Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

Lol. All you're saying is that he's biased. Uranium one, collusion was happening under O and the clintons.

First of all, what you think happened with Uranium One didn't happen, so you're just pushing propaganda because it's your job, or because you're a hack.

Secondly, that has nothing to do with Russia meddling in the 2016 election.
No, I actually saw that happening within the govt.

BULLSHIT. As expected, the Conservative leans on an unverifiable personal anecdote to save his shit argument because he has no facts that can.

You're a fuckin' parasite.
The mortgage and SALT deductions may go, to be replaced by larger standard deductions which will benefit the middle class more than the wealthy simply because their mortgage and SALT is so much greater.

Now if your SALT is still objectionable, get rid of your democrats in state office. Those in Texas and Nevada have no problem with it.
Hey derp. I did like your movie though.

So I guess this means you're admitting you've been pulling everyone's leg this thread and that I'm right.

Fuck dude, you accused me of doing the very thing you did; posting an Op-Ed.
The mortgage and SALT deductions may go, to be replaced by larger standard deductions which will benefit the middle class more than the wealthy simply because their mortgage and SALT is so much greater.

Now if your SALT is still objectionable, get rid of your democrats in state office. Those in Texas and Nevada have no problem with it.


The standard deduction is not increased by a significant amount to cover for the loss of these deductions. Conservatives lied and said it would be doubled, but it was only increased by about 3% - 15%.

From Business Insider:

Here's how that math works. Let's say you are single with no dependents, and you have a moderate income. Currently, you get to take the standard deduction ($6,350) and one personal exemption ($4,050). If you are 65 or older, you also get to take an additional standard deduction ($1,250). That adds up to $10,400, or $11,650 if you're over 65.

The Republican plan would replace all these provisions with a single deduction of $12,000 ($24,000 for married couples.) That's a 15% increase — except for seniors, who get a 3% increase.

Also, the SALT and interest deductions going away will cause housing prices to drop, which will cause a housing crisis, which will cause a recession. We know this because we just went through this 8 years ago when housing prices dropped because of foreclosures. Is your memory so bad because of all the meth you smoke or what?

Conservatives never learn.
And you're still wrong. The odds of you being wrong this many times are to at least the 20th power.

So your argument devolved into "take my word for it, I saw it happen".

Why the fuck should I take your word for it? Do you use those kind of unverifiable anecdotes because you can't simply just resign yourself to admitting you're not as informed as you think?
Hey, you're right, I posted one too.

I didn't post any Op-Eds.

You did, then accused me of doing the shit you did.

You did that because you are desperate to find some kind of equivalence so you can walk away from this debate not feeling like you're the shittiest person in the world.

What a fuckin' snowflake. What a disappointment. But not surprising.
Hey, you're right, I posted one too.

I didn't post any Op-Eds.

You did, then accused me of doing the shit you did.

You did that because you are desperate to find some kind of equivalence so you can walk away from this debate not feeling like you're the shittiest person in the world.

What a fuckin' snowflake. What a disappointment. But not surprising.

No. I'm admitting I posted an op ed also. You're still looking through rose colored beer bottles thinking the dems are looking v out for your best interests. I'm admitting that both parties don't have the populace' best interests in mind.
And you're still wrong. The odds of you being wrong this many times are to at least the 20th power.

So your argument devolved into "take my word for it, I saw it happen".

Why the fuck should I take your word for it? Do you use those kind of unverifiable anecdotes because you can't simply just resign yourself to admitting you're not as informed as you think?

I actually did see it in the housing industry.
No. I'm admitting I posted an op ed also. You're still looking through rose colored beer bottles thinking the dems are looking v out for your best interests. I'm admitting that both parties don't have the populace' best interests in mind.

So you'r admitting you posted Op-Eds, but are still lying about what I posted. I didn't post any Op-Eds. So you are wrong.
I actually did see it in the housing industry.

See what? You made the claim that banks were forced through legislation to "lend to people who couldn't pay the loan back", yet you cannot cite a single line of text from any bill that supports this bullshit.

All you do is submit your unverifiable personal anecdote. Why the fuck should I trust that?
For months, you Conservatives, Trump, his supporters, surrogates, and backers all said there was "no contact with Russia at all". That was a lie.

No proven crime committed regarding Collusion / the GOP / President.
No evidence.
No case.

I think I'm going to agree with this post. I am also curious to see how the Clinton Administration's involvement with Uranium One will play out.

Sent from my SM-G955U using mobile app

So right here, a Conservative who lost the argument on this thread created a brand new fake account to bolster support for the argument lost on this thread.

Conservatives literally create imaginary friends.
I dunno if your referring to me a a fake "New account" being created by another user here.
But I can assure you I found this message board in the play store this afternoon.
I watching you 2 debate back and forth, and have pondered different points from both sides of this debate.
The mortgage and SALT deductions may go, to be replaced by larger standard deductions which will benefit the middle class more than the wealthy simply because their mortgage and SALT is so much greater.

Now if your SALT is still objectionable, get rid of your democrats in state office. Those in Texas and Nevada have no problem with it.


The standard deduction is not increased by a significant amount to cover for the loss of these deductions. Conservatives lied and said it would be doubled, but it was only increased by about 3% - 15%.

From Business Insider:

Here's how that math works. Let's say you are single with no dependents, and you have a moderate income. Currently, you get to take the standard deduction ($6,350) and one personal exemption ($4,050). If you are 65 or older, you also get to take an additional standard deduction ($1,250). That adds up to $10,400, or $11,650 if you're over 65.

The Republican plan would replace all these provisions with a single deduction of $12,000 ($24,000 for married couples.) That's a 15% increase — except for seniors, who get a 3% increase.

Also, the SALT and interest deductions going away will cause housing prices to drop, which will cause a housing crisis, which will cause a recession. We know this because we just went through this 8 years ago when housing prices dropped because of foreclosures. Is your memory so bad because of all the meth you smoke or what?

Conservatives never learn.
You do make some objectionable points. I respect the way you provide a source for your arugement.
That being said...Once you start throwing accusations and insults, you start to lose value in the debate.

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