New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

I had a birthday party here for my wife last Thursday. 50 people between their early 20's to 74. Roughly half that were eligible to vote in 2008 voted for obama NONE (that I asked) will this time. This includes 2 blacks, one gay and 2 Mexicans,Granted, Alabama will go about 70/30 for Romney, but if so many former obama voters here will switch sides, if the trend continues even 1/4 this size in Florida and Pennsylvania, obama is toast. Get used to singing "Hail to the Chief every time Romney enters a room.
Did you know Hail to the Chief actually has lyrics?

Okay, before it was 50 people who voted for Obama last time. Now you've got it down to 25.

Here's an alternative theory...

They all know you are a whackjob and if they said something nice about the president they'd be treated to a hour long haraunge about how he's an evil Marxist Keynan Monster who is destroying America... because they've probably been hearing that shit from you for the last four years.

So they say, "Nope, Mister Ernie, I'm not voting for him", they enjoy the party, and they avoid an unpleasant scene...

Just saying that sounds a lot more plausible to me.

Not to mention such a ‘sampling’ is in no way representative or accurate.
This is not news.........25% or less always tend to have this agnostic sentiment, but many of them dont bother to vote anyway.

This will be offset by the % in 2008 that cast their vote for Obama BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK!!! The guilt BS wont be in play this time.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

White vote nearly 9% down from 2008.........far more significant come November.

Besides the fact Rassmussen has a RW bias, it just means a lot of people aren't thinking about this yet.

Romney never does well in the long run. IN 1994, he was running even with Teddy, until people got to know him.

Same in 2002. Was well ahead of shannon O'Nonentity, but barely beat her.

Was way ahead of McCain, until Mccain beat him.

And he barely beat Santorum... despite outspending him 10-1.
The right poll is that 90% of Republicans will vote for a Mormon, and Obama is bad enough that others will overcome their religious doubts.

News for Voting for Mormon poll

Deseret News
Americans Least Likely To Vote For Atheist, Muslim Presidential Candidates, Poll Finds
ABC News (blog)* - 1 day ago
Republicans in this most recent poll reported a higher willingness to vote for a Mormon candidate- 90 percent, as opposed to 72 percent of ...

Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting. Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967
Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats
But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.
It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.
Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion. My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

The issue is how important those 10% of Republicans are, who won't vote for a Mormon. I suggest they are the usually reliable right wing voters. They're the bible thumpers, especially the Southern Baptists, who were taught for years that Mormonism is a satanic cult. I mean, Bob Jones University even has a course teaching bigotry against Mormons. I'm also suspect of many of the Democrats who won't vote for a Mormon. How many of those are just Dixiecrats who vote for a blue dog conservative locally, and Republicans on a National level?
We will find out on election day.

The Republican primary electorate turned its back on the far right and selected a mainstream Republican who can reach out to conservative Democrats and centrists to govern this country.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.

The issue is how important those 10% of Republicans are, who won't vote for a Mormon. I suggest they are the usually reliable right wing voters. They're the bible thumpers, especially the Southern Baptists, who were taught for years that Mormonism is a satanic cult. I mean, Bob Jones University even has a course teaching bigotry against Mormons. I'm also suspect of many of the Democrats who won't vote for a Mormon. How many of those are just Dixiecrats who vote for a blue dog conservative locally, and Republicans on a National level?

Most anti-Mormon Christian fundamentalists live in Red States that Romney will win regardless. This may be an issue in some of the BG states such as Ohio, to Romney’s disadvantage.
The right poll is that 90% of Republicans will vote for a Mormon, and Obama is bad enough that others will overcome their religious doubts.

News for Voting for Mormon poll

Deseret News
Americans Least Likely To Vote For Atheist, Muslim Presidential Candidates, Poll Finds
ABC News (blog)* - 1 day ago
Republicans in this most recent poll reported a higher willingness to vote for a Mormon candidate- 90 percent, as opposed to 72 percent of ...

Ummm, actually, McCain got 90% of the Republican vote. John McCian, who pretty much made a habit of antagonizing members of his own party by being pals with Democrats, got 90%.

The fact is, if Romney can't perform a lot better than McCain, he's pretty much toast.

As far as Americans not voting for an atheist... well, yeah, we have a long way to evolve.
Actually, yes . . . just cause you atheist dems have problems with Mormons, the rest of America doesn't.

Move along (the copy waving his arms), JoeB, nothing to see here.
We will find out on election day.

The Republican primary electorate turned its back on the far right and selected a mainstream Republican who can reach out to conservative Democrats and centrists to govern this country.

No, guy, it really didn't.

Romney pandered to the Far Right for five years, it really didn't want him but the establishment sandbagged any alternative.

And five minutes after Romney loses, the usual suspects on here will be saying he wasn't a "real conservative".

If he actually ran as a moderate, like John McCain did, you might have an argument here.
Ummm, guy, yes it did, and, ummm, no he won't pander to the right.

You guys are going to lose, JoeB.
Ummm, guy, yes it did, and, ummm, no he won't pander to the right.

You guys are going to lose, JoeB.

Guy, he's pandering to the crazy right now...

Shit, he's going to a university that teaches his religion is a cult.

He's firing gay dudes because the Fundies say, "Jump".

He goes to the NRA convention, and listens like a stuffed poodle while Pant-crapping Ted Nugent screams treasonous bile.

He sits there like a moron when Rush Limbaugh calls a fine young woman a slut.

And then the capper. Let's go to Vegas and kiss the Ring of the Birfer-in-Chief, Donald Trump.

Are you just watching a different campaign than the rest of us?
No poll today is going to save obama.

No, what will save Obama is that Romney is an awful candidate.

The very fact that most of you right wingers have to go as your first defense of Romney is a diatribe about Obama (who already has the job) tells me that you are voting against Obama, not for Romney.

No one ever won by being "Not that Guy". If you have an election between "That Guy" and "Not that Guy", "Not that Guy" always loses.
sounds nice however in this case it is

"Hell no way that guy again !"

So your cliche may not apply

Oh and speaking of religion


Gallup :Only 34% of Americans Believe Obama Is Christian

20 years of this guy, can you blame them?

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Actually, yes . . . just cause you atheist dems have problems with Mormons, the rest of America doesn't.

Move along (the copy waving his arms), JoeB, nothing to see here.

Except for the 18% who won't vote for one...

Overwhelming democrat, so no one cares, JoeB. And no one on the center or left worries about BHO being whatever they BHO is.

Only weirdos from the far left like you and weirdos from the far right like Neo try to make something of nothing.

That's just great! I get the wacks from the extremes acting stupid. No problem, the future of America does not rest with the likes of JoeB or Neo.
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