New Efforts to stop Illegals from Voting....If you are not a legal citizen.... you can't vote...


View attachment 1006493
What is obvious from that map is that it’s the lib states trying to allow non-citizens to vote.

It’s all part of the plan.
View attachment 1006493
It's always been illegal for non citizens to vote.

What you are touting is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Since there is no problem in need of this solution, you have to ask yourself "why would they do this?".

The answer is that it suppresses turnout, and it's well known that republicans do better when turnout is low.
It's always been illegal for non citizens to vote.

What you are touting is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Since there is no problem in need of this solution, you have to ask yourself "why would they do this?".

The answer is that it suppresses turnout, and it's well known that republicans do better when turnout is low.

Their solution to the nonexistent “Illegal Voting” problem is to pass legislation that also prevents legitimate citizens from voting
Way it's always been. In all and blue.
Let's put a stop to the bullshit! He lost. Deal with it. :auiqs.jpg:
It will never be that. Never ever. Over the decades to many lies. Trust is what is in front of us now. And there are the empowered who screw over others and get away with it in that realm. Trusting what is distant is very difficult and the people on TV/media/entertainers who connect us to that are corrupted and sell outs. They are mostly progressives. Guaranteeing a comfortable life to spew propaganda is not bad work. Even if it condemns tens of millions of Americans if not hundreds of millions.
It is imperative that the GOP retains control of Congress in order pass a Citizens Only federal voting law. 2024 is probably the last chance.

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