New home construction collapses in Northeast - Thanks to Trump tax reform

There is something wrong with our economy, in that it is cheaper to own than rent.

If you can get a loan. Interest rates have been artificially held down while qualifying for a loan has gotten more difficult.

When my wife and I applied for a loan, we ONLY put down her income, and they offered us more than we really could have handled.

If Banks are NOT looking to turn all Americans into debt slaves, they are doing an excellent imitation of it.
But I thought Democrat Bill, Dodd/Frank, was supposed to put an end to predatory lending?

After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn’t want to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election.

And during Barack Obama’s eight years, there has only been one rate increase the entire time up until this point.

But now that Donald Trump is headed for the White House, the Federal Reserve has decided that now would be a wonderful time to raise interest rates.

And people still try to laugh off the Deep State Theory.

DS is no more than a partisan kickin' post for when their 'man' fails at something he promised to do

Talking about Obama again, for President Trump has totally ruined Obama's legacy, even the one he tried to buy at Subaru...

Obama was so mad....HOW MAD WAS HE?

He was so mad...... that when he finally drove his legacy, he took it into a wall of Republican victories...

yeah...i did....add to that i'm old ugly, heavily armed, drink like a fish, and have one f*ck of a 'tude dude
There is something wrong with our economy, in that it is cheaper to own than rent.

If you can get a loan. Interest rates have been artificially held down while qualifying for a loan has gotten more difficult.

When my wife and I applied for a loan, we ONLY put down her income, and they offered us more than we really could have handled.

If Banks are NOT looking to turn all Americans into debt slaves, they are doing an excellent imitation of it.
But I thought Democrat Bill, Dodd/Frank, was supposed to put an end to predatory lending?

After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn’t want to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election.

And during Barack Obama’s eight years, there has only been one rate increase the entire time up until this point.

But now that Donald Trump is headed for the White House, the Federal Reserve has decided that now would be a wonderful time to raise interest rates.

And people still try to laugh off the Deep State Theory.

DS is no more than a partisan kickin' post for when their 'man' fails at something he promised to do


ANDARONJIM made a post containing information about a very important government department behaving in a way that is impacting different President's very different, seemingly based on their party.

Your "reply" to that utterly failed to challenge his very real point.

That is you admitting that you cannot refute his argument.

You lose. Again.

Are you just pretending to not know that as some form of "gas lighting" or are you really this dim?
yeah...i did....add to that i'm old ugly, heavily armed, drink like a fish, and have one f*ck of a 'tude dude
I just cant believe you, since you are a liberal, you are totally against your own beliefs. When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, do you punch yourself, maybe that is the reason you are FUGLY?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
The Federal government should not be subsidizing high local taxes.

Cut your taxes, you stupid shits.
If you can get a loan. Interest rates have been artificially held down while qualifying for a loan has gotten more difficult.

When my wife and I applied for a loan, we ONLY put down her income, and they offered us more than we really could have handled.

If Banks are NOT looking to turn all Americans into debt slaves, they are doing an excellent imitation of it.
But I thought Democrat Bill, Dodd/Frank, was supposed to put an end to predatory lending?

After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn’t want to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election.

And during Barack Obama’s eight years, there has only been one rate increase the entire time up until this point.

But now that Donald Trump is headed for the White House, the Federal Reserve has decided that now would be a wonderful time to raise interest rates.

And people still try to laugh off the Deep State Theory.

DS is no more than a partisan kickin' post for when their 'man' fails at something he promised to do


ANDARONJIM made a post containing information about a very important government department behaving in a way that is impacting different President's very different, seemingly based on their party.

Your "reply" to that utterly failed to challenge his very real point.

That is you admitting that you cannot refute his argument.

You lose. Again.

Are you just pretending to not know that as some form of "gas lighting" or are you really this dim?
Are you just pretending to not know that as some form of(1) "gas lighting" or are you really this(2) dim?
I choose #2
I swear you can't make a liberal happy. They harp on and on about taxing the 'rich' and when Trump raises taxes on the wealthy via SALT caps they still bitch and complain.
Trump found a way to tax rich liberals. That's what really pisses them off.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
The northeast is liberalland. They love high taxes.

Eh, my Pawling, NY has much higher property taxes than NYC & it's also like 65 - 70% Republican unlike NYC.

Pawling, NY has been Republican since the Civil War, UNLIKE the South.

a lot of us
we really, really don't like Illegal Hispanics, Abortion, Muslim Refugees, Blacks, or Gay Marriage, and really, really do like Guns.

We're probably a ton more Socially Conservative than the South.

Besides, cutting taxes is actually Classical Liberalism, it's really not Conservative, or Right Wing.
Probably because much like myself people here tend to not have a problem with giving the community better schools, or parks, or sidewalks,
Down here in Florida, we dont pay state taxes yet we still have schools, parks and saidwalks...We just aren't as stupid as "folks" in the North East to have to pay high state taxes.

You have property taxes, no?????

I've been to Florida, and it really is a Bum-Beach kind of place.

I don't like Florida & would never move there.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Perhaps you guys up in the northeast should stop electing governors who jack your taxes up through the roof. What do you have against paying your fair share?

Taxes are higher in blue states for a few reasons.

First of all we don't get all the federal funds back that we send to DC. That money is sent to red states that don't properly tax there populations. If we received all the federal funds we send to DC we could have lower state taxes.

Second we in blue states like living in a first world developed state. We properly tax our people to pay for our roads and infrastructure. We don't rely on other states to pay it for us.

I've been to red states. The infrastructure is falling apart. Even on the roads they sold off to private business so the people have to pay a toll. Their school systems are a mess. Some red states don't have the money to keep the schools open a full school year. Some teachers in red states have to march and protest to get a small increase in pay so they can actually live and pay their bills. Their health care systems are a mess. I had the misfortune to end up in a hospital in both Oklahoma and Florida two different times. The hospital in Florida was dirty, the waiting room was clogged with people and I expected Dan Rather to jump out of a closet with a TV crew asking why conditions there were so bad, The hospital in Oklahoma wouldn't do anything to save my life until I gave them my insurance card, I was in an anaphlaxsys allergic reaction and would have died. When they saw it, they started doing all kinds of unnecessary tests and tried to get me to stay in that hospital for days. I left both places in horror wondering how people could tolerate such horrible conditions,

Blue states are mostly well taken care of with proper infrastructure. The schools are better. The health care is better. The services for the people are better. The states are cleaner and the air is easier to breathe. I've been to some red states that the air is so bad I lost my voice after a couple days. Others there was much dirt in the air I couldn't wear my contacts.

There's a reason why taxes are higher in blue states. And we want it that way. If we didn't want those taxes we would have elected people who would lower the taxes and never increase them so that we would end up in as big a mess as many red states. We don't want to be like red states.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
The northeast is liberalland. They love high taxes.

Eh, my Pawling, NY has much higher property taxes than NYC & it's also like 65 - 70% Republican unlike NYC.

Pawling, NY has been Republican since the Civil War, UNLIKE the South.

a lot of us
we really, really don't like Illegal Hispanics, Abortion, Muslim Refugees, Blacks, or Gay Marriage, and really, really do like Guns.

We're probably a ton more Socially Conservative than the South.

Besides, cutting taxes is actually Classical Liberalism, it's really not Conservative, or Right Wing.
Probably because much like myself people here tend to not have a problem with giving the community better schools, or parks, or sidewalks,
We just aren't as stupid as "folks" in the North East to have to pay high state taxes.

More like we're not as Scottish as Southerners AKA thrity cheap thickos.

Every thing is kind of sub par down South.

The schools get worse ratings, the park land in Florida hardly exists & half of it is filled with bums.

You see Chicken sandwhiches as Chick-fil-a & burgers McDonalds & bar Applebees & Pizza Papa johns all because these inferior places are a little cheaper.

But Scots can't help it their going to always thrift out.
It's not Donnie, I keep telling you that.

It's Donnie's tax reform now law.
If he doesn't fucking own it, who does?
Why do you insist on taking personal responsibility away from him?
He's the POTUS and he signed off on it.
New home construction collapse in the northeast It ain't Donnie.
Rising interest rates have more to do with the construction industry

Then it would be country wide instead of just focused in the most expensive places in America, the northeast and California, nimrod.

"""In the meantime, several states in the Northeast have initiated their own version of “Tax Reform 2.0.” Last year’s legislation limited the federal SALT deduction to $10,000, which heavily affected states, such as New York and New Jersey, where state income tax and local property taxes put significant numbers of their population over that limit.""""
Tax Reform Friday: Tax Reform and the SALT Cap Move to Version 2.0

You can either read the facts about the SALT or stay ignorant. Your choice.

It's not just SALT and it's not just California.

That tax law included a cap on mortgage interest that can be deducted from federal income tax.

That cap is 500 grand. Interest on a mortgage above 500 grand isn't deductible. It's deductible on that first 500 grand but any interest applied to above that 500 grand isn't deductible.

California isn't the only state on the west coast and isn't the only one on the west coast that's expensive.

So is Washington.

The reason why real estate is higher in those blue states is capitalism. Simple supply and demand. More people want to live here. We have better jobs and a higher standard of living than the red states. We have better schools and cleaner environment.

Real estate has taken a nose dive here in Washington. I'm trying to sell my house. It's been on the market since the beginning of May.

In 2004 houses in the middle income up to 300 grand were selling in days with bidding wars. Houses above that weren't. We bought our house in 2004. It had been on the market for year before we looked at it. The owner had lowered the price even before we looked at it and then again after the inspection. Meanwhile our house in the middle range sold in days with a bidding war. We sold it for many times what we paid and what we were asking.

Just a few short years later, the real estate market collapsed.

It's happening again. Last time was due to banking deregulation. This time due to stupid tax law.

Republicans sure don't know responsible economics. Which is why every time they get power they destroy the economy.
Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
The northeast is liberalland. They love high taxes.

Eh, my Pawling, NY has much higher property taxes than NYC & it's also like 65 - 70% Republican unlike NYC.

Pawling, NY has been Republican since the Civil War, UNLIKE the South.

a lot of us
we really, really don't like Illegal Hispanics, Abortion, Muslim Refugees, Blacks, or Gay Marriage, and really, really do like Guns.

We're probably a ton more Socially Conservative than the South.

Besides, cutting taxes is actually Classical Liberalism, it's really not Conservative, or Right Wing.
Probably because much like myself people here tend to not have a problem with giving the community better schools, or parks, or sidewalks,
Down here in Florida, we dont pay state taxes yet we still have schools, parks and saidwalks...We just aren't as stupid as "folks" in the North East to have to pay high state taxes.

You have property taxes, no?????

I've been to Florida, and it really is a Bum-Beach kind of place.

I don't like Florida & would never move there.
Yes I have property taxes just like Virginia I had property taxes...Want to know the difference between the 2 states?
1. Virginia has state taxes that rip off working people so those liberal lazy asses and illegals, same thing, get welfare.
2. Virginia has become a sanctuary state meaning MS-13 and other gangs can rape and murder those in that state.

And no you cant say spring break is the bum-beach kind of place, because once spring break is over, all those liberal beach bums go back to their welfare states.
You talk a lot of shit without saying a GD thing. Most know nothings I know do that all the time.

Heh heh. My posting record speaks for itself. I'm rather thorough with my positions, sunshine. And crystal clear. Any time you're feeling brave and want to educate me, I'll be in the neighborhood. I love to learn. Bring some friends, we can make it a party.

Heck, speaking of conservative friends, most of the self-annointed conservatives around here are better leftists than the actual leftists. And long overdue for a good dose of reality about yourselves. That's just my game, boys. It's pathetic what I read on this board from so-called conservatives. Cringe worthy even. It's like a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a football.

At least the admitted leftists around here are intellectually honest about themselves. They don't try to put up a front and pretent to be something they're not. I can respect that.

Once again, all hot air, no substance. BTW is your spell check broke, or are you not intelligent enough to turn it on. LMAO

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

I thought you wanted a total, economic collapse so that you can beat Trump in 20'.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
1.It wasn't for the 1%
2. Maybe voters should elect people who will DECREASE their taxes not INCREASE them.

Most of our Property taxes go to Public Schools.

Something Southerners don't believe in much, because they're kind of like Negroes with different skin colors.

The best thing we in the North could do is cut off all the Wars, Welfare, and Military spending Southerners want.

It's time for Southerners to get what they truly deserve.
Funny we have well funded schools here they are public charter schools and we are even voting on two 1 cent sales taxes we already have in place to help fund things for our schools....difference is we don't need to teach English too a huge population of spics.
I've spent an entire career as a construction jock.

It's always boom / bust

Right now, we're on the cusp of another bust , anecdotally one can literally 'feel' it coming with all the hype,angst, marketing bullsh*t, etc

I don't see we are having trouble filling the jobs............And plenty of work out there for the ones willing to travel........

I don't see the bust............Been booming here.
There is something wrong with our economy, in that it is cheaper to own than rent.

If you can get a loan. Interest rates have been artificially held down while qualifying for a loan has gotten more difficult.

When my wife and I applied for a loan, we ONLY put down her income, and they offered us more than we really could have handled.

If Banks are NOT looking to turn all Americans into debt slaves, they are doing an excellent imitation of it.
But I thought Democrat Bill, Dodd/Frank, was supposed to put an end to predatory lending?

After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn’t want to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election.

And during Barack Obama’s eight years, there has only been one rate increase the entire time up until this point.

But now that Donald Trump is headed for the White House, the Federal Reserve has decided that now would be a wonderful time to raise interest rates.

And people still try to laugh off the Deep State Theory.

DS is no more than a partisan kickin' post for when their 'man' fails at something he promised to do

The Establishment ......aka career politicians who are in bed with their lobbies are the Deep State.........doing the bidding of the highest bidder...........It's not an accident that when people go to Congress and the Senate that they join the millionaires club..................Not only that in places like the FBI and Comey getting 5 million for a year at a company doing business with the FBI..........Lockhead Martin.............
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Perhaps you guys up in the northeast should stop electing governors who jack your taxes up through the roof. What do you have against paying your fair share?

Taxes are higher in blue states for a few reasons.

First of all we don't get all the federal funds back that we send to DC. That money is sent to red states that don't properly tax there populations. If we received all the federal funds we send to DC we could have lower state taxes.

Second we in blue states like living in a first world developed state. We properly tax our people to pay for our roads and infrastructure. We don't rely on other states to pay it for us.

I've been to red states. The infrastructure is falling apart. Even on the roads they sold off to private business so the people have to pay a toll. Their school systems are a mess. Some red states don't have the money to keep the schools open a full school year. Some teachers in red states have to march and protest to get a small increase in pay so they can actually live and pay their bills. Their health care systems are a mess. I had the misfortune to end up in a hospital in both Oklahoma and Florida two different times. The hospital in Florida was dirty, the waiting room was clogged with people and I expected Dan Rather to jump out of a closet with a TV crew asking why conditions there were so bad, The hospital in Oklahoma wouldn't do anything to save my life until I gave them my insurance card, I was in an anaphlaxsys allergic reaction and would have died. When they saw it, they started doing all kinds of unnecessary tests and tried to get me to stay in that hospital for days. I left both places in horror wondering how people could tolerate such horrible conditions,

Blue states are mostly well taken care of with proper infrastructure. The schools are better. The health care is better. The services for the people are better. The states are cleaner and the air is easier to breathe. I've been to some red states that the air is so bad I lost my voice after a couple days. Others there was much dirt in the air I couldn't wear my contacts.

There's a reason why taxes are higher in blue states. And we want it that way. If we didn't want those taxes we would have elected people who would lower the taxes and never increase them so that we would end up in as big a mess as many red states. We don't want to be like red states.
They are higher because Dems run the place and love milking the tax payers for everything they got...........They take so they can give out the money to whom they deem worthy..............and nothing else.............Lower your dang taxes..........
I've spent an entire career as a construction jock.

It's always boom / bust

Right now, we're on the cusp of another bust , anecdotally one can literally 'feel' it coming with all the hype,angst, marketing bullsh*t, etc

I don't see we are having trouble filling the jobs............And plenty of work out there for the ones willing to travel........

I don't see the bust............Been booming here.
The bust is happening in the SALT income areas, where people will no longer avoid paying federal income taxes because their state taxes are too high. Elections have consequences, you vote for assholes who jack up your taxes, you have to deal with it....

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