New Hampshire Primary Thread

I have to agree with Clayton. Fox reported that 80% of New Hampshire voters want Obama's policies continued, or more liberal policies adopted. Talk about morons. Live free or die? Die already.

It's now become "Live for free, or die."
Rachel Maddow tried to make the long lines at one polling place about voter ID requirements.....
But the truth was these folks who are NOT registered decided at 7PM to show up and register and vote.....

But it's about that evil voter ID requirement.....Yeah right.
But this shit is the way MSNBC does business.

I cannot believe this bitch still talks about voting right, when even illegal immigrants can vote in the US.
Fox news sure is up rubio's ass. They bumped a 2nd place speech for a 5th place speech. Never knew i could hate a network more than MSNBC.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is falling apart. Bernie Sanders soared in New Hampshire and now two polls have him tying her nationally. It’s a disaster.

Now she’s called in the B Team — the cynical, paranoid and wacky twins Sidney Blumenthal and David Brock — to bail her out. And here comes the elderly, diminished and livid former President Bill Clinton to lead the duo’s frantic attacks on Sanders.

The attacks are rooted in nothing more than a list of dirty names they call the Vermont senator every day. Having found little in his record to attack, they have consulted the thesaurus to turn up ugly sounding accusations.

Sanders has a coherent, consistent and concise message: Incomes are stagnant because the economy is rigged by the top one-tenth of 1 percent that controls politics through massive campaign contributions.

Clinton has no competing message, just the charge that Sanders’s supporters are “sexist and vulgar.” Brock adds that one of Sanders’s ads was racist because it had too many white people in it.

Their strategy is laughable. After losing 84 percent of young voters in Iowa — and failing to recover them in New Hampshire — they sent in two aging fossils of feminism to insult and threaten young women.

The 81-year-old feminist Gloria Steinem charged that young women are only backing Sanders because that’s where they can meet boys. And 78-year-old Madeleine Albright threatened to consign to a “special place in hell” women who don’t back female candidates like Clinton.

Those are two great ways to attract young voters.
Dick Morris: Clinton deploys B Team
Trump has a beautiful family. About time there was some good lookers in politics.
It's time for Hildabeast to pull out the Trump card.

Im beginning to think at any moment brett baier and megyn kelly will open a can of rubios dropping on tv and say how tasty they are. No netowrk is more biased than Fox.
People who like Bernie call Clinton and Obama "centrists."

That scares me.
The Washington Post tweeted a disturbing photo that may show what some Hillary Clinton staffers really think about the American flag.

“With many hours to go, Clinton’s staff has flags ready for their election night party,” the paper tweeted.

The campaign appears to be violating basic flag etiquette.

According to, “Don’t let the flag touch the ground.”

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Even her supporters are vulgar.

also Jackson, Bill Clinton LOST New Hampshire primary, but won the New Hamp. has been wrong more than once or twice on picking presidents in their primaries!!!
also Jackson, Bill Clinton LOST New Hampshire primary, but won the New Hamp. has been wrong more than once or twice on picking presidents in their primaries!!!

Bill had 2 things HIllary doesn't/

Charisma, and experience
The issue for Trump supporters on this forum is that those who hate him have scoffed at the idea of Trump winning even one Primary or caucus.
The issue for Trump supporters on this forum is that those who hate him have scoffed at the idea of Trump winning even one Primary or caucus.

I thought he would get bored, and leave by now.

I still have a small hope

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