New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

10 out of 10 people will vote for GOP Morom or a Gay GOP candiate or a GOP transgender....if the economy is bad enough and the candidate looks good enough to solve the economic issues.

I am not sure Mitt has a lot of solutions....

But I am sure the "other choice" is like poison.

I could care less what Gallup says. It all depends on conditions.

96% of blacks voted for you think that number is going to change much ?

Nope. NOt with the GOP running a guy who thinks black people suffer "The Curse of Cain" and didn't let them in their whacky cult until 1978...


Cursed by God, according to Mormons...

No of course not
they prefer radical racists like this guy
Papa Obama's church leader for 20 years
So much better

[ame=]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube[/ame]
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Please, guy, when I tell folks how crazy Mormons are, they are running from your boy in droves.

This year, I finally even the score.

This ludicrous sense of self-importance certainly fits your psycho-atheist profile.

The fact I make you dance to my tune is proof enough.

Dance, my OCD puppet, Dance...

Now that post just reinforces the well-established fact that you are a fucking moron.
Please, guy, when I tell folks how crazy Mormons are, they are running from your boy in droves.

This year, I finally even the score.

This ludicrous sense of self-importance certainly fits your psycho-atheist profile.

He is stuck on a losing issue

Compare "magic underwear" to Rev Wright and the radical Marxist based Black Liberation Theology that his church pushed

People will pick the underwear

Please, guy, when I tell folks how crazy Mormons are, they are running from your boy in droves.

This year, I finally even the score.

This ludicrous sense of self-importance certainly fits your psycho-atheist profile.

He is stuck on a losing issue

Compare "magic underwear" to Rev Wright and the radical Marxist based Black Liberation Theology that his church pushed

People will pick the underwear


Uh, no, they really don't.

Fair minded people know Black people got the shit end of the stick in this country... so Wright might be an asshole, but he's a justified asshole.

Joseph Smith started a church to have a harem of teenage mistresses... that creeps normal people out.
This ludicrous sense of self-importance certainly fits your psycho-atheist profile.

He is stuck on a losing issue

Compare "magic underwear" to Rev Wright and the radical Marxist based Black Liberation Theology that his church pushed

People will pick the underwear


Uh, no, they really don't.

Fair minded people know Black people got the shit end of the stick in this country... so Wright might be an asshole, but he's a justified asshole.

Joseph Smith started a church to have a harem of teenage mistresses... that creeps normal people out.

too funny, try again

Thanks for reminding me of polygamy "issue"
Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904


Papa Obama has a long tradition
Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives
Guess what religion they were?

Oh boy, it must be good now
and more current

Again, religion is a losing issue for Papa Obama
The majority of the left and the MSM will ignore it all cost
Too much baggage
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Try again

Papa Obama's father lost his visa status because
of Bigamy

Too much baggage
and since Papa Obama was never properly vetted by the MSM
they certainly do want to bring this stuff up now
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Poor attempt at a red herring

what does "birther" have to do with Papa Obama's father being a bigamist - nothing

Do they have British birthers ? Papa Obama's father lost his student visa

Even the New York Times, as liberal as they come
discuss Papa Obama's father's polygamy


No one can blame you
It is pretty obvious that you depend on the MSM to get the
majority of your news- thus your ignorance is forgivable

I mean just the other day NBC spoke about Fast and Furious for the
first time.....I believe it was a whole 20 seconds

Religion is a losing issue for Papa Obama
Everyone seems to know it but you

Your "desperation slip" is showing
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i would sure rather have a Mormon then a Muslim. Obama never should have been elected in the first place. Obviously religion didn't seem to matter when Obama was elected, and especially knowing he listened to J. Wright for 20- yrs. That should have told the public something before they voted to this Along with other things.
I am voting against Obama. Its the right thing to do for all our sakes.
Um, no, not really.

I know you are trying to draw paralells, but Romney's grandfather fled the country because polygamy was against the law in the US.

Yes, really!

He is stuck on stupid
with the religion thing

If Papa Obama did not have so much baggage
it might get some "legs"

Since they can't run on his record, they are trying everything
race card, class envy,
Religion is actually the weakest of them

Sadly, none of it is working
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So we are all entertained by the clowns of the extremist right and the extremist left.

Good heavens almighty, every time we take the birfers, and the Neos and the JoeBs, they piddle on the sidewalk.

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