New Dim Strategy for 2020; Destroy ICE!

ICE is part of Homeland Security, an organization which has no place in a free democratic country.

There was no need to make more agencies with parallel prerogatives.
Border protection and arresting illegals has everything to do with a free country.
How come the US existed for more than 225 years without Homeland Security
Our borders were invaded on 9/11
What border? The one with space?
I though Jeb was a lot better than the Georges, in particular much better than the younger one.

Ina slovenly academian sort of way, sure, Jeb! could probably name more world leaders than Trump or his Dad and brother, though I am not as sure regarding his Dad.

What Jeb! was lacking was a sense of how frustrated Americans have become with Washingtons willingness to trade away jobs so corporations can have bigger windfall profits, and then tell us that it was an inevitable trend in Global economics like we are too stupid to see that this was entirely the creation of the people who profited the most from it.

In short, Jeb! was the wimpy kid who was merely repeating the lies of his seniors and had no idea personally what was true or not and probably thought it didnt matter anyway.

He shouldnt feel bad, Trump did a much harsher job on Hillary.
ICE is part of Homeland Security, an organization which has no place in a free democratic country.

There was no need to make more agencies with parallel prerogatives.
Border protection and arresting illegals has everything to do with a free country.
Which the US of course didn't do before 2002. I suppose you think the Mexican-American War didn't happen and was a liberal conspiracy.
Which the US of course didn't do before 2002. I suppose you think the Mexican-American War didn't happen and was a liberal conspiracy.
1. Our borders were protected in order to charge tariffs for imports and was done by US Customs service.

Responding to the urgent need for revenue following the American Revolutionary War, the First United States Congress passed and President George Washington signed the Tariff Act of July 4, 1789, which authorized the collection of duties on imported goods. Four weeks later, on July 31, the fifth act of Congress established the United States Customs Service and its ports of entry.

As part of this new government agency, a new role was created for government officials which was known as "Customs Collector". In this role, one person would have responsibility to supervise the collection of custom duties in a particular city or region.

For over 100 years after it was founded, the U.S. Customs Service was the primary source of funds for the entire government, and paid for the country's early growth and infrastructure. Purchases include the Louisiana and Oregon territories; Florida and Alaska; funding the National Road and the Transcontinental Railroad; building many of the nation's lighthouses; the U.S. Military and Naval academies, and Washington, D.C.

The U.S. Customs Service employed a number of federal law enforcement officers throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Customs Special Agents investigated smuggling and other violations of customs, narcotics and revenue laws. Customs Inspectors were uniformed officers at airports, seaports and land border ports of entry who inspected people and vehicles entering the U.S. for contraband and dutiable merchandise. Customs Patrol Officers conducted uniformed and plainclothes patrol of the borders on land, sea and air to deter smuggling and apprehend smugglers.
2. The US Customs folks were backed up by US military all over the US in Army posts and US Navy fortresses like Ft Sumter. Our borders were NEVER open and those caught entering illegally were sent to prison for not having the appropriate permissions of our government.

3. The Mexican/American War was the result of Mexico refusing to accept the independence of Texas nor its annexation to the USA. That is kind of a prescription for war and no libtard conspiracies are necessary. Mexico is still our greatest enemy. They teach their school kids to hate u s and resent us and they aid every criminal activity that costs Americans our jobs, our prosperity and our very lives.
Seems it is out in the open now.... the Dems want open borders!
They no longer want a country. The Open border people arre traitors and you know what happens to people that commit treason
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Seems it is out in the open now.... the Dems want open borders!
They no longer want a country. The Open border people arre traitors and you know what happens to people that commit treason
The Left is unhinged and if their so-called "leaders" don't get ahold of these loonies, the Democrat party is going to be consumed by the Socialists. That will guarantee conservatives will rule for decades to come until the Dems come to their senses.

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