Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

You are talking out of your ass, and are probably house poor.
Listened to a real estate agent that told you your house payment should be 2/3 of your monthly income, and real estate is a great investment.
You bought it, deal with it , it was your decision.
Show off that 3000 sq. ft. house that you are stuck with egotist.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you've ever bought a home before, you would know that the deductions for property taxes and mortgage interest are factored into that price.

What happens when there's an overall drop in housing prices across the country?

Is your memory that poor that you can't remember what happened 8 years ago?
No they are not you Idiot! The COST of taxes and interest are factored in (PITI), but the federal tax deductions are Not!
How do they know know if I amusing the standard deduction or itemizing?
Now just grow up.
You do make some objectionable points. I respect the way you provide a source for your arugement.
That being said...Once you start throwing accusations and insults, you start to lose value in the debate.

The biggest things, IMO, that undermines any point he and other liberal 'radical-ists' like him attempt to make are:

1. The continued attempt to link 'Russia' to Trump, as if he committed some crime.
- It has been proven that, unlike the Democrats ./ Hillary, the President committed no crime involving the Russians. No crime involving 'collusion' (which itself is not even a crime) regarding Trump has been committed, No evidence of any such crime / act has been produced; yet, that fact does not stop the rabid, continuous onslaught from snowflakes to claim the opposite. The heads of the Intel Agencies, the CIA, the FBI, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Comey, etc...have all stated there is no / has been no such evidence. At this point, a year after his election, those who continue to push this unproven, evidence-less, false evident just come across as desperate, raving partisan. Attaching the word ;Russian' to the thread title immediately causes many people to completely anything that follows the OP.

2. Their own HYPOCRISY.
Parading women out to accuse Republican candidates of sexual misconduct AT ELECTION TIME has become so 'normal' that it has numbed many Americans to the very real culture blight which is sexual misconduct of women and the tolerance of it. Throw in the partisan double-standard that is used by many, and you have 'enabling' of the problem.

I believe everyone accused is not automatically guilty of what thy are accused of and deserve to be considered 'innocent until proven guilty' - everyone. I do not subscribe to Hillary's original declaration, as Hillary has proven she does not really do so either, that every woman MUST be believed. 'Guilt' must be proven.
-- In Moore's case, he was accused and refused to admit 'guilt', fighting the accusations, which is his right. If he is guilty of what he has been accused of, he is despicable and should be held accountable. Democrats were quick to condemn Moore and quick to call for him to step down. I am ot saying he should not, only pointing out the left was quick to call for something in regards to the GOP but resistant to call for the same thing when one of their own has done the same thing.

-- In Franken's case, Franken ADMITTED his guilt. Despite his admission of guilt Democrats still ran to his defense, justified his actions, and made the case for him to stay in office. Franken apologized...then admitted he did not mean one word of his apology, that he had made it to save his political career. Democrats still defend him and try to make the case for him to remain in office.

-- John Conyers was caught having not only perpetrated sexual misconduct but also of using tax dollars to silence his victims. His being exposed revealed a govt committee created as a result of Conyers creating a process of dealing with politicians' sexual misconduct in Congress. This committee STEALS / STOLE approx. $17 Million Tax dollars and used it to silence the predators' victims. Despite all this being found out Democrats still defended Conyers and fought to justify his staying in Congress. One Democrat, in true 'Hillary' style, racistly attacked Conyers' accuser, declaring they could not be believed because they were all WHITE and comparing them to a child murderer.

These two issues are the current Left's biggest stumbling blocks, IMO, in being taken seriously.
Maybe houses on LI would become more affordable. Perish the thought.

They may become "more affordable", but no one will be able to buy them because the housing crisis will result in job loss which will result in a recession.

It's bizarre that any homeowner would support this tax bill.

Unlike the last one this would be due to concrete effects, unlike the last one, which was mostly due to people being unable to afford the balloon increases in their mortgages once the interest kicked in.

Plus we hopefully don't have the poison CBO thing like the last time.

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