New Hampshire Primary Thread

Come on Sassy/Doc, lets have a couple bars of "Peace In The Valley" and then watch the returns. Lucy is confused with the time change and the 12 hour clock. Go to CNN Lucy as they are now reporting on the returns and the long line of voters waiting to vote. Let's hope you have some of those "good eats" you pictured the other day. Bitte, trink ein bier fur mich, und ein par schnaps darmit. Danke. Ich bin ein Berliner/Ami, by the way. Chow
I think Lucy can handle her shit....yo...
How is Hillary possibly going to win NH?

They don't flip coins there.

It's been rumored that Hillary asked Bill if they do that coin flip thing in NH....
Bill laughed and said no Pookie they don't do that here....
Hillary said...Why not I'm good at winning those things....What's wrong with these fuckers?
ok, I believe in Iowa there were 13 coin flips in 13 precincts and Hillary won 6 of them. For some strange reason the news only reported on the ones Hillary won and ignored the ones Sanders won.

ok, I believe in Iowa there were 13 coin flips in 13 precincts and Hillary won 6 of them. For some strange reason the news only reported on the ones Hillary won and ignored the ones Sanders won.

The Bitch didn't do too good if she tied Mr Silly Communist in 13 precincts in a state where not long ago she was ahead by more than 20 points.

When are people going to know this result, what time of night?

Also does the small towns like Dixville Notch etc mean anything?.
The primary itself is meaningless – come the end of March no one will remember who won, nor will they care.

Some will disagree with references to 'momentum' and 'perceived to be a winner' – but the fact is NH is in no way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole; that Clinton lost the primary in '92 and GWB in 2000 are examples of NH's irrelevance.

Agree and disagree. However there are several Republicans who have planted their flags in New Hampshire and a couple of them won't be around for South Carolina and Nevada.
Rachel Maddow tried to make the long lines at one polling place about voter ID requirements.....
But the truth was these folks who are NOT registered decided at 7PM to show up and register and vote.....

But it's about that evil voter ID requirement.....Yeah right.
But this shit is the way MSNBC does business.

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