New Hampshire Primary Thread

Sanders rocks!!!

Infrastructure, science, r&d, education and sane policies!!! Fuck the rich!!! Fuck the rich!!! Fuck the rich!!!!

Rebuild America
Rebuild our middle class
Remain the best on earth in science

Go Sanders, GO!!!!! GOOD BYE 1%!!! Go Sanders!

You are delusional, you understand that, right?
What a douche



So Bernie is a sick freak, this 1972, maybe someone should ask him is he still is a sick freak?
With a comment like that he can only claim he has changed. I do not trust his judgment.
Just imagine if you will. Trump in the White House and a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress. Trump will appoint maybe three Supreme Court justices. We're gonna abolish eight years of Obama in the first 60 days.
I think you're dreaming. Trump in the White House would face an uphill battle with House republicans (the establishment). Bush or Rubio would have little problem with a Republican congress.
Sanders is a financial Buffoon and if given the chance will plunge this nation into the dark ages.

It takes a special kind of moron to think that creating massive "free" social programs is really free.
SOMEONE has to pay.....the wealthy will simply move their assets away leaving Sanders team one choice....Print fake money...which of course NEVER works for long and devastates any future chance of global respect.

The wealthy will start paying their fair share of taxes!!!! No more fucking around!!!

How the hell are the rich going to "pay their fair share" once they have all moved to Switzerland?

Get a clue look foolish. Sanders has as much chance as a snowball in hell of getting the communist nomination.
Looking carefully at all Sanders has promised - he's the candidate who'll give me, personally, the most! So much gravy that I've just logged into his website and donated what he, himself, has declared to be the fair and equal contribution: $27.50.

Hell, a ticket to see a good standup comic costs more than that and their performance typically lasts only 90 minutes. Here we can get four years (or until actuarial tables do us part).

Whatta Deal!
Just imagine if you will. Trump in the White House and a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress. Trump will appoint maybe three Supreme Court justices. We're gonna abolish eight years of Obama in the first 60 days.
I think you're dreaming. Trump in the White House would face an uphill battle with House republicans (the establishment). Bush or Rubio would have little problem with a Republican congress.

true enough, rubio/bush would be more of the big govt spending open border crowd and would indeed get along well with congress.

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