New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

So that means 4 out of 5 will?


No, it means that 1 out of 5 people who voted for McCain will not vote for Romney.

The people who voted for Obama last time still will vote for Obama.

No - 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon means 4 out of 5 will.

Are you fucking dense in addition to being a Goddamned knuckle-dragging, race bating bigot?

'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

2) You leave out half the sentence... which states it increase not from the last time this poll was taken but along party lines. Here, i'll help you you, here's the part of the sentence you left out...

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats.

Oh, gee, the whole sentence actually takes on a completely different meaning, doesn't it?

That's his MO. He chops things up to change context and meaning and/or cuts out large chunks of posts that smash his nonsense apart in order further whatever it is he's trying to lie about.

sounds like a politician to me Artie.....
Which means that 4 out of 5 people would vote for a Mormon. That's excellent news.

Um, no. It means that 1 out of five will not vote for one regardless of anything else.

Probably just enough to cost Romney the election.

You see, I'd have voted for Santorum, Gingrich, or T-Paw.

I won't vote for Romney.

Multiply that by 20% of the population, and ROmney's toast.

Of course, there are plenty of reasons to vote against Romney that have nothing to do with the whacky cult he belongs to...

and a lot of those 20% find a lot of reasons NOT to vote for Obama 3rd party.....why waste your time voting in the same old shit ....and then complaining about it for the next 4 years....
Which means that 4 out of 5 people would vote for a Mormon. That's excellent news.

Um, no. It means that 1 out of five will not vote for one regardless of anything else.

Probably just enough to cost Romney the election.

You see, I'd have voted for Santorum, Gingrich, or T-Paw.

I won't vote for Romney.

Multiply that by 20% of the population, and ROmney's toast.

Of course, there are plenty of reasons to vote against Romney that have nothing to do with the whacky cult he belongs to...

Well first, I hate to burst your little bubble but the whole population does not vote...and many that voted in the historic election for the first black president aren't even going to the polls not to mention those that won't vote for Obama again.

Nice try, but bigotry usually doesn't win any more, thank goodness.
Bigot: noun

1. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion: intolerance, prejudice. ex. Mormons suck

2. insult hurled by liberals when they are losing an argument

3. JoeB

Sorry, you don't believe Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do.

I know it's a concept, but I refuse to pretend he was. I guess you can try to treat it as valid because you hate the black guy so much...

Romney has chosen to believe batshit things and has spent a large part of his life promoting it.

If it was something he was proud of, he wouldn't avoid the subject now.

you lost any credibility with me Joe as soon as you said this.......

because you hate the black guy so much...

so your another one of them?......i cant dislike Obama because of his policies and what he wants?.....its because the fucker is a black guy?....your no better than assholes like Dean.....
It doesn't seem to matter thus far. The two most recent polls have Romney ahead.
They won't vote for a Mormon but they will vote for Obama and I am sure it he even goes to chuch any more since we found out about his mentor Jerimah Wright. If we don't get this right we arfe going to sink the ship for sure.
I bet you could find a poll that found left wing bigots who wouldn't vote for a Jew either.
LMAO. Some people won't vote for a black, and some won't vote for a Mormon. The funny thing is the bigots are from the same constituency, i.e. the right. Geez, when Romney opened his campaign at Bob Jones, was he too dumb to know that they had a anti-Mormon course on the books? Did he not know that the Southern Baptist fundies have been calling Mormonism a satanic cult for years?
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Bill Clinton founded the Mormon faith??

Gee.... I never knew that.

Was there every any proof Clinton had sex with teenagers? Monica was well into her twenties... and I know you guys can't let that go.

No one will never know how many women that molestor left physical scars on.
LMAO. Some people won't vote for a black, and some won't vote for a Mormon. The funny thing is the bigots are from the same constituency, i.e. the right. Geez, when Romney opened his campaign at Bob Jones, was he too dumb to know that they had a anti-Mormon course on the books? Did he not know that the Southern Baptist fundies have been calling Mormonism a satanic cult for years?

The bigot OP is Republican?
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

why are ewe people so bigoted?
LMAO. Some people won't vote for a black, and some won't vote for a Mormon. The funny thing is the bigots are from the same constituency, i.e. the right. Geez, when Romney opened his campaign at Bob Jones, was he too dumb to know that they had a anti-Mormon course on the books? Did he not know that the Southern Baptist fundies have been calling Mormonism a satanic cult for years?

The bigot OP is Republican?

Did the real point fly over your pointy head?
Those who say they will not vote for a Morman are bigoted know-nothings, just as those were who said they could not vote for a Catholic (JFK) People in Nevada don't seem to mind that Harry Reid is a Morman. Oh, that is right, he has a D after his name so it doesn't matter.

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