New GOP Trump Defense: He's A Fool. He's A Toddler. He Doesn't Know Any Better. He's New To Politics


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
GOP’s New Defense of Trump: The Guy’s A Toddler, He Doesn’t Know Any Better.

From taking sides in the Qatar dispute to leaning on an FBI director to drop an investigation, Trump’s blunders should be excused, the argument goes.

WASHINGTON – Republicans attempting to explain President Donald Trump’s behavior appear to be trying out a novel approach: He ought not to be blamed for his mistakes because he doesn’t know any better.

“He’s new at government and so, therefore, I think that he’s learning as he goes,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday, explaining how Trump could have thought it was OK to lean on the FBI director to drop a criminal investigation.

Call it the toddler defense. Trump cannot be expected to understand appropriate behavior for a president because he is a businessman, not a politician, and is still only learning.

“Trump is like a parasite that invaded the body politic, and the part that is most rotten right now is the RNC,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign last year. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Weaver added that in addition to being wrong, reflexively defending Trump was bad politics. “Handcuffing yourself to a president who’s at 34 percent and sinking is not a good strategy,” he said.

More: GOP's New Defense of Trump: The Guy's A Toddler, He Doesn't Know Any Better

So, he doesn't know any better? We all remember how Trump campaigned against being "politically correct" and how his supporters applauded and cheered him on. Therefore, Trump and his supporters cannot now plead ignorance as an excuse by saying this is all new to Trump since he had no prior political background.
Apologies to the mods if this was already threaded...

Paul Ryan in what I'm sure was an uncontrollable carom into the truth, ripped POTUS a new one

“He’s new to government,” Ryan said. “And so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI, and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”

That Mr. Trump is 100% unqualified to be our President was clear on the day he announced his candidacy; at least it was to anyone with two working brain cells.

It is refreshing (though surprising) to hear the Speaker of the House confirm it.
GOP’s New Defense of Trump: The Guy’s A Toddler, He Doesn’t Know Any Better.

From taking sides in the Qatar dispute to leaning on an FBI director to drop an investigation, Trump’s blunders should be excused, the argument goes.

WASHINGTON – Republicans attempting to explain President Donald Trump’s behavior appear to be trying out a novel approach: He ought not to be blamed for his mistakes because he doesn’t know any better.

“He’s new at government and so, therefore, I think that he’s learning as he goes,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday, explaining how Trump could have thought it was OK to lean on the FBI director to drop a criminal investigation.

Call it the toddler defense. Trump cannot be expected to understand appropriate behavior for a president because he is a businessman, not a politician, and is still only learning.

“Trump is like a parasite that invaded the body politic, and the part that is most rotten right now is the RNC,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign last year. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Weaver added that in addition to being wrong, reflexively defending Trump was bad politics. “Handcuffing yourself to a president who’s at 34 percent and sinking is not a good strategy,” he said.

More: GOP's New Defense of Trump: The Guy's A Toddler, He Doesn't Know Any Better

So, he doesn't know any better? We all remember how Trump campaigned against being "politically correct" and how his supporters applauded and cheered him on. Therefore, Trump and his supporters cannot now plead ignorance as an excuse by saying this is all new to Trump since he had no prior political background.

GOP dealing with Trump...

Corny is in stupid over drive, we told her there would be no obstruction charge....but would she listen? Noooooooo
The dem's big "key witness" was a big "nothingburger". Got anything indictable? NO. Trump wins.
I find it hilarious that Trump supporters have sunk to defending Trump based on ignorance. Funny...
Well let's see... so there's ZERO evidence of PRESIDENT Trump COLLUDING with the Russians, so it's ON THE BEATING THE NEXT DEAD HORSE for the DEMTARDS.

The entire NATION at this point is getting SICK of the DEMOCRATS and their HYSTERIA.
Trump's not a's one thing that got him elected President.

Your statement about Paul Ryan's admission is FAKE NEWS.

Its also one thing that is enveloping his administration in multiple scandals at this time.
Corny is in stupid over drive, we told her there would be no obstruction charge....but would she listen? Noooooooo

What? Trump is under investigation so we don't know what the outcome will be yet.

Nothing is going to happen. Take it to the bank. It's over

Right,just like Russia interfered with our elections, Comey has nothing on Trump, Trump taped Comey, Trump never told Comie to back off Flynn..

Sorry as much as I want this drama to be over, it has only just begun..
Had to stop watching today, it gets to be too much. But this is not an excuse, if Trump is unqualified these jokers need to stop letting him run the show while they are in the back round passing bills to screw us over while we are distracted..

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