New Ferguson Police Commander Ron Johnson Walks With Protesters

Goes to show you that race is all that matters.

It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that blacks don't want to be cops, it's that they're not intelligent enough to pass the civil service exams.

Are you really that dumb? There are plenty of blacks who could pass the civil service exam. Plenty of blacks work in government and the U.S. Postal Service. Blacks just don't like police - and I don't blame them for it. They have good reason to hate cops.

Yep. Start preaching to them at an early age that they're oppressed and victims of white privilege. This is what you get.
Are you really that dumb? There are plenty of blacks who could pass the civil service exam. Plenty of blacks work in government and the U.S. Postal Service. Blacks just don't like police - and I don't blame them for it. They have good reason to hate cops.

They work in government because civil service exams have already faced the same process.

Here's the deal with policing:

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which administers the test.

Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.

The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.​

So, sparky, what you're saying is that "qualified" blacks just don't want the job - so the dregs apply. It ain't rocket science. Blacks put up with enough racism without having to face it in uniform as a cop.

Being a cop is a pretty damn good job if someone hasn't gone the college and professional route. There are always plenty of applicants for the open positions.

So no, it's not the dregs who want the job.

Also, problems that the black community have with police are the result of the actions of the black community - the police are not generally instigators, they react to what is before them on every patrol shift.
They work in government because civil service exams have already faced the same process.

Here's the deal with policing:

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which administers the test.

Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.

The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.​

So, sparky, what you're saying is that "qualified" blacks just don't want the job - so the dregs apply. It ain't rocket science. Blacks put up with enough racism without having to face it in uniform as a cop.

Lol, that's NOT what he is saying at all. He's saying BLACKS can't pass the exam, so they need to lower the standards.

I know what's he's saying - but he's full of shit. What he's saying is that the blacks who are dumb enough to apply can't pass the test. I get it...
Uh, walking with the troublemakers is a slap in the face of the local police...he is a dumbfuck.

He should've held a press conference to tell everyone to go home and let the investigation take place, not hang out with the local goons.

He lost all credibility walking with the local goons. It would be like an Islamic General appointed by Obama coming in and walking with terrorists in Afghanistan as an insult to the troops fighting them.
Also, problems that the black community have with police are the result of the actions of the black community - the police are not generally instigators, they react to what is before them on every patrol shift.

YES, exactly right. There is a reason we don't see much shit like this in towns like Mayberry.

From what I've heard, the North/NE St Louis area has for decades been a notorious cesspool of violence and crime.
So, sparky, what you're saying is that "qualified" blacks just don't want the job - so the dregs apply. It ain't rocket science. Blacks put up with enough racism without having to face it in uniform as a cop.

Lol, that's NOT what he is saying at all. He's saying BLACKS can't pass the exam, so they need to lower the standards.

I know what's he's saying - but he's full of shit. What he's saying is that the blacks who are dumb enough to apply can't pass the test. I get it...

He's right. That's exactly how Obama got to be the first black president of Harvard Law Review. The standards were lowered.
Right on! This makes sense! A black police commander in a town that is 67% black with a local police force that is 94% white.

I want to understand your point of view. Is it OK for my community to protest a school having a black principal if the student body is 67% white?

Black principals dont have a record of arresting and killing white children. Apples to apples son. Police work is an entirely different ball park. If you understood that your IQ would rise to the double digit mark.
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It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that blacks don't want to be cops, it's that they're not intelligent enough to pass the civil service exams.

Are you really that dumb? There are plenty of blacks who could pass the civil service exam. Plenty of blacks work in government and the U.S. Postal Service. Blacks just don't like police - and I don't blame them for it. They have good reason to hate cops.

I passed the test for police officer and was interviewed by a racist cop that couldnt believe I never did drugs because of where I grew up. I got up and walked out of the interview. I didnt need that shit.
What the white liberal must understand is...When we lose our majority they lose a lot of their power too. Their children and grandchildren will be slaughtered just as fast as mine.

Stop trying to recruit for Stormfront. The only white person I would slaughter is one that endangers my family. People like you.
It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that blacks don't want to be cops, it's that they're not intelligent enough to pass the civil service exams.

Are you really that dumb? There are plenty of blacks who could pass the civil service exam. Plenty of blacks work in government and the U.S. Postal Service. Blacks just don't like police - and I don't blame them for it. They have good reason to hate cops.

No dice to both claims; my small town* has a black deputy, my hometown, just as small, thirty miles away, now has two.

*Another black deputy moved away when his wife was chosen to be the principal of a high school, about 90 miles away.
The saddest thing I see here is the continual denigration of an entire race and group of people that are every bit as American as any other of any race. Why don't you ask the men of the bomber groups that the Red Tails protected what they think of the intellect and discipline of those blacks?
What the white liberal must understand is...When we lose our majority they lose a lot of their power too. Their children and grandchildren will be slaughtered just as fast as mine.

Stop trying to recruit for Stormfront. The only white person I would slaughter is one that endangers my family. People like you.

:lol: No need for recruiting for that website...USMB is better.
The saddest thing I see here is the continual denigration of an entire race and group of people that are every bit as American as any other of any race. Why don't you ask the men of the bomber groups that the Red Tails protected what they think of the intellect and discipline of those blacks?

******* are not Americans. They are sub-human. Haven't you been paying attention to the esteemed members of USMB?
That's a good move. Race shouldnt' matter, but it obviously does.

Police departments nationwide WANT to hire black men and women to be cops. Anyone who has worked in police work knows just how much they want to. But they cant get them to apply. Just the way it is.

It is a good move. And race will always matter, we're genetically programmed that way. Black s should police blacks, and whites should police whites. When one race polices the other, abuse will always occur.
The saddest thing I see here is the continual denigration of an entire race and group of people that are every bit as American as any other of any race. Why don't you ask the men of the bomber groups that the Red Tails protected what they think of the intellect and discipline of those blacks?

This is all happening CLOSE to me so it has my attention and I am familiar with the neighborhoods.

The protests changed Sunday night at dark. The family, leaders and protestors went home. The trouble makers came out and came in from other, actually worse neighborhoods. The cops were too laid back, the looting began. I covered a couple square mile area and TV coverage of it set the black man back a few decades. They looked terrible repeatedly robbing shoe and tire stores.

The daytime protestors are a different bunch I tell you. They must have dayjobs or something. More peaceful than many upper middle class white folk protestors from the generation before me.
That's a good move. Race shouldnt' matter, but it obviously does.

Police departments nationwide WANT to hire black men and women to be cops. Anyone who has worked in police work knows just how much they want to. But they cant get them to apply. Just the way it is.

It is a good move. And race will always matter, we're genetically programmed that way. Black s should police blacks, and whites should police whites. When one race polices the other, abuse will always occur.

I understand the sentiment but disagree. 2 of my family members are cops. One is white and the other is Black. Both are good cops. Good cops should be able to work anywhere. The police force should primarily represent the makeup of the community it polices. People shouldn't be allowed to be psychopaths with god complexes, bigots, and racists while holding a position of authority over anyone. Especially if they carry a weapon like a cop does. I've seen both Black and white cops with issues.
Goes to show you that race is all that matters.

This isn't about race.. this is about an entire police department who are corrupt and use brutality to control people. It is about the militarization of American cities and brave citizens rising up to say, "NOT IN MY CITY YOU WON'T and not one more drop of innocent blood will go unpunished." The pictures out of Ferguson tell the story of an innocent black young man who had his life stripped from him .., It had everything to do with race and has nothing to do with race now, but of human compassion and dignity. I am disgusted and highly offended by what has taken place and continues to take place. Were I close by, I would go march with them..

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