Zone1 New generation of mixed blonde gypsie kids

I think hair colour is not that important. Mark Zuckerberg is red haired Ashkenazi Jew and he is well represented as jew, and represents jews well.

Few Jews have any real Jewish genes. Ashkenazis don't come from the ME, and the Sephardics come from a tribe in the middle and western parts of North Africa. They come from converted tribes. I have more Jewish DNA than over 90% of Israeli Jews.
I think hair colour is not that important. Mark Zuckerberg is red haired Ashkenazi Jew and he is well represented as jew, and represents jews well.
Is he Jewish? I didn't know. Nor do I care. So much for his representation and the importance of it.
Again, you asked a question, you did not just observe.

Why do you try to find loopholes in my posts and bring it against me? What is your problem with me? I dont even know who you are and why you have a problem with me? I did asked a question but is not a simplicistic as you think, the problem is that some gypsies, do not identify as gypsies, and it is not ONLY because of hair color, but it might be a element if they can get easier away with it. But I never said I DO NOT WANT gypsies with lighter hair shades, i do not mind half asian or hlaf black gypsies either. I believe in one human race - one humanity. To me there is only the human race, and if things continue humans will be all more mixed in the future and harder to tell apart, gypsies and non-gypsies.

Few Jews have any real Jewish genes. Ashkenazis don't come from the ME, and the Sephardics come from a tribe in the middle and western parts of North Africa. They come from converted tribes. I have more Jewish DNA than over 90% of Israeli Jews.

How is that possible that you have more Jewish DNA then actual Jews? Are you Palestinian or do you believe in Anglo-Israelism?
How is that possible that you have more Jewish DNA then actual Jews? Are you Palestinian or do you believe in Anglo-Israelism?

I just pointed out how; Ashkenazis aren't from the ME, and neither are the vast majority of Sephardi. Most 'Palestinians' aren't from the region of Israel either for that matter; they come from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and other places. In fact they referred to themselves as 'Syrians' in the Ottoman era, the 300,000 or so actually recognized as having a right to return, all mostly dead or very old now. There is no such thing as a 'Palestinian Arab'; it's a fictional 'people' fabricated by Arafat and Nasser in the 1950's and early 1960's, as a propaganda gimmick.
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Why would anyone identify as gypsy, if they didnt have to?

Well, this 'Reparations' scam has a lot of 'minorities' all excited and hopeful these days. We've been bombarded with all these tales of woe and oppression the last few decades re Evul White People. We should be ashamed of all the people of color and ethnic criminal gangs desparate to flee the U.S. and Europe by the millions for all those celebrated centers of Diversity in Asia, Africa, the ME, etc. yearning to be free.
Is gypsy a race or more a culture/ethnic group?

Ethnic group but it has racial elements, there are some racial differences to other ethnic groups, like shared unique ancestry etc. Ethnic groups can also be treated as races...

While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race", the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations's Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination.
Why would anyone identify as gypsy, if they didnt have to?

If their parents or one parent is a gypsy i would believe they are. It is maybe the fault of the parents if they dont identify as gypsies or are ashamed of their ancestry and hide it. Also if you communicate to have any degree of gypsy ancestry, you will be seen as gypsy so you have to identify as gypsy. Only if you hide it, but i dont think is psychogically healthy to hide such a thing it makes you suffer.
Well, this 'Reparations' scam has a lot of 'minorities' all excited and hopeful these days. We've been bombarded with all these tales of woe and oppression the last few decades re Evul White People. We should be ashamed of all the people of color and ethnic criminal gangs desparate to flee the U.S. and Europe by the millions for all those celebrated centers of Diversity in Asia, Africa, the ME, etc. yearning to be free.

Nothing about "reparations is mentioned" i would believe if your parents are gypsies that you are, and why would you have to hide it? If your parents are polish you would say you are polish, it has nothing to do with white guilt.
If their parents or one parent is a gypsy i would believe they are. It is maybe the fault of the parents if they dont identify as gypsies or are ashamed of their ancestry and hide it. Also if you communicate to have any degree of gypsy ancestry, you will be seen as gypsy so you have to identify as gypsy. Only if you hide it, but i dont think is psychogically healthy to hide such a thing it makes you suffer.

Why would a person who doesn't participate in any thing related to being gypsy identify as gypsy. Example a french guy whose mom identified as gypsy, but as an adult he has no association with being gypsy, participates in no traditions or culture, why would he identify as gypsy as opposed to simple identifying as a french man?
Why would a person who doesn't participate in any thing related to being gypsy identify as gypsy. Example a french guy whose mom identified as gypsy, but as an adult he has no association with being gypsy, participates in no traditions or culture, why would he identify as gypsy as opposed to simple identifying as a french man?

That is true, he doesnt have to. In Serbia but I think in the USA too, the census data is self-identified, so you can choose to identify how you want. Im not against it, but in my personal opinion i would want that my kids identify as gypsies. Thats why I say it.

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