New "genius" plan for food stamps.

Does the crazy and angry left really think that local small businesses depend on freaking food stamp transactions to make a profit? The crazy left whined that the tax breaks for small businesses would hurt the federal government and now they are all full of hatred and outrage at the mean federal government because they might make a change in food stamps. Somebody needs to offer PTSD counseling to the left before they go off the deep end.
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?
My bad, I guess.

The most sensible argument I've heard against it yet is HOW are these boxes going to get to every recipient? Rural folks and disabled folks, etc., who can't get to a distribution center. Shipping a box of canned goods would cost a fortune, and since this population is highly mobile, and considering how long it takes the bureaucracy to process a change of address, it could get real messy. Would you be leaving the box outside the door of people who are out working to earn their food stamps? What would prevent your neighbor from stealing it?
It's a great idea on paper, but a lot of people think the logistics would be enormously complicated.

How do the disabled folks get to the grocery store?
Disabled folks seem to be highly mobile according Old Lady. Weird!
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?
My bad, I guess.

The most sensible argument I've heard against it yet is HOW are these boxes going to get to every recipient? Rural folks and disabled folks, etc., who can't get to a distribution center. Shipping a box of canned goods would cost a fortune, and since this population is highly mobile, and considering how long it takes the bureaucracy to process a change of address, it could get real messy. Would you be leaving the box outside the door of people who are out working to earn their food stamps? What would prevent your neighbor from stealing it?
It's a great idea on paper, but a lot of people think the logistics would be enormously complicated.

How do the disabled folks get to the grocery store?
Okay. Good point. Next time that argument comes up, I plan to use it.
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?
My bad, I guess.

The most sensible argument I've heard against it yet is HOW are these boxes going to get to every recipient? Rural folks and disabled folks, etc., who can't get to a distribution center. Shipping a box of canned goods would cost a fortune, and since this population is highly mobile, and considering how long it takes the bureaucracy to process a change of address, it could get real messy. Would you be leaving the box outside the door of people who are out working to earn their food stamps? What would prevent your neighbor from stealing it?
It's a great idea on paper, but a lot of people think the logistics would be enormously complicated.

How do the disabled folks get to the grocery store?
Disabled folks seem to be highly mobile according Old Lady. Weird!
The population as a whole is highly mobile. I've been working with them for years and for one of them to stay at the same address for a year is the exception to the rule.
Disabled folks are also on FS, though. Can you follow that?
Yet, the right wing can let homelessness happen, especially in right to work States.

Where you laughing when you typed that?

California is not a "right to work" State.

Some on the left are advancing Individual Liberty and right to bear True Witness to our at-will employment laws!

Thanks for pointing out the failure of dem policies.

We have an excuse. Why is there Any homelessness in rightwing, alleged, Right to Work, States?

Why is homelessness a bigger problem in blue states?

Cost of living. And, right wing tax cuts economics has made it difficult to upgrade infrastructure since it always ends up in deficit financing that merely helps the richest, get richer under our form of Capitalism.
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?

I agree for the most part.
A lot of the problems with our fruits and veggies comes from picking before ripe so they make to market before they rot.
And tomatoes suck these days because they grow for appearance rather than flavor.

Home grown stuff is far better organic or not.
I always used MiracleGro and diatomaceous earth on the bugs. Is that organic?

Miracle grow most certainly isnt but Diatomaceous earth is,it consists of finely ground long dead crustaceans and it cuts up the bugs innards.

Do not inhale the stuff!!!! It can cause serious lung problems!!
I don't keep a garden anymore, but thanks. Bummer about Miracle Gro. Is ALL fertilizer/plant food non-organic? (Except composted manure?) I used to dig in seaweed too. I'm on the coast so it's handy.
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?

I agree for the most part.
A lot of the problems with our fruits and veggies comes from picking before ripe so they make to market before they rot.
And tomatoes suck these days because they grow for appearance rather than flavor.

Home grown stuff is far better organic or not.
I always used MiracleGro and diatomaceous earth on the bugs. Is that organic?

Miracle grow most certainly isnt but Diatomaceous earth is,it consists of finely ground long dead crustaceans and it cuts up the bugs innards.

Do not inhale the stuff!!!! It can cause serious lung problems!!
I don't keep a garden anymore, but thanks. Bummer about Miracle Gro. Is ALL fertilizer/plant food non-organic? (Except composted manure?) I used to dig in seaweed too. I'm on the coast so it's handy.

There are some that are organic like bone meal,but they usually need to be used in conjunction with other organics.
Organic produce is a scam.

It's hard on the environment because a lot more natural resources have to be used to produce the same amount of food. I've never heard of a study linking organic produce to better health. Organic produce tastes the same and has the same nutrition. Organic food idiots probably expose themselves to as many chemicals as anyone else, like bug sprays in the home and eating non-organic foods in restaurants.

What does this have to do with the common sense plan to replace some food stamps with food boxes?
My bad, I guess.

The most sensible argument I've heard against it yet is HOW are these boxes going to get to every recipient? Rural folks and disabled folks, etc., who can't get to a distribution center. Shipping a box of canned goods would cost a fortune, and since this population is highly mobile, and considering how long it takes the bureaucracy to process a change of address, it could get real messy. Would you be leaving the box outside the door of people who are out working to earn their food stamps? What would prevent your neighbor from stealing it?
It's a great idea on paper, but a lot of people think the logistics would be enormously complicated.

I presume that the "savings" from fraud and abuse of the EBT's will more than make up for shipping costs.

I have no doubt Alaska's "bush pilot shipping" of /all/ goods is probably 400 times the cost to any tiny town in the lower 48 and yet we manage to get food to them all [weather permitting.] Consider how the school district gets food to each and every school in each and every city as well.
Obviously, it's a lot easier to credit a plastic card someone already has than to ship them food.

But, we are talking about a marginal population that often doesn't make smart or honest use of the food cards. If shipping food really turns out to be a better deal for the government, it'll show that poor people are even more wasteful than government.
Obviously, it's a lot easier to credit a plastic card someone already has than to ship them food.

But, we are talking about a marginal population that often doesn't make smart or honest use of the food cards. If shipping food really turns out to be a better deal for the government, it'll show that poor people are even more wasteful than government.

I think the poor know how to shop
I think they know when something is on sale and is a good buy
I think they know what they like to eat better than some government lackey sending them canned peas from the lowest bidder

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