Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

Maybe houses on LI would become more affordable. Perish the thought.

They may become "more affordable", but no one will be able to buy them because the housing crisis will result in job loss which will result in a recession.

It's bizarre that any homeowner would support this tax bill.
You are talking out of your ass, and are probably house poor.
Listened to a real estate agent that told you your house payment should be 2/3 of your monthly income, and real estate is a great investment.
You bought it, deal with it , it was your decision.
Show off that 3000 sq. ft. house that you are stuck with egotist.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you've ever bought a home before, you would know that the deductions for property taxes and mortgage interest are factored into that price.

What happens when there's an overall drop in housing prices across the country?

Is your memory that poor that you can't remember what happened 8 years ago?
And you haven't proven you are not a c@ck-sucker who likes to take it from behind like your choice of avatars occasionally does (according to the movie)...

So now your real Russian, homophobic side comes out for the world to see. Of course, you're a Russian troll. Real Americans wouldn't buy into Russian propaganda.
The Dirty Democrats are outraged about the GOP middle class tax cuts

This tax plan raises taxes on the middle class beginning in 2021 and by 2027, the middle class will be paying more in taxes than they do now, and will receive fewer benefits from entitlements they paid into.

And it will tank the housing market which will cause a recession. Just like it did in 2007-8.
Both parties were involved in the housing as they threatened lending institutions to lend to sub-prime applicants. Banks didn't want to do this but they had to. You can blame O for blowing up that massive bond bubble thats about to pop like a stinking turd from all his QE forever 4 trillion dollar trinket fest.

Completely wrong. You cannot and will not be able to cite any line of text from any bill that forces banks to do what you're pretending.

You have a less-than-crackerjack understanding of the mortgage crisis. Stop.
If the tax plan passes with these defects, save your $$$, buddies.You will be able to buy a great home within the next six years as prices fall tremendously as we undergo another alt right far right caused recession.

Low home prices isn't a good thing. If housing prices fall, that creates a housing crisis, which leads to an economic downturn, which leads to job loss.

Much too logical for the trumpanzees ^^^. We experienced deflation in 2007 and its consequences and the panic which followed until light began to be seen at the end of the tunnel late in 2009.
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Both parties were involved in the housing as they threatened lending institutions to lend to sub-prime applicants. Banks didn't want to do this but they had to. You can blame O for blowing up that massive bond bubble thats about to pop like a stinking turd from all his QE forever 4 trillion dollar trinket fest.

Completely wrong. You cannot and will not be able to cite any line of text from any bill that forces banks to do what you're pretending.

You have a less-than-crackerjack understanding of the mortgage crisis. Stop.

Wrong. Banking institutions were encouraged to lend to sub-prime applicants. Fact.
The housing crisis was caused by forcing lenders to give loans to people who could never pay them back. Great attempt at revisionism .New Study Finds CRA 'Clearly' Did Lead To Risky Lending

100% completely wrong.

The turmoil in the financial markets was caused be a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.

In fact, GSE-backed loans performed better than their privately-backed counterparts:


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just repeating propaganda because you don't think for yourself, and your ego is too fragile to admit you're wrong.
Trump/Conservative/Russia tax plan will lead to a housing crisis

Isn't it cute how the fanatic leftists keep hammering RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA in every post, headline, and birdcage liner they can find, long after it has become obvious that the Democrats themselves had far more interaction with the Russians than Trump ever did?
Of course, you're a Russian troll. Real Americans wouldn't buy into Russian propaganda.
View attachment 163581

ok, enough of your Hillary tin-foil-hat BS...

You have proven you have nothing of mature substance or fact to provide, so you are officially 'cut off' now. Go back to the kids' table and come back when you have something worth our time.

Have a nice day, snowflake.

Derp is just another left wing delusional fringe hack. You have to feel compassion for such folks.
Of course, you're a Russian troll. Real Americans wouldn't buy into Russian propaganda.
View attachment 163581

ok, enough of your Hillary tin-foil-hat BS...

You have proven you have nothing of mature substance or fact to provide, so you are officially 'cut off' now. Go back to the kids' table and come back when you have something worth our time.

Have a nice day, snowflake.

Eat shit you fake American. I am tired of Russian trolls spewing forth shit they weren't clever or smart enough to come up with on their own, for the benefit of turning this country into the garbage, shit-stained hellhole that is your home nation, KOMRADE.
Wrong. Banking institutions were encouraged to lend to sub-prime applicants. Fact.


The banks were never required or forced into lending to people who couldn't pay it back. In fact, the loans issued by banks that were backed by the CRA performed and continue to perform better than loans not subject ot CRA rules.

The reason you can't come up with a single line of text from any bill is because your argument is bullshit and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's because you're a weak-minded Conservative who doesn't think for themselves.
Wrong. Banking institutions were encouraged to lend to sub-prime applicants. Fact.


The banks were never required or forced into lending to people who couldn't pay it back. In fact, the loans issued by banks that were backed by the CRA performed and continue to perform better than loans not subject ot CRA rules.

The reason you can't come up with a single line of text from any bill is because your argument is bullshit and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's because you're a weak-minded Conservative who doesn't think for themselves.

Oh yes they were. No amount of your bunk will change the facts. You continue in your delusion. I really don't care.

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