New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

Those who say they will not vote for a Morman are bigoted know-nothings, just as those were who said they could not vote for a Catholic (JFK) People in Nevada don't seem to mind that Harry Reid is a Morman. Oh, that is right, he has a D after his name so it doesn't matter.

Yep. They're objection is FALSE. Good catch.

Thanks for confirming that Democrats are bigots.

When Gallup took the same poll last year, the numbers were 18% of Republicans, 19% of Independents and 27% of Democrats. So the number has moved down 8% for Republicans (you all fall into line like whipped dogs. Well, most of you, I refused to.) and 3% for Democrats. It's the number for independents which has remained unchanged, and that's the one Romney needs to worry about. The Democrats weren't going to vote for him anyway.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

You do realize that a year ago there were 8 or 10 people vying for the nomination. Most rational people are willing to overlook something as irrelevant as the religion of a nominee. There are other issues involved that perhaps you don't see.
The 18% number for independents is also meaningless. I'd bet the house that if you asked these 18% who they voted for in '08, you'd find that 80% voted for obama. As for the increase in Democrats? This is anti Romney sentiment as well Again, these people had no intention of voting for Romney.
I really question YOUR motives here. Do you really hate Mormons that much or are you just using Mr. Romney's religion as an excuse to vote for obama AGAIN?
I bet you could find a poll that found left wing bigots who wouldn't vote for a Jew either.

You could find a healthy percentage of Dems who wouldn't vote for a white guy this election. Joe is just looking for excuses to vote for obama.
[ame=]CNN's Anderson Cooper quizzes Pastor Robert Jeffress, "Mitt Romney - Mormonism a Cult?" - YouTube[/ame]
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Rational people don't get treated badly by a few people then carry a grudge of hatred for 30 years against a whole population.
1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

So that means 4 out of 5 will?


No, it means that 1 out of 5 people who voted for McCain will not vote for Romney.

The people who voted for Obama last time still will vote for Obama.

No - 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon means 4 out of 5 will.

Are you fucking dense in addition to being a Goddamned knuckle-dragging, race bating bigot?

Um, no it means that 1 out of 5 people who MIGHT have considered the Republican probably won't now.

There's a whole lot of the population who won't vote for the Republican, period. About 48%. That's been their floor the last four elections.

So really, you are working on that 52% that's left, and one out of five of them won't vote for your guy.
Look how much the Mormon religion get's trashed just on this board add to that TV, newspapers, magazines,and websites trashing it for the simple reason a Mormon is running for President and we see that religious bigotry is alive and well.
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Rational people don't get treated badly by a few people then carry a grudge of hatred for 30 years against a whole population.

Sure they do, if they were so creeped out by the freakish cult behavior they realize something is seriously fucking wrong with them...

But it wouldn't be a thread discussing this issue without you whining about how I'm being mean because I think their religion is a fraud and their all creepy.
Oh look, the idiotic bigot starts another troll thread! What a fucking shock! :rolleyes:
I'm curious what JoeyB thinks of Dingy Harry Reid? :eusa_whistle:

Not much. Not often. He's not running for President.

OK Joey boy. If Harry Reid was running against Mitt Romney, who would you vote for?
How about if Reid was running against Mike Huckabee? Joe Lieberman? Patrick Kennedy? ETA: Col Sanders?
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Look how much the Mormon religion get's trashed just on this board add to that TV, newspapers, magazines,and websites trashing it for the simple reason a Mormon is running for President and we see that religious bigotry is alive and well.

OR that people are rationally evaluating a cult and it's bizarre behavior.

Now, pretending for a moment that it isn't Obama running, because some of you jokers can't get over your disdain for the man.

Is any religion too freakish to disqualify the person?

Branch Davidian?

There's lines you wouldn't cross.

Hell, I'm an atheist, and I know an atheist could never get elected in this country until we spend another century evolving.
I'm curious what JoeyB thinks of Dingy Harry Reid? :eusa_whistle:

Not much. Not often. He's not running for President.

OK Joey boy. If Harry Reid was running against Mitt Romney, who would you vote for?
How about if Reid was running against Mike Huckabee? Joe Lieberman? Patrick Kennedy?

If it was Reid vs. Romney, I'd vote third party.

If Reid were running against Huckabee, Leiberman or Patrick Kennedy, I'd vote for any of those guys first.
"New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon"

Good deal. That means 4 out of 5 are going to.....WooT****** :D
and a lot of those 20% find a lot of reasons NOT to vote for Obama 3rd party.....why waste your time voting in the same old shit ....and then complaining about it for the next 4 years....

As the guys on SOuth Park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.

Frankly, I blame the Republicans for not coming up with anything better.

Seriously, this was the best they could come up with, the weird Mormon Robot that came in third place in 2008? Seriously?
you lost any credibility with me Joe as soon as you said this.......

because you hate the black guy so much...

so your another one of them?......i cant dislike Obama because of his policies and what he wants?.....its because the fucker is a black guy?....your no better than assholes like Dean.....

If you had legitimate policy complaints, I'd give you credence... but you don't.

The GOP is about hate at this point. Sadly. They are against things Obama is doing that they totally supported six years ago... because the Black Guy Did It.

There's a difference between having a valid policy disagreement and just being a contrarian.

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