New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

Well it makes perfect sense

about 20 % identify as liberal in the US
and about 20 % suffer from mental illness in the US


No doubt if the US public can overlook Papa Obama's 20 year history
with a church and its Marxist based Black Liberation Theology

They won't care about this


The religion "angle" will not work
Papa Obama has too much baggage in that department
Which is why the majority of the left and the MSM
will not follow it
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The GOP is about hate at this point.

What you mean to say is that YOU hate the GOP, you idiotic, bigoted, race-baiting, insecure, hyper-partisan loser.

No, I think I made my complaint pretty clear.

The GOP is about getting stupid people to vote against their own economic interests by appealing to their other anxieties. Fear of non-whites, fear of the gay, fear of empowered women, fear of themselves...

and how do the Democrats get stupid people to follow some of the stuff they spew?.....for instance.....the shit Dean pukes out daily.....why do Democrats believe the shit he posts?....
You mean they are rational people who are rightly concerned a cult started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls has too much power and influence.

Rational people don't get treated badly by a few people then carry a grudge of hatred for 30 years against a whole population.

Sure they do, if they were so creeped out by the freakish cult behavior they realize something is seriously fucking wrong with them...

But it wouldn't be a thread discussing this issue without you whining about how I'm being mean because I think their religion is a fraud and their all creepy.

I might agree with you that their religion is a fraud. But when you discriminate against a whole group of people for any reason, it makes you a bigot.

True story.

Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

New Gallup poll. Obama now at 43% of likely voters..So what.
I told you one more time.....You just cannot stop the religious bigotry.
. He said, Support Prop Hate in California (where few Mormons actually live) and LDS across the country emptied out their children's college funds to support it.
so your saying a hell of a lot of Democrats out here are so dumb and gullible that they will follow and believe what a "Cult" tells them?.....right?.....

Um, yeah, actually, I am.

Prop 8's supporters told some real whoppers to get it passed. That they'd be doing gay sex movies in your kid's classroom or some shit. All funded by the Mormon Church, which despite Mormons only being 2% of the population of CA, were responsible for 70% of the advertising for Prop Hate.
New Gallup poll. Obama now at 43% of likely voters..So what.
I told you one more time.....You just cannot stop the religious bigotry.

Actually, Gallup has him at 45 and Romney at 46... but Gallup is also notorious for undercounting minorities in their samples for the Presidential polls.

Again, an election is a choice, not a referendum...
I might agree with you that their religion is a fraud. But when you discriminate against a whole group of people for any reason, it makes you a bigot.

True story.


True Story.

If you beleive in a Fraud, I can't trust your judgement. Period.
Let's look a little deeper into the poll JoeBigot posted.

It is unclear how the current level of resistance to the idea of voting for a Mormon presidential candidate will affect the election. History shows that these types of attitudes in and of themselves are not an impediment to victory. For example, a May 1960 Gallup poll found that 21% of Americans said they would not vote for a well-qualified candidate who was a Catholic, but Catholic John F. Kennedy went on to win the presidency that fall.

So, more people said they wouldn't vote for a Catholic in 1960 and Kennedy still was elected.
I might agree with you that their religion is a fraud. But when you discriminate against a whole group of people for any reason, it makes you a bigot.

True story.


True Story.

If you beleive in a Fraud, I can't trust your judgement. Period.

Not trusting their judgement and hating them are different.

True story.
If you had legitimate policy complaints, I'd give you credence... but you don't.

The GOP is about hate at this point. Sadly. They are against things Obama is doing that they totally supported six years ago... because the Black Guy Did It.

There's a difference between having a valid policy disagreement and just being a contrarian.

oh i dont? ...ok Joey....if you say so.....i guess we all must like Obama because Joey says we should,because Joey likes EVERYTHING the guy does without Question and so should everyone that how it goes Joey?....if you disagree its because you dont like his Policies......if i do its because he is that how you play your politically correct bullshit game Joey?....

Guy, you idiots were all for mandates six years ago... until the black guy did it.

You were for immigration reform. Until the black guy did it.

You were for Tarp. Until the black guy did it.

i was?.....can you prove that?.....since i have voted 3rd party since 2002 i think your full of shit Joey....i have not been for any that shit......i disagree with Obama Joey because I THINK THE GUY IS A PISS POOR "LEADER" who is dividing this Country even more than that OTHER piss poor "leader" Bush stick your racial bullshit up your Politically correct Ass......
But if we can't even debunk the obvious frauds like Mormonism, what chance do we have.

Any given person will find any religion other than their own an "obvious" fraud. I could give all kinds of reasons why all of Christianity is an "obvious fraud," or any monotheistic religion out there, for that matter.
Let's look a little deeper into the poll JoeBigot posted.

It is unclear how the current level of resistance to the idea of voting for a Mormon presidential candidate will affect the election. History shows that these types of attitudes in and of themselves are not an impediment to victory. For example, a May 1960 Gallup poll found that 21% of Americans said they would not vote for a well-qualified candidate who was a Catholic, but Catholic John F. Kennedy went on to win the presidency that fall.

So, more people said they wouldn't vote for a Catholic in 1960 and Kennedy still was elected.

Farily major problem with that theory...

There were more than enough Catholics willing to vote for Kennedy to offset protestants who wouldn't. Catholics like my late Dad and Grandfather, who normally voted Republican, but were thrilled to see a Catholic get a shot.

Catholics were about 25% of the population in 1960.

Oh, yeah. And Kennedy probably actually did lose the election in 1960. Only cheating in Texas and Dick Daley in Chicago pulled him out.

Romney has no such grace. THere are only about 3 million or so practicing Mormons. (They claim more, but they keep claiming people who escape from teh Cult) And they all usually vote Republican anyway, and they are concentrated in a few states.
But if we can't even debunk the obvious frauds like Mormonism, what chance do we have.

Any given person will find any religion other than their own an "obvious" fraud. I could give all kinds of reasons why all of Christianity is an "obvious fraud," or any monotheistic religion out there, for that matter.

YOu could.

BUt you'd have a harder time of it.

You couldn't prove that there never was a Jesus. There's substantial historical data that indicates there was.

You could say you doubt his miracles or his mother was a virgin or anything else, but there's some substance at the bottom of it. The places described in the Bible are real places.

The Book of Mormon is pure fiction. Not a shred of archeological, anthropological, historical or linguistic data to back it up.. And several things attested to by Joseph Smith (The Book of Abraham Papyrus, the Kinderhook Tablets) have been proven to be frauds.
I might agree with you that their religion is a fraud. But when you discriminate against a whole group of people for any reason, it makes you a bigot.

True story.


True Story.

If you beleive in a Fraud, I can't trust your judgement. Period.

Not trusting their judgement and hating them are different.

True story.

True story... they deserve everything I throw at them...
Let's look a little deeper into the poll JoeBigot posted.

It is unclear how the current level of resistance to the idea of voting for a Mormon presidential candidate will affect the election. History shows that these types of attitudes in and of themselves are not an impediment to victory. For example, a May 1960 Gallup poll found that 21% of Americans said they would not vote for a well-qualified candidate who was a Catholic, but Catholic John F. Kennedy went on to win the presidency that fall.

So, more people said they wouldn't vote for a Catholic in 1960 and Kennedy still was elected.

Farily major problem with that theory...

There were more than enough Catholics willing to vote for Kennedy to offset protestants who wouldn't. Catholics like my late Dad and Grandfather, who normally voted Republican, but were thrilled to see a Catholic get a shot.

Catholics were about 25% of the population in 1960.

Oh, yeah. And Kennedy probably actually did lose the election in 1960. Only cheating in Texas and Dick Daley in Chicago pulled him out.

Romney has no such grace. THere are only about 3 million or so practicing Mormons. (They claim more, but they keep claiming people who escape from teh Cult) And they all usually vote Republican anyway, and they are concentrated in a few states.

Do the math.

If 25% of the population were Catholics, and every single one of them voted for Kennedy (an unlikely proposition), then nearly 30% of everyone else wouldn't vote for a Catholic. IOW, somewhere between 21% and 30% of Americans in 1960 wouldn't have voted for a Catholic, an even greater amount than 18%. Yet, he still won.

Continue to do the math. The only poll that matters (if polls matter) are the Romney v Obama polls because they internalize ALL information, including the anti-Mormon bias. Polls CONSISTENTLY showed that Romney had a better chance of beating Obama than all the other candidates. Thus, even with the anti-Mormon bias, Romney was still the better candidate.
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Do the math.

If 25% of the population were Catholics, and every single one of them voted for Kennedy (an unlikely proposition), then nearly 30% of everyone else wouldn't vote for a Catholic. IOW, somewhere between 21% and 30% of Americans in 1960 wouldn't have voted for a Catholic, an even greater amount than 18%. Yet, he still won.

Continue to do the math. The only poll that matters (if polls matter) are the Romney v Obama polls because they internalize ALL information, including the anti-Mormon bias. Polls CONSISTENTLY showed that Romney had a better chance of beating Obama than all the other candidates. Thus, even with the anti-Mormon bias, Romney was still the better candidate.

I'm not sure if "Better candidate that Batshit Crazy Bachmann" is a compelling argument there, guy. Seriously, is that the best you have?

Fact is, JFK probably lost in 1960, and his Catholicism was probably the reason, despite the fact he was highly charismatic, a war hero and running against an evil troll.

More to the point, in 1960, everyone knew JFK was Catholic.

Apparently, only half hte population knows Romney is a Mormon.

Good luck keeping that under wraps until November.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

24% of Democrats and 18% of Republicans.

Who are the Bigots? Why is it still considered ok to be Bigoted against Mormons? Freedom of Religion means Freedom of Religion, Even if you think their Beliefs are silly. I think Radical Fundamentalist Muslims have some pretty damn funny ideas as well, But I am labeled a Bigot if I ever point them out. Yet huge Segments of the So called Tolerant Left openly Attack, Ridicule and Mock Morons, and to a lesser extent all Christians.

Can you say Hypocrite?

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