Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

Freddie and Fannie? Yeah, you should probably shut up also. You're as dumb as derp on this issue.

So here's a handy little chart that shows the loan performance of every type of loan. As you can see, Fannie and Freddie backed loans performed the best of all loans.


So your wild claim that GSE's bear responsibility for the mortgage crisis created by your laissez-faire, deregulatory policies is bullshit.
You truly are an idiot. Russia was poking into our business long before trump came along. Wild bill was receiving 500k checks while the hillary looked the other way when uranium one sailed on through to the russians. Seriously, you are a hack. That all happened under the O admin.

Of course, all that is propaganda that you bought into because you're a sucker. If you find yourself on the same side as Russian trolls, something is wrong with you.

It doesn't appear like you even know what the word "hack" means. Let me help you; a hack is someone who repeats propaganda they didn't bother to fully vet. Like you're doing here.

3 indictments
1 guilty plea
4 sealed indictments

That's just in 7 months. It took 26 months to bring down Nixon.

Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.
What's so funny is that the effort you use to post the same thing over and over is effort taken away from you posting propaganda elsewhere.
What is funny is you think so. Not every one is as simple -minded as you, limited to concentrating on only one thing at a time.

Stupid snowflakes..... lol

yes, you are, you whiny little trumpbeatch
What is funny is you think so. Not every one is as simple -minded as you, limited to concentrating on only one thing at a time. Stupid snowflakes..... lol

Ah, so you are a troll, then. Your purpose is to spread bullshit on boards, is what you're saying here. So you are a Russian propagandist, just as I suspected.
Freddie and Fannie? Yeah, you should probably shut up also. You're as dumb as derp on this issue.

So here's a handy little chart that shows the loan performance of every type of loan. As you can see, Fannie and Freddie backed loans performed the best of all loans.


So your wild claim that GSE's bear responsibility for the mortgage crisis created by your laissez-faire, deregulatory policies is bullshit.

Democrats Block Reform of Corrupt Mortgage Giants; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Will Receive Billions More in Bailouts for Government-Sponsored Enterprises
For months, you Conservatives, Trump, his supporters, surrogates, and backers all said there was "no contact with Russia at all". That was a lie.

No proven crime committed regarding Collusion / the GOP / President.
No evidence.
No case.

I think I'm going to agree with this post. I am also curious to see how the Clinton Administration's involvement with Uranium One will play out.

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Oh, I'm wrong because you say so? Who the fuck are you to think you have that authority?
View attachment 163600


says the whiny little trump-beatch

would you like a tissue?

I've unhinged him so much that the best he can do is just post the same meme over and over. He's too fucking lazy to even come up with a meme of his own.

seems so. but then again, he's only following orders
Oh, I'm wrong because you say so? Who the fuck are you to think you have that authority?
View attachment 163600


says the whiny little trump-beatch

would you like a tissue?

I've unhinged him so much that the best he can do is just post the same meme over and over. He's too fucking lazy to even come up with a meme of his own.

Youve been thumped in the head repeatedly.
Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.

You only think that because a) you're paid to or b) you're dumb enough to believe it.

Are you saying that mueller isn't looking into the clintons and their connections with the russians?

why would he? did she conspire to lose the election?

or do you want to make up more debunked nonsense about uranium?
Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.

You only think that because a) you're paid to or b) you're dumb enough to believe it.

Are you saying that mueller isn't looking into the clintons and their connections with the russians?

why would he? did she conspire to lose the election?

or do you want to make up more debunked nonsense about uranium?

The uranium one sale actually happened under the O admin, expedited while the hillary was sec state. Do try to keep up.
Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.

You only think that because a) you're paid to or b) you're dumb enough to believe it.

Are you saying that mueller isn't looking into the clintons and their connections with the russians?

why would he? did she conspire to lose the election?

or do you want to make up more debunked nonsense about uranium?

Poor little jillian.
Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.

You only think that because a) you're paid to or b) you're dumb enough to believe it.

Are you saying that mueller isn't looking into the clintons and their connections with the russians?

why would he? did she conspire to lose the election?

or do you want to make up more debunked nonsense about uranium?

Poor little jillian.

not poor at all, little brown one. just stating fact. something you trumpers seem to be allergic to.

I do so love how Conservatives fall into traps so easily.

1. Fannie and Freddie's loans performed better than all other types of loans:


2. It wasn't Democrats who killed GSE reform, it was Bush:

"Strong opposition by the Bush administration forced a top Republican congressman to delay a vote on a bill that would create a new regulator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
Oxley pulls Fannie, Freddie bill under heat from Bush - MarketWatch

"Despite what appeared to be a broad consensus on GSE regulatory reform, efforts quickly stalled. A legislative markup scheduled for October 8, 2003, in the House of Representatives was halted because the Bush administration withdrew its support for the bill"

So you're fucking wrong again. Of course you will not even acknowledge anything in this post. You will continue to post lying bullshit propaganda that you didn't bother to fully vet, exposing yourself as the hack you accuse others of being.

Right there, in black and white, it says Bush was the one who killed GSE reform, not Democrats. So you bought into a lie, then repeated that lie like the fucking hack you are.

You're so fucking stupid, you fell for a bunch of easily-debunked lies.
Actually, you're the hack. The more they dig, the more it points to the clintons. Good luck with your delusion.

You only think that because a) you're paid to or b) you're dumb enough to believe it.

Are you saying that mueller isn't looking into the clintons and their connections with the russians?

why would he? did she conspire to lose the election?

or do you want to make up more debunked nonsense about uranium?

Poor little jillian.

not poor at all, little brown one. just stating fact. something you trumpers seem to be allergic to.

But that's not fact. Uranium one sale happened under O admin while the hillary looked on and her hubbie collected checks for 500 k from the russians. Thats fact. That happened and is proven and you say it didn't.

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