New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

Joey fears a 'Theocracy'...I know this might be alarming to him? He already lives in one led by Progressives/Big Government (which he so glaringly suppoerts) trying to run every aspect of his life.

Really? WHen do they do that?

Frankly, the last time I had any dealings with the government at all was 2010. I mean besides paying my taxes and other routine stuff.

I always get a laugh at "conservatives" like T who think the gummit is out to get them.

I actually encountered a couple of them when I worked as a census worker a couple years ago. Truly nutty people.
1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

And 1 out of 5 dentists don't recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum.

[ame=]1971 Trident Gum commercial with McLean Stevenson - YouTube[/ame]

Isn't it fun how you can get a survey to say what you want it to?
That religious bigotry won't matter Obama is a black liberation theologian and/or closet Muslim. Possibly non American (I personally believe that more every second, the commies and Soros who funded Obama's life would want a non citizen for collapsing us? Oh sorry I'm ranting hmmm I sure welcome a Mormon anytime over the most secretive transparent Marxist guy.

Oooookay. Birthers.. They are always a laugh.

Hey, guy, the point I was making is that this poll shows that there are people who voted for McCain last time (like me) who won't vote for Romney this time. And Mormonism is a major reason (although there are plenty of others.)

Romney only wins if everyone who voted for McCain last time votes for him, and then he gets people who voted for obama last time to admit they made a mistake.

Translation- "I know that Mormons are nuts, but I just hate Obama sooo much that I will go along with anything at this point."

Obama eating dogs got his war on Christians off the news, Obama's telling his publisher he was born in Kenya got his dog eating off the news and now Obama Fast and Furious got his Kenyan birth off the news. He's going to have to fake an assassination attempt at the hands of the Tea Party to top this
So the number has moved down 8% for Republicans (you all fall into line like whipped dogs. Well, most of you, I refused to.) and 3% for Democrats. It's the number for independents which has remained unchanged

So the bigotry decreased, not increased as your supporting quote claimed.

Thanks for playin.

Uh, no, the quote didn't say that, and those numbers are too high for Romney to win.

Let's say for sake of argument that 10% of those who voted for McCain last time won't vote for Romney this time.

That is, after they figure out he's a Mormon, which apparently 43% haven't figured out yet.

That's 5.7 Million votes McCain got that Romney won't.

How do you win with that?

Incidently, a few more caveats.

I think all these numbers are kind of low. I suspect a lot of people wouldn't vote for a Mormon, but wont' tell a pollster that.

I also think that as the summer rolls on, and the Media does the obligatory background stories on Romney and Mormonism, you are going to have some serious "Oh, Shit, Really?" moments with people.

I know when I educate people on how crazy Mormons are, they are frequently shocked at the inanity of their beliefs.

Translation- "I know that Mormons are nuts, but I just hate Obama sooo much that I will go along with anything at this point."

Obama eating dogs got his war on Christians off the news, Obama's telling his publisher he was born in Kenya got his dog eating off the news and now Obama Fast and Furious got his Kenyan birth off the news. He's going to have to fake an assassination attempt at the hands of the Tea Party to top this

Ooookay, guy.

YOu take that train to crazy-town.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

Thanks for the update, bigot.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

Thanks for the update, bigot.

Well, happy to help you guys out... So when Romney does lose, you'll have a go to excuse.

"People just didn't like him because they were bigoted against Mormons!"

Not that he was an awful candidate with no ethics, convictions, record or ability, and said weird shit.
Thanks for proving many American are truly bigots.

OMG that means there are more Americans just like JoeB.................Holy Crap!! :eek:
Thanks for proving many American are truly bigots.

OMG that means there are more Americans just like JoeB.................Holy Crap!! :eek:

You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

I think the problem with the "bigot" charge is that it ignores valid concerns.

I really do think Mormons have crazy beliefs. They believe in things that are not only patently disprovable, but insist on ignoring all evidence to the contrary. We know there never were any Nephites (Hebrews who settled the Americas, created a civilization that had major towered cities, and were visited by Jesus.) BUt Mitt Romney apparently thinks that there were, and taught others that there were.

Sorry, that's not something I want in a job where the person is required to make serious decisions and being required to analyze them.

If Mitt Romney said he believed in Santa Claus, and was going to write him a nice letter to help fix the economy, we'd think he was nuts. Further, if he was presented with photos of his parents buying his presents and satellite imagery of the North Pole showing no magic workshop there, and he still insisted there was a Santa Claus, he'd have no credibility.

But you take silly beliefs, and call them "a religion", and suddenly, don't you dare question it, becuase then your a "bigot"?
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Bill Clinton founded the Mormon faith??

Gee.... I never knew that.
1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

So that means 4 out of 5 will?


No, it means that 1 out of 5 people who voted for McCain will not vote for Romney.

The people who voted for Obama last time still will vote for Obama.
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Bill Clinton founded the Mormon faith??

Gee.... I never knew that.

Was there every any proof Clinton had sex with teenagers? Monica was well into her twenties... and I know you guys can't let that go.

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