New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

That's why so many people here think you're a bigot.

I wouldn't say that a lot of people here engage in "thinking", guy.

So I don't go through life worrying about what people think.

I dislike Mormons because they believe in bullshit, have no respect for the line between church and state, and think that I as a non-Mormon, belong to the devil.

Sorry, that's what they think.

I'm just returning the favor.
Do the math.

If 25% of the population were Catholics, and every single one of them voted for Kennedy (an unlikely proposition), then nearly 30% of everyone else wouldn't vote for a Catholic. IOW, somewhere between 21% and 30% of Americans in 1960 wouldn't have voted for a Catholic, an even greater amount than 18%. Yet, he still won.

Continue to do the math. The only poll that matters (if polls matter) are the Romney v Obama polls because they internalize ALL information, including the anti-Mormon bias. Polls CONSISTENTLY showed that Romney had a better chance of beating Obama than all the other candidates. Thus, even with the anti-Mormon bias, Romney was still the better candidate.

I'm not sure if "Better candidate that Batshit Crazy Bachmann" is a compelling argument there, guy. Seriously, is that the best you have?

Fact is, JFK probably lost in 1960, and his Catholicism was probably the reason, despite the fact he was highly charismatic, a war hero and running against an evil troll.

More to the point, in 1960, everyone knew JFK was Catholic.

Apparently, only half hte population knows Romney is a Mormon.

Good luck keeping that under wraps until November.

Since the poll is suppose to be a scientific one

the percent will not change drastically
unless you are now arguing that the poll is somehow skewed

Religion with Papa Obama's baggage
The mainstream Left and the MSM will not run with it

it is a non starter
24% of Democrats and 18% of Republicans.

Who are the Bigots? Why is it still considered ok to be Bigoted against Mormons? Freedom of Religion means Freedom of Religion, Even if you think their Beliefs are silly. I think Radical Fundamentalist Muslims have some pretty damn funny ideas as well, But I am labeled a Bigot if I ever point them out. Yet huge Segments of the So called Tolerant Left openly Attack, Ridicule and Mock Morons, and to a lesser extent all Christians.

Can you say Hypocrite?

Um, guy, there were people on the right who wanted to deny Muslims the right to put a Mosque in property they owned because it was a few blocks from the former world trade center. Please don't try to paint the right as supporters of religious freedom.

Everyone has a religion they think is silly.

Freedom of religion says that you can believe whatever you want. It is not a "I can't use your beliefs to evaluate you."

True story. Went to some Six Sigma training with a guy who I thought was really smart and knew his stuff. Then somehow, the discussion got to Dinosaurs, and this guy went into a haruange about how the world is really only 6000 years old and Carbon-14 dating (which isn't used on dinosaur bones anyway) is flawed.

At that point, my judgement about his reasoning skills changed... and not for the better.
I'm not sure if "Better candidate that Batshit Crazy Bachmann" is a compelling argument there, guy. Seriously, is that the best you have?

Of course it is. He's better than every candidate whom you cycled through in hopes of denying him the nomination.

And he's better than Obama.

Fact is, JFK probably lost in 1960, and his Catholicism was probably the reason, despite the fact he was highly charismatic, a war hero and running against an evil troll.

More to the point, in 1960, everyone knew JFK was Catholic.

Apparently, only half hte population knows Romney is a Mormon.

Good luck keeping that under wraps until November.

That can work both ways. The more people who know he's a Mormon, the more likely they are to support him. Therefore, people may decide that it doesn't matter he's a Mormon. Would you rather have a Mormon who can get the economy going or a Christian who can't? If framed that way, my guess is that the 18% will melt away.
I'm not sure if "Better candidate that Batshit Crazy Bachmann" is a compelling argument there, guy. Seriously, is that the best you have?

Of course it is. He's better than every candidate whom you cycled through in hopes of denying him the nomination.

And he's better than Obama.

Fact is, JFK probably lost in 1960, and his Catholicism was probably the reason, despite the fact he was highly charismatic, a war hero and running against an evil troll.

More to the point, in 1960, everyone knew JFK was Catholic.

Apparently, only half hte population knows Romney is a Mormon.

Good luck keeping that under wraps until November.

That can work both ways. The more people who know he's a Mormon, the more likely they are to support him. Therefore, people may decide that it doesn't matter he's a Mormon. Would you rather have a Mormon who can get the economy going or a Christian who can't? If framed that way, my guess is that the 18% will melt away.

Yeah, you can guess that... but really, not so much.

What I've seen here is that when people get all uppity about my not liking the LDS, they really don't know much about what LDS believe. Because they don't want to know. They hate Obama. ROmney could be sacrificing babies to the Angel Moroni, and they'd still support him.

But for the people who voted for Obama in 2008, are maybe not so sure about him now...

Or the people who voted for McCain in 2008, but never liked Romney...

This shit is going to matter.
I'm not sure if "Better candidate that Batshit Crazy Bachmann" is a compelling argument there, guy. Seriously, is that the best you have?

Of course it is. He's better than every candidate whom you cycled through in hopes of denying him the nomination.

And he's better than Obama.

Fact is, JFK probably lost in 1960, and his Catholicism was probably the reason, despite the fact he was highly charismatic, a war hero and running against an evil troll.

More to the point, in 1960, everyone knew JFK was Catholic.

Apparently, only half hte population knows Romney is a Mormon.

Good luck keeping that under wraps until November.

That can work both ways. The more people who know he's a Mormon, the more likely they are to support him. Therefore, people may decide that it doesn't matter he's a Mormon. Would you rather have a Mormon who can get the economy going or a Christian who can't? If framed that way, my guess is that the 18% will melt away.

Yeah, you can guess that... but really, not so much.

What I've seen here is that when people get all uppity about my not liking the LDS, they really don't know much about what LDS believe. Because they don't want to know. They hate Obama. ROmney could be sacrificing babies to the Angel Moroni, and they'd still support him.

But for the people who voted for Obama in 2008, are maybe not so sure about him now...

Or the people who voted for McCain in 2008, but never liked Romney...

This shit is going to matter.

What WILL matter is obama has a record this time. Shit Dan Quayle could destroy the boy king on his record.
What WILL matter is obama has a record this time. Shit Dan Quayle could destroy the boy king on his record.

And if you ran Dan Quayle, I'd probably vote for him.

But I think you are applying your biases here.

I know a few people who voted for McCain who will not vote for Romney.

I've yet to meet anyone who voted for Obama in 2008 who think Romney is the bees knees now.

And this is the biggest obstacle Romney has after his crazy religion.

His whole strategy is getting people to admit they made a mistake in 2008.

Because even if he got every vote McCain got, Obama would still beat him by 8 million votes.

HIs best hope is that the people who voted for Obama stay home, and he doesn't lose any McCain votes.

Forgetting the main reason why McCain was the nominee in 2008 was because a lot of us who supported him in the primary just hated Romney.
What WILL matter is obama has a record this time. Shit Dan Quayle could destroy the boy king on his record.

And if you ran Dan Quayle, I'd probably vote for him.

But I think you are applying your biases here.

I know a few people who voted for McCain who will not vote for Romney.

I've yet to meet anyone who voted for Obama in 2008 who think Romney is the bees knees now.

And this is the biggest obstacle Romney has after his crazy religion.

His whole strategy is getting people to admit they made a mistake in 2008.

Because even if he got every vote McCain got, Obama would still beat him by 8 million votes.

HIs best hope is that the people who voted for Obama stay home, and he doesn't lose any McCain votes.

Forgetting the main reason why McCain was the nominee in 2008 was because a lot of us who supported him in the primary just hated Romney.
And I know at least 50 people who voted for obama that would vote for Charles Manson before making the same mistake again.
obama will lose not because Romney is or isn't a Mormon. He will lose because people know what he's about.
And I know at least 50 people who voted for obama that would vote for Charles Manson before making the same mistake again.
obama will lose not because Romney is or isn't a Mormon. He will lose because people know what he's about.

Are you being honest here, or are you just throwing out a number?

Look, we both live in states that aren't going to be in play in November.

The polls show that about half the country still likes Obama personally, most people blame Bush more for the economic mess and they don't particularly like Romney.

I mean you can go on all day about "Marxist-Muslim-Keynan" whatever motivates you.

I think the flaw of BarackObama has always been that as an idea, he's kind of appealling.

Poor black kid becomes president? Only in America!

I suppose you can show me how his religion affected his administration when he was the governor of Massachusetts? If you can't, you lose again, bigot.

It would be like saying, "Hey, can you prove your brother's Pit Bull ever bit anyone."

WHich I couldn't have until the day it latched its jaws onto his mother-in-law's face and she needed 120 stitches...

I think when you know something is dangerous, you don't wait for it to do something bad...

In other words you can't, you bigoted fucking loser.
The GOP is about hate at this point.

What you mean to say is that YOU hate the GOP, you idiotic, bigoted, race-baiting, insecure, hyper-partisan loser.

No, I think I made my complaint pretty clear.

The GOP is about getting stupid people to vote against their own economic interests by appealing to their other anxieties. Fear of non-whites, fear of the gay, fear of empowered women, fear of themselves...

For whose benefit are you repeating these tired, false, idiotic lefty talking points?
And I know at least 50 people who voted for obama that would vote for Charles Manson before making the same mistake again.
obama will lose not because Romney is or isn't a Mormon. He will lose because people know what he's about.

Are you being honest here, or are you just throwing out a number?

Look, we both live in states that aren't going to be in play in November.

The polls show that about half the country still likes Obama personally, most people blame Bush more for the economic mess and they don't particularly like Romney.

I mean you can go on all day about "Marxist-Muslim-Keynan" whatever motivates you.

I think the flaw of BarackObama has always been that as an idea, he's kind of appealling.

Poor black kid becomes president? Only in America!

I had a birthday party here for my wife last Thursday. 50 people between their early 20's to 74. Roughly half that were eligible to vote in 2008 voted for obama NONE (that I asked) will this time. This includes 2 blacks, one gay and 2 Mexicans,
Granted, Alabama will go about 70/30 for Romney, but if so many former obama voters here will switch sides, if the trend continues even 1/4 this size in Florida and Pennsylvania, obama is toast. Get used to singing "Hail to the Chief every time Romney enters a room.
Did you know Hail to the Chief actually has lyrics?
. He said, Support Prop Hate in California (where few Mormons actually live) and LDS across the country emptied out their children's college funds to support it.
so your saying a hell of a lot of Democrats out here are so dumb and gullible that they will follow and believe what a "Cult" tells them?.....right?.....

Um, yeah, actually, I am.

Prop 8's supporters told some real whoppers to get it passed. That they'd be doing gay sex movies in your kid's classroom or some shit. All funded by the Mormon Church, which despite Mormons only being 2% of the population of CA, were responsible for 70% of the advertising for Prop Hate.
so that also means Democrats will fall for the bullshit that the Christian Right throw at them.... or is that different?.....
For whose benefit are you repeating these tired, false, idiotic lefty talking points?

Not yours.... YOu'd still be supporting the Plutocrats if they move your job to China and you catch one in bed with your signiigant other...
I had a birthday party here for my wife last Thursday. 50 people between their early 20's to 74. Roughly half that were eligible to vote in 2008 voted for obama NONE (that I asked) will this time. This includes 2 blacks, one gay and 2 Mexicans,Granted, Alabama will go about 70/30 for Romney, but if so many former obama voters here will switch sides, if the trend continues even 1/4 this size in Florida and Pennsylvania, obama is toast. Get used to singing "Hail to the Chief every time Romney enters a room.
Did you know Hail to the Chief actually has lyrics?

Okay, before it was 50 people who voted for Obama last time. Now you've got it down to 25.

Here's an alternative theory...

They all know you are a whackjob and if they said something nice about the president they'd be treated to a hour long haraunge about how he's an evil Marxist Keynan Monster who is destroying America... because they've probably been hearing that shit from you for the last four years.

So they say, "Nope, Mister Ernie, I'm not voting for him", they enjoy the party, and they avoid an unpleasant scene...

Just saying that sounds a lot more plausible to me.

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