New Hampshire Primary Thread

American Samoa is your only real option.

Hawaii is also a possibility. :D


But in the extreme, I think McMurdo Station, Antarctica is technically U.S. soil. That's at least 9,500 miles easy.

Sanders rocks!!!

Infrastructure, science, r&d, education and sane policies!!! Fuck the rich!!! Fuck the rich!!! Fuck the rich!!!!

Rebuild America
Rebuild our middle class
Remain the best on earth in science

Go Sanders, GO!!!!! GOOD BYE 1%!!! Go Sanders!
He's blowing it alright...out of his ass.
Is Trump going to thank New Hampshire?


Interesting contrast with Cruz who was thanking everyone

Come on Butthole. The man thanked his dead parents first, then the rest of his family, his staff, the other Republican candidates and then the people of New Hampshire. He wasn't following your script. Get over it. He's a class act unlike Hillary.
By the way, here is rubio butt boy bill kristols prediction from 5 days ago.

Bill Kristol ‏@BillKristol Feb 4

NH prediction, 5 days out: Rubio 25, Cruz 22, Trump 19, Kasich 17, others single digits. #NoGutsNoGlory

Bill Kristol, one of the Psychopathic Neo-Conservatives....a group of homocidal lunatics that The Donald will kick in ass, this is why they hate The Donald, they want another puppet, Cruz, Rubio OR Hillary would be good puppets, The Donald is nobody's puppet.
Just imagine if you will. Trump in the White House and a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress. Trump will appoint maybe three Supreme Court justices. We're gonna abolish eight years of Obama in the first 60 days.
I think you're dreaming. Trump in the White House would face an uphill battle with House republicans (the establishment). Bush or Rubio would have little problem with a Republican congress.

The Establishment Repubs will come on board when Trump is in the White House. If they don't, the American people will crucify them.
Trump in the White House would face an uphill battle with House republicans (the establishment).

I disagree and the only way we're ever going to find out is if Trump wins. I think Trump would be more open to working with both sides to get effective legislation passed than some of the other candidates. It's not going to be about who gets along with the establishment.

There is going to eventually be a "come to jesus moment" for those who currently hold political office in Congress. They are going to accept the realization that America has spoken and if they have any political ambition to remain in their respective seats, they better listen. Now, there will be some who don't really care because they plan to retire and there will be hardcore ideologues who defiantly represent their radical constituents, but by-and-large, the rank and file politicians are going to respect that Trump won the election and "elections have consequences" comes into play. You're not seeing that now because this is the primary race... this is where they hope to take Trump out. IF HE WINS... it's a completely different game.

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