New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

Romney is going to win this election and stuff the rats of the far left and the far right down their rat holes.
Personally? I don't give a rat's ass what religion he is. I refuse to vote for the lie that is trickle down economics. Giving more to the most powerful and wealthy only results in more power and wealth fir them and more struggling for most everyone else.
Bigots and racists and JoeBs and NeoTrostskys exist in both parties.

All we can do is expose them and not support them and their bigotry.
You couldn't prove that there never was a Jesus. There's substantial historical data that indicates there was.

No there's not, the "data" is all biblical.

You could say you doubt his miracles or his mother was a virgin or anything else, but there's some substance at the bottom of it.

:cuckoo: No more so than any other religion, including Mormonism.

The places described in the Bible are real places.

You mean like Nazareth, which didn't even exist until years after Jesus died?

The Book of Mormon is pure fiction. Not a shred of archeological, anthropological, historical or linguistic data to back it up.

No different than the Gospels or the Torah.
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Until you ask Republicans about Muslims and homosexuals...

and then what?.....the Democrats stop being bigots?....:eusa_eh:

And then we see which party has the largest market share of bigots.

well that will be hard to decide.....the Republicans will tell you to your face,so you can see them......the Democrats tell you your ok.....but behind your back its you cant see them.....
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats
If this had any bearing on Romney's election chances, he wouldn't have so handedly won the republican nomination.

He's got nothing to worry about. Less people would vote for a muslim than a mormon, and they elected barack hussein obama, the admitted muslim with the muslim name.

Romney is going to be the next president, and all these threads you leftists start trying to make believe different just to make yourself feel good are horse shit.
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Actually, yes . . . just cause you atheist dems have problems with Mormons, the rest of America doesn't.

Move along (the copy waving his arms), JoeB, nothing to see here.

Except for the 18% who won't vote for one...

Overwhelming democrat, so no one cares, JoeB. And no one on the center or left worries about BHO being whatever they BHO is.

Only weirdos from the far left like you and weirdos from the far right like Neo try to make something of nothing.

That's just great! I get the wacks from the extremes acting stupid. No problem, the future of America does not rest with the likes of JoeB or Neo.

It's not "overwealmingly" democrats, guy. 10% of republicans, 17% of Independents and 24% of Democrats. Now, yeah, the Democrats weren't going to vote for him anyway, but the 10-17% of Republicans/Indpendents who won't is probably a fatality.

Especially after the MSM starts educating us on what Mormons actually believe and how crazy they are.
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats
If this had any bearing on Romney's election chances, he wouldn't have so handedly won the republican nomination.

He's got nothing to worry about. Less people would vote for a muslim than a mormon, and they elected barack hussein obama, the admitted muslim with the muslim name.

Romney is going to be the next president, and all these threads you leftists start trying to make believe different just to make yourself feel good are horse shit.

Okay, guy, only crazy people think Obama is a muslim.

Romney did not "handily" win the GOP nomination. He was still slugging it out well past super Tuesday against non-entities. I seem to recall you supported Newt pretty much until the last dog died.

The very fact Republicans thrashed from one "not Romney" to another until the establishment beat them into submission shows that they weren't thrilled with the notion either. Now, yeah, just because you've let them cow you, I didn't.

I'm happy to watch this guy lose. Even if it means getting four more years of Obama.
As far as Americans not voting for an atheist... well, yeah, we have a long way to evolve.

LOL @ atheism as 'evolution.' That says it all about insecure idiots like you.

Um, no, it says a lot about religious people.

People used to sacrifice their babies to imaginary gods when their crops failed.

Today we know what causes droughts and famines.

We evolved.

It's really just that simple. The more man knows about how the universe works, the less he needs imaginary sky friends.
Romney is going to win this election and stuff the rats of the far left and the far right down their rat holes.

If the country committed a brain fart and elected Romney, he would be completely ineffective as president.

Because he was completely ineffective as governor or Massachusetts.

Hey, that's a question you never answer. If Romney was so awesome, how is it that the one state that ever elected him isn't supporting him this time? He's not even going to contest Massachusetts.

And don't give me some shit about how they wouldn't vote for a Republican, because Scott Brown has a pretty good ch ance of retaining the seat Romney couldn't win in 1994.
So the number has moved down 8% for Republicans (you all fall into line like whipped dogs. Well, most of you, I refused to.) and 3% for Democrats. It's the number for independents which has remained unchanged

So the bigotry decreased, not increased as your supporting quote claimed.

Thanks for playin.

Uh, no, the quote didn't say that, and those numbers are too high for Romney to win.

Let's say for sake of argument that 10% of those who voted for McCain last time won't vote for Romney this time.

That is, after they figure out he's a Mormon, which apparently 43% haven't figured out yet.

That's 5.7 Million votes McCain got that Romney won't.

How do you win with that?

Incidently, a few more caveats.

I think all these numbers are kind of low. I suspect a lot of people wouldn't vote for a Mormon, but wont' tell a pollster that.

I also think that as the summer rolls on, and the Media does the obligatory background stories on Romney and Mormonism, you are going to have some serious "Oh, Shit, Really?" moments with people.

I know when I educate people on how crazy Mormons are, they are frequently shocked at the inanity of their beliefs.

My wife's best friend, an 87 year old neighbor lady, is a Mormon and is unable to care for herself. IMO she should be in an assisted care facility, but that is her decision.

There are Mormon church members at her house every day fixing her meals, cleaning her house and doing all of the things she is unable to do.

I have met many of them and I was favorably impressed. It appears to me that their beliefs include freely giving of their time and energy helping others.

And, I doubt a batshit crazy bigoted asshole like you could educate anyone on the beliefs of the Mormons.
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Look how much the Mormon religion get's trashed just on this board add to that TV, newspapers, magazines,and websites trashing it for the simple reason a Mormon is running for President and we see that religious bigotry is alive and well.

OR that people are rationally evaluating a cult and it's bizarre behavior.

Now, pretending for a moment that it isn't Obama running, because some of you jokers can't get over your disdain for the man.

Is any religion too freakish to disqualify the person?

Branch Davidian?

There's lines you wouldn't cross.

Hell, I'm an atheist, and I know an atheist could never get elected in this country until we spend another century evolving.

That explains it all.
LOL @ atheism as 'evolution.' That says it all about insecure idiots like you.

Um, no, it says a lot about religious people.

People used to sacrifice their babies to imaginary gods when their crops failed.

...says the unrepentant abortionist...

NOpe, never said I performed an abortion.

I just realize abortion laws don't work.

I guess whenever you say 'babies', he thinks immediately of zygots...
My wife's best friend, an 87 year old neighbor lady, is a Mormon and is unable to care for herself. IMO she should be in an assisted care facility, but that is her decision.

There are Mormon church members at her house every day fixing her meals, cleaning her house and doing all of the things she is unable to do.

I have met many of them and I was favorably impressed. It appears to me that their beliefs include freely giving of their time and energy helping others.

And, I doubt a batshit crazy bigoted asshole like you could educate anyone on the beliefs of the Mormons.

Yes, the Mormons are very good at taking care of themselves.

It's everyone else they'll fuck over at the drop of a hat.

And they believe in stuff that is so batshit crazy they shouldn't be let out of the house without adult supervision.

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