Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

For months, you Conservatives, Trump, his supporters, surrogates, and backers all said there was "no contact with Russia at all". That was a lie.

No proven crime committed regarding Collusion / the GOP / President.
No evidence.
No case.

I think I'm going to agree with this post. I am also curious to see how the Clinton Administration's involvement with Uranium One will play out.

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So right here, a Conservative who lost the argument on this thread created a brand new fake account to bolster support for the argument lost on this thread.

Conservatives literally create imaginary friends.

I do so love how Conservatives fall into traps so easily.

1. Fannie and Freddie's loans performed better than all other types of loans:


2. It wasn't Democrats who killed GSE reform, it was Bush:

"Strong opposition by the Bush administration forced a top Republican congressman to delay a vote on a bill that would create a new regulator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
Oxley pulls Fannie, Freddie bill under heat from Bush - MarketWatch

"Despite what appeared to be a broad consensus on GSE regulatory reform, efforts quickly stalled. A legislative markup scheduled for October 8, 2003, in the House of Representatives was halted because the Bush administration withdrew its support for the bill"

So you're fucking wrong again. Of course you will not even acknowledge anything in this post. You will continue to post lying bullshit propaganda that you didn't bother to fully vet, exposing yourself as the hack you accuse others of being.

Right there, in black and white, it says Bush was the one who killed GSE reform, not Democrats. So you bought into a lie, then repeated that lie like the fucking hack you are.

You're so fucking stupid, you fell for a bunch of easily-debunked lies.

Wrong. It was dems along with repubs who allowed this. You're still a delusional hack.
Oh, I'm wrong because you say so? Who the fuck are you to think you have that authority?
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says the whiny little trump-beatch

would you like a tissue?

I've unhinged him so much that the best he can do is just post the same meme over and over. He's too fucking lazy to even come up with a meme of his own.

Youve been thumped in the head repeatedly.

You're a nobody. You're not significant. You're not special. You're not entitled to anything, even your opinion.

You're a moocher and a hack.
Oh, I'm wrong because you say so? Who the fuck are you to think you have that authority?
View attachment 163600


says the whiny little trump-beatch

would you like a tissue?

I've unhinged him so much that the best he can do is just post the same meme over and over. He's too fucking lazy to even come up with a meme of his own.

Youve been thumped in the head repeatedly.

You're a nobody. You're not significant. You're not special. You're not entitled to anything, even your opinion.

You're a moocher and a hack.

Sure thing, hack derp. Lol. Youre still a delusional hack.
Wrong. It was dems along with repubs who allowed this. You're still a delusional hack.


1. You first said it was the fault of Democrats and you made the lying, bullshit claim that Democrats killed GSE reform in 2003, when it was actually your guy Bush who killed GSE reform.

2. Rather than own up to being wrong, you try to pretend that this was somehow a bi-partisan effort, yet you don't bother to explain how.

3. I can tell you right away that it wasn't the fault of both was the fault of one side only. Specifically the side that allowed a "dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for subprime loans beginning in early 2004 and extending into 2007". Who imposes those standards? Regulators. And for whom do the regulators work? For the Executive Branch. And who was in charge of the Executive Branch from late 2004 through 2007? Bush the Dumber.

So please explain what Democrats had to do with Bush's regulators ceasing the enforcement of lending standards for subprime loans beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007? I'll save you the time; you can't. Because the deregulation that caused the mortgage bubble was entirely, 100% the fault of your shitty laissez-faire conservative shit policies.

Even Bush's Tax Cuts were responsible for the housing bubble, as Bush campaigned in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever." More than 50 percent of minorities owned their own homes in the last three months of 2003 for the first time ever, the president said.

So you got Bush crediting the housing bubble to his tax cuts, you got Bush's regulators backing off the enforcement of standards, and you got Bush's own Working Group in 2008 saying all of that was the cause of the economic turmoil.

But you're gonna somehow work in blame for Democrats because you cannot reconcile the shit you believe sucks and is the cause of most of the issues we face today because you're a fucking hack loser.
Wrong. It was dems along with repubs who allowed this. You're still a delusional hack.


1. You first said it was the fault of Democrats and you made the lying, bullshit claim that Democrats killed GSE reform in 2003, when it was actually your guy Bush who killed GSE reform.

2. Rather than own up to being wrong, you try to pretend that this was somehow a bi-partisan effort, yet you don't bother to explain how.

3. I can tell you right away that it wasn't the fault of both was the fault of one side only. Specifically the side that allowed a "dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for subprime loans beginning in early 2004 and extending into 2007". Who imposes those standards? Regulators. And for whom do the regulators work? For the Executive Branch. And who was in charge of the Executive Branch from late 2004 through 2007? Bush the Dumber.

So please explain what Democrats had to do with Bush's regulators ceasing the enforcement of lending standards for subprime loans beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007? I'll save you the time; you can't. Because the deregulation that caused the mortgage bubble was entirely, 100% the fault of your shitty laissez-faire conservative shit policies.

Even Bush's Tax Cuts were responsible for the housing bubble, as Bush campaigned in 2004:

Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
Touting his tax cuts as the economy's savior — and pointing to the strong housing market as proof — Bush said "more people own their own home now than ever." More than 50 percent of minorities owned their own homes in the last three months of 2003 for the first time ever, the president said.

So you got Bush crediting the housing bubble to his tax cuts, you got Bush's regulators backing off the enforcement of standards, and you got Bush's own Working Group in 2008 saying all of that was the cause of the economic turmoil.

But you're gonna somehow work in blame for Democrats because you cannot reconcile the shit you believe sucks and is the cause of most of the issues we face today.

It was the fault of both sides. Youre crapping out op eds.
Sure thing, hack derp. Lol. Youre still a delusional hack.

I'm not the one repeating propaganda because you're too fucking lazy to think for yourself. That's all you. You obviously have no knowledge of any of this, and are just spewing forth bullshit because you're a lazy hack.
Yeah, so you Antifa Fascists, violent liberals / snowflakes who seek to strip people of their Constitutional rights keep telling everyone.:p

More Russian bullshit. You aren't even an American, what the fuck would you know about our Constitution?
It was the fault of both sides.

So there's a couple reasons why a propagandist would say this;

The most obvious reason is because they are not versed enough on this topic to speak intelligently about it, so it's easier for the lazy hacks to just throw up their hands and blame all sides rather than doing the hard work necessary to understanding what happened.

When you understand what happened, you'll see that it's impossible for both sides to be blamed because only one side had complete control at the time.

According to the Bush Working Group on Financial Markets, economic "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.” So right away, you got Bush and his own people saying the cause of the turmoil was the dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for subprimes that began in late 2004. So who was in control of the White House in 2004? Conservatives. Who was in control of Congress in 2004? Conservatives. What did Democrats have to do with any of it? Nothing.

So what happened was you guys weakened standards for loans because you needed to inflate a housing bubble to cover for the fact that the economic growth promised from the tax cuts never came to fruition. And since the economy is always issue #1 in the election, Bush and the Conservatives needed to give the impression the economy was growing as a result of tax cuts, when it was really growing as a result of debt. So they pumped up a housing bubble, campaigned on the idea that their tax cuts caused the housing market to grow, all to make the economy look like it was growing ahead of the 2004 election.

Democrats had nothing to do with that.

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