New GOP caucus to promote "Anglo Saxon Political Traditions"

Well, why even hide it at this point. Not terribly surprising, I guess.

A policy platform for the group, which calls itself the America First Caucus, declares that "a certain intellectual boldness is needed" in order to "follow in President Trump’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation."

In a section describing its position on infrastructure, the caucus says it will "work towards an infrastructure that reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture."
And this is bad?
Well, there you go. Define Anglo-Saxon political traditions" for us. Are they (and you) promoting going back to Wergild?
Adam Smith, I get that he's anathema to socialist and communists.

Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
1. Methinks Representative McCarthy is feigning his "indignation."

2. Methinks many Americans of ALL ethnicities agree that this country would be better off following so-called "Anglo-Saxon" political traditions than the "political traditions" of other cultures.

a. For example, the English people pushed the development of Parliament and free speech. That seems to be a pretty nice "political tradition" to follow and one that is missing from many other cultures, such as China and Russia and Iran and Turkey and ...

3. I agree that just talking about this matter, however, has driven the woke Dems out of their minds because they secretly agree but do not dare admit it. Politically, the Republicans should not be talking like this, thus Rep. McCarthy's mock horror!
As for your second point...what about the French? What about the Greeks? What about the Romans?
1. Methinks Representative McCarthy is feigning his "indignation."

2. Methinks many Americans of ALL ethnicities agree that this country would be better off following so-called "Anglo-Saxon" political traditions than the "political traditions" of other cultures.

a. For example, the English people pushed the development of Parliament and free speech. That seems to be a pretty nice "political tradition" to follow and one that is missing from many other cultures, such as China and Russia and Iran and Turkey and ...

3. I agree that just talking about this matter, however, has driven the woke Dems out of their minds because they secretly agree but do not dare admit it. Politically, the Republicans should not be talking like this, thus Rep. McCarthy's mock horror!
As for your second point...what about the French? What about the Greeks? What about the Romans?

1. Thank you for your opinion.

2. Yes, those three cultures have also contributed to our country's political traditions.

a. As one member reminded me, Greece gets the credit for "democracy."

3. I think that those Republicans were just trying to say this: Let's respect the fact that this country started as 13 British colonies, so why don't we continue to be a country based on English culture. Lovely people are coming here from Latin America, Africa, & Asia. Hopefully, they will melt into American culture and become as American as apple pie.

Have a nice weekend!
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
I used to try to get through to them pretty regularly. Now I'll respond five to ten percent of the time.

Evidently there is a small part of me remaining that thinks I can get through. That part is shrinking a bit.
Trying to pass off the complete and total mega failures of Bush onto the Dems is pathetic.

Where did I do that?

Just show me that most Dems, unlike Bush, were working to stop the real estate bubble.
Even Obama was against forcing banks to make loans to poor risks.......right?
When you tried to blame the Dems for the Bush economic collapse...
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Bush's 2 failed wars.
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Trump's covid super fuck up...

Blaming Dems for GOP meltdowns is all you have left. It's not like you people can take personal responsibility for anything in life...
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.
there was that so hard mac?....quit using your stupid sig line as your answer to everything....
You're welcome.

And my sig line comes in handy for dealing with liars and ignorant nutters. If you don't like that, tough.
when someone asks you a question mac,you answer dont say read my sig line...if you cant handle a real time question just say so....and if you dont like that,tough...
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.
there was that so hard mac?....quit using your stupid sig line as your answer to everything....
You're welcome.

And my sig line comes in handy for dealing with liars and ignorant nutters. If you don't like that, tough.
when someone asks you a question mac,you answer dont say read my sig line...if you cant handle a real time question just say so....and if you dont like that,tough...
I'll respond if I please, as I please. Regardless of how hard you guys hump my leg.

You'll notice I don't do that.
I'll wait for a credible source.

No you won't.

If you actually wanted to know about this all you had to do was copy and paste the title of the article into a search then hit enter.

Or you can use your own keywords to bring up on a search.

I just used the title of the article. Then hit enter. A ton of articles came up including one from Fox News reporting the exact same thing only from the point that McCarthy sent out a rebuke to the group.

But you didn't even take a second to do that because it's a very inconvenient truth that you don't want to believe.

The google that has been manipulating search results that skew to the left while hiding information that is damaging to the leftwing narrative?

That google?

I'll wait for a credible source.

If namecalling is all you have....

You're going to have to stop lying. I can't get through your posts because I come to a lie. There's no reason to keep reading.

Here is a screen shot of my whole post. Please tell me where I used the word google. I don't use google. The last thing I'm going to do is tell someone to use a search I don't use or trust. I just used the word search. There are a ton of search engines out there.

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 10.04.23 AM.png

So you just lied to excuse your laziness and cowardice.

Use any search you want. You won't do that search because it's an inconvenient truth you don't want to know.

I knew you would continue to be the coward you are.
Well, why even hide it at this point. Not terribly surprising, I guess.

A policy platform for the group, which calls itself the America First Caucus, declares that "a certain intellectual boldness is needed" in order to "follow in President Trump’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation."

In a section describing its position on infrastructure, the caucus says it will "work towards an infrastructure that reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture."
I read the whole thing here:

It advocates:
  • National voter ID
  • Smaller federal government
  • Reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
  • Enforcing borders
  • Curbing legal immigration for those who come to get benefits and not assimilate
  • Abolishing unnaturalized birthright citizenship
  • Investment in infrastructure of higher visual appeal
  • Stopping wasteful foreign spending, such as gender studies in Pakistan
  • A return to peace with Russia and North Korea, and staying out of unnecessary foreign wars
  • Opening America in full, as every business is essential
  • Putting America First in trade deals (no specifics)
  • Opposition to Climate Change initiatives that put America at a competitive disadvantage
  • Support for fossil fuels and nuclear energy
  • Promotion of crypto-currencies (weird)
  • Strong competition against Communist China

I am in favor of the large majority of it, but it sure could use some improvement. It's probably just an early draft.
Trying to pass off the complete and total mega failures of Bush onto the Dems is pathetic.

Where did I do that?

Just show me that most Dems, unlike Bush, were working to stop the real estate bubble.
Even Obama was against forcing banks to make loans to poor risks.......right?
When you tried to blame the Dems for the Bush economic collapse...
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Bush's 2 failed wars.
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Trump's covid super fuck up...

Blaming Dems for GOP meltdowns is all you have left. It's not like you people can take personal responsibility for anything in life...

When you tried to blame the Dems for the Bush economic collapse...

So Dems weren't trying to stop the real estate bubble? Why not?
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.
there was that so hard mac?....quit using your stupid sig line as your answer to everything....
You're welcome.

And my sig line comes in handy for dealing with liars and ignorant nutters. If you don't like that, tough.
when someone asks you a question mac,you answer dont say read my sig line...if you cant handle a real time question just say so....and if you dont like that,tough...
I'll respond if I please, as I please. Regardless of how hard you guys hump my leg.

You'll notice I don't do that.
do what,hump legs?....
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
hey dana why dont you address me since i am the one you are talking about?.....and if i am ignoring what mac is saying, why am i asking him about what he says?...thats called paying attention....and please prove i am a trump person? least mac,unlike you,is not afraid to answer his critics...
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
I used to try to get through to them pretty regularly. Now I'll respond five to ten percent of the time.

Evidently there is a small part of me remaining that thinks I can get through. That part is shrinking a bit.

I used to try but I gave up in the bush boy years.

The Obama years only confirmed that I made the right choice.

Have fun chasing those windmills.
Marge is channeling David Duke here - Swear to God :rolleyes-41:

*Start at 4:30 if short on time

I'll wait for a credible source.

No you won't.

If you actually wanted to know about this all you had to do was copy and paste the title of the article into a search then hit enter.

Or you can use your own keywords to bring up on a search.

I just used the title of the article. Then hit enter. A ton of articles came up including one from Fox News reporting the exact same thing only from the point that McCarthy sent out a rebuke to the group.

But you didn't even take a second to do that because it's a very inconvenient truth that you don't want to believe.

The google that has been manipulating search results that skew to the left while hiding information that is damaging to the leftwing narrative?

That google?

I'll wait for a credible source.

If namecalling is all you have....

You're going to have to stop lying. I can't get through your posts because I come to a lie. There's no reason to keep reading.

Here is a screen shot of my whole post. Please tell me where I used the word google. I don't use google. The last thing I'm going to do is tell someone to use a search I don't use or trust. I just used the word search. There are a ton of search engines out there.

View attachment 480988

So you just lied to excuse your laziness and cowardice.

Use any search you want. You won't do that search because it's an inconvenient truth you don't want to know.

I knew you would continue to be the coward you are.
you are a coward yourself dana....
Trying to pass off the complete and total mega failures of Bush onto the Dems is pathetic.

Where did I do that?

Just show me that most Dems, unlike Bush, were working to stop the real estate bubble.
Even Obama was against forcing banks to make loans to poor risks.......right?
When you tried to blame the Dems for the Bush economic collapse...
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Bush's 2 failed wars.
Just like when you people try to blame the Dems for Trump's covid super fuck up...

Blaming Dems for GOP meltdowns is all you have left. It's not like you people can take personal responsibility for anything in life...

It wasn't democrats who deregulated the banks and mortgage companies, that was the republicans.

Before the republicans deregulated, the subprime loans and all that garbage were classified predatory lending and very illegal.

Before the republicans deregulated it was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy a subprime loan.

Before the republicans deregulated it was illegal to bundle small amounts of good loans with a large amount of bad ones to sell as prime loans.

On top of that the bush boy and republicans basically voided all the state's regulations and laws in regard to banks and lending. So even state laws could no longer protect the borrowers.

In fact the bush boy gave a speech in 2005 very proudly proclaiming his new deregulations would mean more people would own homes.

The republicans always blame their failures on democrats. Then demand that democrats clean up the mess but aren't cleaning it up fast enough.
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
I used to try to get through to them pretty regularly. Now I'll respond five to ten percent of the time.

Evidently there is a small part of me remaining that thinks I can get through. That part is shrinking a bit.

I'm all about marginalization of these fucking idiots. All day, everyday. :biggrin:
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
I used to try to get through to them pretty regularly. Now I'll respond five to ten percent of the time.

Evidently there is a small part of me remaining that thinks I can get through. That part is shrinking a bit.

I'm all about marginalization of these fucking idiots. All day, everyday. :biggrin:
I'm not trying to change their minds or convince them of anything.

To me, they're little wet wormy things, wigging around in my mental Petri dish.

Poke, observe, poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.
Why not Celtic? Why not Norman? What's wrong with those people?
They're consumed by paranoia and rage. Decades of talk radio and the internet have turned them into something we haven't seen before. Not in this country, anyway.
They're consumed by paranoia and rage.
so is the side you have taken up with mac.....
Okie dokie!
prove me wrong.....
I'll issue the same invitation that I've offered many: Identify one (1) issue on which I have changed my opinion.

Or, you can start a thread about any issue, tag me, and challenge me to demonstrate where I disagree with the Dems.

So far, many invitations, no takers. Just accusations based on nothing. Just let me know.
i asked you to prove me wrong...........prove me wrong about what i said the left ALSO consumed by paranoia and rage?....if so why dont you say so?...come on mac be like you were at one time here,someone who isnt afraid to say the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans are...
How do I prove an opinion? Especially when I know it won't work? That's just silly. I gave up that here a long time ago.

And the first line of my sig has been there for YEARS: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

My invitations remain. But I won't hold my breath.
an opinion? i stated a fact and you are just dancing away instead of saying yes or no to that i assume since you dont want to answer it you are saying that the left is not consumed by paranoia and rage......the old mac, not perverted by trump, would have had no problems answering that....
The invitation remains.
i think i just proved that you DONT think the left is also consumed by paranoia and trump fucked your head up that much?...well at one time you were a guy who had problems with both parties now i dont think so.....
Well, you're wrong, and it would be very easy to prove. But you won't take me up on my invitation.

That's on you, not me.
i asked you a simple question dancing around and refusing to answer is on you not me.....your sig line was written 10 years ago...... and it has nothing to do with what i asked....
Good gawd.

It is my opinion that the right wing -- Trumpsters in particular -- have spent the last decades being whipped into a frenzy of rage and paranoia by talk radio and then the internet. It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia have centered on a changing national demographic and the fear that they are being "replaced" -- their words -- and exacerbated by the Left's non-stop leveraging of PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

It is my opinion that this rage and paranoia are more intense and misguided than rage and paranoia that we see on the Left. It is my opinion that, as with most issues, the two ends of our spectrum feed into the worst impulses and behaviors of the other. It is my opinion that this misguided rage and paranoia is only making it easier for the hardcore Left to push too far in their direction. I could provide examples of me saying that EVEN BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, but I know that won't matter to you.

There. Have I covered everything to your satisfaction? I certainly want to help.

Why do you feel you must explain and then justify your opinions to a person on a message board who will ignore what you say?

You've posted the same type of post many times on this board.

What makes you think that this post will be any different from all the other ones?

You're wasting your time and no one should have to justify their opinions to anyone much less a trump person.
I used to try to get through to them pretty regularly. Now I'll respond five to ten percent of the time.

Evidently there is a small part of me remaining that thinks I can get through. That part is shrinking a bit.

I'm all about marginalization of these fucking idiots. All day, everyday. :biggrin:
yea we can tell by your sure those fucking idiots do the same with you....

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