weapon goes off again, continues wrestling and punching and while the struggle continues, the weapon goes off one more time hitting the guy who was jogging, he releases the gun and staggers away and falls to the ground. Now you tell me what you see.

Why were the people there? Why were armed men in the middle of the road and blocking the road and circling to cut off the black man jogging? Using only the video, and nothing else. They could have been a lynch mob couldnā€™t they? Going to kill a black man for sleeping with a white woman?

In the video you can see what happened in a few short seconds of time. You do not get the information that brings context to the events. You donā€™t get the information that the McMichaels were breaking the law. You do not get the context that Ahmad had entered and left empty handed a house under construction. You do not get the context that the McMichaels saw Ahmad run by and saw nothing else, no criminal activity, and then rushed to get guns and chase him down. You donā€™t get any context from just the video.

So how you see the video, with no context from anything else, is that two armed white guys in the middle of the street armed and apparently chasing a black guy are attacked. Without any context, that may seem reasonable. I wonder why? I wonder why those guys are there. I wonder what the hell they thought they were doing. I see it and know by Georgia Laws they are breaking the law waving those guns around in public like that. I watch it and know that by Georgia Law, they are in a lot of trouble. Watching nothing but the video, I see a lot of things going on, and Without the context the attack by the black guy is another thing I would wonder about.

The problem is that I have the context. Iā€™ve been reading it a lot. Not just here, but many many other places. And knowing that I have read about the dangers of weapons in public, extensively read about it, long before this, I know that there is a lot of criminal activity in that video.

Here is your problem. You refuse to admit that Georgia law says what it actually says. You donā€™t want to believe that the White Guys did anything wrong. No matter who tells you they did, no matter how many sources are posted, you just will not consider the fact that these two idiots broke the damned law doing what you wish more people would. If more people did, Iā€™d have my taxes increased in Georgia to afford the new prisons to hold them.

Now, maybe the Brandishing Laws are too narrow, and too restrictive. But for now, that is the law on the books. If we ignore those laws, claiming they are unfair, do we do so for everyone, or just your heroes the McMichaels?
address the video. you get nothing to assume from the video. what is it you see? I know, and it pisses you off the black man looks guilty of wrestling with the white guy and assaulting him. I get it. it's why it's evidence. you can't imply from a video, the video gives you all you need to know, what happened.
The white folk should be out marching in the streets....

Decent "white folk" understand that this was not a c ase of self defense but, rather, the hunting and the killing of an unarmed man.

Where are all of the white racist protesters who support these guys? Where are they?
the body language of the white cap dude and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

I cant see the body of the shooter or the hand of the jogger at the spot when the first shot was fired. Hoe do you see what you think you see?
I can tell by the perspective of the shirt and the hat that they are already wrestling. the white shirt is leaning forward, otherwise you' see a head, which you don't see. Right? there is no head on top of that white shirt, right? so, that means he is extended forward in a down direction to secure the shot gun. it's simple to see. The back foot of the guy in the cap is not in proper aiming position.
The white folk should be out marching in the streets....

Decent "white folk" understand that this was not a c ase of self defense but, rather, the hunting and the killing of an unarmed man.

Where are all of the white racist protesters who support these guys? Where are they?
you're mistaken because you think the media lies are believed, unfortunately, facts are now out.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichaelā€™d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arberyā€™s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Letā€™s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I donā€™t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

Iā€™m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arberyā€™s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ā€˜jogging in construction bootsā€™ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichaelā€™s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You canā€™t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So it does not matter what preceded. The only thing that matters is that the black guy attacked the person with the gun. Ok. Why was the person with a gun in the middle of the street? If we are going to start with that doesnā€™t it make him a potential mass shooter and a danger to everyone right? I mean if we are going to start from that moment then we have to ignore why and just make an assumption right?

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the assault of the white guy with the shotgun by the black criminal nut case.

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

Although you could claim they are illegally the Poehleeece and demand they be given a parking ticket. hehheh

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the murder of the black guy with the shotgun by the white racist asshole..

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

There! I fixed it for you!
what murder, the black man had his hands on the shot gun and directly caused the gun to fire. watch the video once.
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there

Hey, Elliot Ness, there's no such thing as "presumed burglary" within the law. Such a thing doesn't exist...
You still didnā€™t answer my question

You didn't ask one. All you said was "I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there"

There's no question there.

You really are fabulously stupid, aren't you?
No lol you said you know they didnā€™t see anything.. I want to know how you know this
I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there

Hey, Elliot Ness, there's no such thing as "presumed burglary" within the law. Such a thing doesn't exist...
You still didnā€™t answer my question

You didn't ask one. All you said was "I definitely think it was a burglary, But it doesnā€™t matter it was a presumed burglary at the moment which is within the law to pursue an individual until the cops get there"

There's no question there.

You really are fabulously stupid, aren't you?
No lol you said you know they didnā€™t see anything.. I want to know how you know this
the lying media said so. they're his god.
72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichaelā€™d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arberyā€™s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Letā€™s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I donā€™t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

Iā€™m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arberyā€™s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ā€˜jogging in construction bootsā€™ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichaelā€™s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You canā€™t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So it does not matter what preceded. The only thing that matters is that the black guy attacked the person with the gun. Ok. Why was the person with a gun in the middle of the street? If we are going to start with that doesnā€™t it make him a potential mass shooter and a danger to everyone right? I mean if we are going to start from that moment then we have to ignore why and just make an assumption right?

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the assault of the white guy with the shotgun by the black criminal nut case.

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

Although you could claim they are illegally the Poehleeece and demand they be given a parking ticket. hehheh

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the murder of the black guy with the shotgun by the white racist asshole..

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

There! I fixed it for you!
what murder, the black man had his hands on the shot gun and directly caused the gun to fire. watch the video once.
Heā€™s a not a bright one
First of all the black dude is not normal....he has a mental history, a felony conviction and when he was killed he was in violation of his parole.

Not relevant in any way.

A normal innocent person's reaction to being stalked by men with guns is to get away from them, and then defend themselves if they can't get away.

The dead man acted like any normal innocent person would, like you would in the same situation.

What nonsense you you think anyone believes you.

By your standards, if you didn't instantly submit to any gun-wielding person, it would okay to kill you, because you're obviously guilty.

Your standards are clearly stupid and evil.
why would you say that? that isn't what happened. so you should watch the video. it has all the evidence of the incident one needs.

Ok. Taking only the video. A deranged white guy with a fellow deranged individual in the back both of whom are armed and acting reckless are in the street. They are noticed by a fine upstanding citizen who fearing a mass Murder is taking place attempts to save the lives of his fellow citizens and risking his own life charges the armed lunatic unarmed to save lives.

using only the video and nothing else. Prove I am wrong.
so from the video you can tell two people are deranged? wow, you're talented. the courts would love you.

Using only the video with nothing else as you said we had to there is no way to accurately know what happened. There is nothing to say absent any evidence or information from any other source that it did not happen exactly that way. So now what evidence are we going to accept? Just that which helps your narrative? Or all of it which makes your narrative sound as stupid as my description?
well what do you see from the video? why can't you just address the video? I see two guys, one outside the driver door with a weapon, a guy in the truck bed standing up, the truck is stopped and in the middle of one lane, a black man running toward the truck from quite a distance. I also know another vehicle is following the blackman running. I see the black man run toward the driver side of the truck, seems to react to the man with the weapon and runs around to the passenger side of the truck, his path seems to circle to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires, he continues wrestling with the man and his weapon while punching him in the head, and the weapon goes off again, continues wrestling and punching and while the struggle continues, the weapon goes off one more time hitting the guy who was jogging, he releases the gun and staggers away and falls to the ground. Now you tell me what you see.

Why were the people there? Why were armed men in the middle of the road and blocking the road and circling to cut off the black man jogging? Using only the video, and nothing else. They could have been a lynch mob couldnā€™t they? Going to kill a black man for sleeping with a white woman?

In the video you can see what happened in a few short seconds of time. You do not get the information that brings context to the events. You donā€™t get the information that the McMichaels were breaking the law. You do not get the context that Ahmad had entered and left empty handed a house under construction. You do not get the context that the McMichaels saw Ahmad run by and saw nothing else, no criminal activity, and then rushed to get guns and chase him down. You donā€™t get any context from just the video.

So how you see the video, with no context from anything else, is that two armed white guys in the middle of the street armed and apparently chasing a black guy are attacked. Without any context, that may seem reasonable. I wonder why? I wonder why those guys are there. I wonder what the hell they thought they were doing. I see it and know by Georgia Laws they are breaking the law waving those guns around in public like that. I watch it and know that by Georgia Law, they are in a lot of trouble. Watching nothing but the video, I see a lot of things going on, and Without the context the attack by the black guy is another thing I would wonder about.

The problem is that I have the context. Iā€™ve been reading it a lot. Not just here, but many many other places. And knowing that I have read about the dangers of weapons in public, extensively read about it, long before this, I know that there is a lot of criminal activity in that video.

Here is your problem. You refuse to admit that Georgia law says what it actually says. You donā€™t want to believe that the White Guys did anything wrong. No matter who tells you they did, no matter how many sources are posted, you just will not consider the fact that these two idiots broke the damned law doing what you wish more people would. If more people did, Iā€™d have my taxes increased in Georgia to afford the new prisons to hold them.

Now, maybe the Brandishing Laws are too narrow, and too restrictive. But for now, that is the law on the books. If we ignore those laws, claiming they are unfair, do we do so for everyone, or just your heroes the McMichaels?
It took a few seconds of my life to search your threads, and about 80% of them are about "bad" cops. You've got an obvious problem. Nothing you say about cops in any context can be taken seriously.

Who knows? You probably got busted a few times and have a weak-ass vendetta. Sorry, the thug is dead and he brought it on himself. The courts will agree, unless the jury is stocked with the likes of you.
if that dude from the truck aimed his gun at you you bet. that isn't this incident, so curious to why you asked?

This is where both men were when the first shot was fired. Where is the gun aimed

View attachment 335180
Red arrow is white cap on shooter.
Blue Arrow is white shirt on jogger.

How do you know the gun was never aimed at the jogger? You cant know because you canā€™t see the shotgun during the entire Citizens arrest. That makes you a liar for stating ā€œthat isn't this incidentā€.
the body language of the white cap dude, where the white shirt is in relation to the white cap and the ultimate position of the hands from the jogger on the rifle. You ever aim a rifle before?

BTW, the length of the shot gun is most likely close to three foot long. If you look carefully at your two points of interest, they are less than two feet apart. If the barrel was in front, it would be in the blackman's mouth through his head.

It was a shotgun, not a rifle.
I said shot gun. are you really that fking blind? a shot gun isn't considered a rifle?

You may have corrected it, but a shotgun is NOT a rifle.
his path circles to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires,

Your testimony for the shooter is false.

The shooter was no where near the driver side door or left of the double yellow line when the shotgun was fired the first time. The jogger did not have his hands on the shotgun when the shot gun was fired. No one can see the shotgun the first time it was fired. You can only see the white cap of the Gunman and the white shirt of the jogger.

The shotgun was fired split seconds before this when both men were a few feet to the right and the gunmanā€™s hat could be seen through the windshield.

72# reply to 71#1414
But YOU DON'T HAVE any fact to demonstrate otherwise. You have no fact to demonstrate that Arbery did not attack McMichael, or that McMichal did not shoot in self-defense.

Your reply to Canon Shooter has a serious problem. I have presented facts to you direct that do demonstrate that McMichael was attacking Arbery as the first shot was fired in front of the truck and when McMichael and his shotgun were on the right side of the double yellow line:

View attachment 335151
Arbury seen jogging near the front of the truck.

Half a second later the first shot is fired.
View attachment 335150
Red Arrow points to McMichaelā€™d white cap.
Blue Arrow points to Arberyā€™s white shirt.

That is the position of the two men when first shot was fired.

SavannahMann in case you are interested.

OK. Letā€™s get to that. You know that in airplane crashes the accident is not the crash. The crash is where the plane ended up after the accident. So how did they get there?

The event does not begin when the first shot is fired. That is the end result of a lot of questionable and illegal decisions. The first shot is not the start. It is the result. The start is when the two McMorons decided to arm up and chase down and stop a guy.

OH absolutely. I donā€™t see a self defense case at all according to the law because both of the gunmen were the aggressors the second they set their hands on the weapons and set out to apprehend an unarmed suspect for a felony they did not witness.

Iā€™m merely pointing out that the white extremist argument that it was Arberyā€™s aggression that justifies a case for self defense by the shooter is just as bogus as the ā€˜jogging in construction bootsā€™ claims were.

The photo shows that the man armed with the shot gun was committing aggravated assault in the direction of the jogger when the first shot was fired.

He was not just standing by out of the way when Arbery was in full view struggling for the wespon that had already
been fired once.

What garbage, what nonsense, what ignorance and what lies you post....have you no shame?

Or are you just toooooooooo stupid to realize what you are dong?

You concoted some photos and drawings to deceive yourself(but no one else) and ran with it and you cannot stop running with it even though your theory has been debunked.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support what you think.

I asked you to watch the video and tell the board the exact time of the first shot in the could not do that even though the timing on the video as it counted down the seconds was plainly visible....why did you refuse to do that ?because when you watched the video you realized you were wrong...that it destroyed your theory of the white guy with the shotgun crossing over to the other side of the truck and attacking the black dude....thus your b.s. is debunked and you know it.

Because the Video is not the start of the event. For that we have to use McMichaelā€™s own statement to police. The shot is not the start of the event. You canā€™t start from there. It is like claiming that none of the Touchdowns scored by the other team count because they were in the first half.

The start is irrelevant............the only issue in this case is the assault of the white dude....that is all there is to this case........period....all the rest is just conjecture, lying, persona opinions aka b.s. mixed in with gross ignorance of the law.

So it does not matter what preceded. The only thing that matters is that the black guy attacked the person with the gun. Ok. Why was the person with a gun in the middle of the street? If we are going to start with that doesnā€™t it make him a potential mass shooter and a danger to everyone right? I mean if we are going to start from that moment then we have to ignore why and just make an assumption right?

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the assault of the white guy with the shotgun by the black criminal nut case.

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

Although you could claim they are illegally the Poehleeece and demand they be given a parking ticket. hehheh

Again the only thing of consequence and importance in this case is the murder of the black guy with the shotgun by the white racist asshole..

All the rest is irrelevant hyperbole.

There! I fixed it for you!
what murder, the black man had his hands on the shot gun and directly caused the gun to fire. watch the video once.

Grasping a shotgun does not cause it to fire, nor does it cause a person to fire two more rounds.
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