New home construction collapses in Northeast - Thanks to Trump tax reform

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

If you offer a benefit to the top 0.01% and screw your base of support, then where does that get you?

What WE ALL HAVE TO UNDERSTAND IS, Trump supporters will do the very same thing that G. W. Bush supporters did when G. W. tanked the economy in 2008.

G. W. supporters worshiped Bush like a 'God' and Trump supporters also worship Trump as if Trump is a God.

When you are a Republican, and you TANK the Goddamn economy, if you are a GOP God, then you can do NO WRONG because the 'brain dead' sheep will follow their GOP Gods anywhere, even into the depths of Hell.
Time out.

If a house is built, it has to sit on land. This is a geometry issue. If there is no land, there are no houses....right?

Soo..who zones the land?
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Just what the greedy States that screw their citizens deserve. Hopefully those idiots will start electing people who they won't have to lube up for. LMAO


I guess you have missed the first part of this thread.
I've already posted proof that the blue states of the northeast carry the red states in the south.
Terrible discrepancy.

I'll repeat it, just for you.

From the AP, not a blog.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."""

So how much do these blue State idiots pay in State and local taxes? Also does the money NJ received account for the 25-42% of their salt taxes that are subsidized by the feds?

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Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
It's not Donnie

Yes it is. He nominated both the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Fed. That means whatever they do is his responsibility.

It is Donnie.
No it's not. They are non partisan and showing it. Donnie doesn't want them to keep raising the rates.
The Fed Res raises rates to keep inflation in check, that IS their goal. Not everything is political, Mcwhatever

Wrong...jeez, are you naive on this.

Trump is responsible for nominating people at the Fed who will carry out his wishes. People who share his financial/macroeconomic views.
Only an idiot would nominate people who will not do as he asks.

And inflation checking is NOT the Fed's only goal. The Fed has two mandates...not just curbing inflation but also for maximum employment.

Plus, saying the Fed is non-partisan is silly. They are not even part of the government. They are a privately-owned, for profit institution with privately held shares (mostly by major banks). They are semi-overseen by the government, but they are NOT part of it.
That is doubly why it is critical that the POTUS appoint people to it who will do as he says.

The Federal Reserve Is A PRIVATELY-OWNED Corporation

When a leader appoints an underling...that means that leader is ultimately responsible for that underling's actions.
That falls under the 'Well duh' category.

Trump appointed those who run the Fed, that means the Fed's actions are his responsibility.
Talk about "silly." The claim that the Fed is not part of the government couldn't be sillier. The government created the Fed, and the government appoints the FED's board of directors and its chairman
My goodness. You're fully indoctrinated, aren't you?
Troll, much?

Put your arbitrary victim status card back in your pocket. If I troll you, you'll know it. It's only by my good graces you haven't been trolled.

Just don't pop off about things you clearly do not understand. I imagine you're one of those folks around here who think the economy is booming. You sound like it.

You talk a lot of shit without saying a GD thing. Most know nothings I know do that all the time.

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

In my home state of Colorado, once a very hot existing home market has now taken a nose dive due to Trump's tax cuts.
When you flood an already good economy with a lot of cash--it spikes inflation sending the Federal Reserve chairman to raise interest rates. Mortgage rates, short term rates, and credit card rates have gone up which inherently slows the economy down. This causes a ripple effect throughout the economy.

The stock market is in another roller coaster ride, not only with interest rate hikes, but Trump's continual threats of a trade war. Investors are now moving money out of stocks and into safer instruments.
Trump's tax cuts and the ugly truth about the stock market



Trump threatens Harley-Davidson: If it moves overseas 'they will be taxed like never before!'
Trump says he’s ‘surprised’ Harley-Davidson is moving work overseas after tariffs take effect

Trump's tax cuts thereby making for the shortest economic boom period in history, let alone adding another 2 trillion to the deficit.
High tax is never make for healthy economy you spineless motherfucker

Trump didn't raise taxes dumbass--he gave corporations (who didn't need a tax break) that went from 36% all the way down to 20%--flooding an already good economy with mountains of cash- that spiked inflation and that then set off the Federal Reserve chairman (who Trump has NO control over) to raise interest rates, making for the shortest economic boom period in this nation history.

Economics 101

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Another Trumpanzee knuckle-drags into the conversation making zoo noises.

And you reply with your usual nothingburger.
LOL...still trying to dodge the simple question.
He is clearly SO afraid of himself and/or Trump being proven wrong he cannot answer even an INCREDIBLY simple question.
I can read you Trumpbots like a book.

Yes, the question is relevant to the OP since Trump appointed both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Fed.

Now for the fifth time:

True or False?

Donald Trump is responsible for the on-the-job actions of the people he appoints as President?

Are you responsible for the actions of your children for their lifetime? True or False?

I don't have any children. And since your question specifically asks about my children only - I cannot answer it.
But unlike Doofuseistet - I will answer your VERY vague question as best as I can.
Legally, the answer would be 'false'. Morally, the answer would be 'true'. If my kids were fuck ups - I would feel responsible for their bad behavior.
BTW, your question has nothing to do with this thread subject. DUH.
Finally, I wasn't even talking to you, you xenophobic, racist, emotionally/mentally disturbed Trumpbot hick whom I have zero respect for.

Now if you excuse me - I have dealt with you before. And I think you are mentally/emotionally offense.
And I try not to waste my time on people like that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Have a nice day.
LOL...still trying to dodge the simple question.
He is clearly SO afraid of himself and/or Trump being proven wrong he cannot answer even an INCREDIBLY simple question.
I can read you Trumpbots like a book.

Yes, the question is relevant to the OP since Trump appointed both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Fed.

Now for the fifth time:

True or False?

Donald Trump is responsible for the on-the-job actions of the people he appoints as President?

Are you responsible for the actions of your children for their lifetime? True or False?

I don't have any children. And since your question specifically asks about my children only - I cannot answer it.
But unlike Doofuseistet - I will answer your VERY vague question as best as I can.
Legally, the answer would be 'false'. Morally, the answer would be 'true'. If my kids were fuck ups - I would feel responsible for their bad behavior.
BTW, your question has nothing to do with this thread subject. DUH.
Finally, I wasn't even talking to you, you xenophobic, racist, emotionally/mentally disturbed Trumpbot hick whom I have zero respect for.

Now if you excuse me - I have dealt with you before. And I think you are mentally/emotionally offense.
And I try not to waste my time on people like that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Have a nice day.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

The party's over. The 1% have enough houses and don't need more. Thank you for your concern.
You talk a lot of shit without saying a GD thing. Most know nothings I know do that all the time.

Heh heh. My posting record speaks for itself. I'm rather thorough with my positions, sunshine. And crystal clear. Any time you're feeling brave and want to educate me, I'll be in the neighborhood. I love to learn. Bring some friends, we can make it a party.

Heck, speaking of conservative friends, most of the self-annointed conservatives around here are better leftists than the actual leftists. And long overdue for a good dose of reality about yourselves. That's just my game, boys. It's pathetic what I read on this board from so-called conservatives. Cringe worthy even. It's like a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a football.

At least the admitted leftists around here are intellectually honest about themselves. They don't try to put up a front and pretent to be something they're not. I can respect that.
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Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
1.It wasn't for the 1%
2. Maybe voters should elect people who will DECREASE their taxes not INCREASE them.

Most of our Property taxes go to Public Schools.

Something Southerners don't believe in much, because they're kind of like Negroes with different skin colors.

The best thing we in the North could do is cut off all the Wars, Welfare, and Military spending Southerners want.

It's time for Southerners to get what they truly deserve.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
Democrats shouldn’t keep electing such shitty governors and mayors in these states.

I don't have a problem paying local taxes to give my people in town a better school.

I do have a problem paying for taxes for a bunch of Southerners Negroes & White trash gouging the system by taking more welfare, spending more on wars & more on military.

It's time to cut you suckers off too.
Trump didn't raise taxes dumbass

Yes, the GOP did raise taxes on the working class. The GOP adopted chained CPI into their tax plan. Chained CPI is a way of measuring CPI that understates inflation’s effects on our standard of living. It does this by assuming inflation has not reduced Americans’ standard of living if, for example, people can buy hamburgers when they can no longer afford steak. This so-called full substitution ignores the fact that if individuals viewed hamburgers as a full substitute for steak they would have bought hamburgers before Fed-created inflation made steak unaffordable.

Chained CPI increases the inflation tax. This is the most insidious tax of all because it is hidden and it is regressive. They don't even have to vote on it.

Eventually, this will push people into higher tax brackets.

You should be embarrassed to even utter the words economics 101 to someone else.
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Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
18K in just property you ever bother to ask...where does all the money go

These super high tax towns generally have state of the art schools with the best schooling results in the country & a ton of garbage pick ups like I'm talking 3 days of garbage trucks a week, one for recycling, one for garbage & one for bulk pick-up.

As for us, we're a little less sophisticated, being about half the taxes in total amounts on average as Westchester County, NY.

We don't even have Bulk pick up in Pawling, NY, you have to pay out of pocket yourself & bring it to the dump your self.

Our schools aren't state of the art, but good none the less.

Which explains why our taxes are about half of Westchester, County, NY.
I don't have a problem paying local taxes to give my people in town a better school.

I do have a problem paying for taxes for a bunch of Southerners Negroes & White trash gouging the system by taking more welfare, spending more on wars & more on military.

It's time to cut you suckers off too.

The majority of your taxes are turned over to the Treasury by the IRS so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that bond that the Federal Reserve bought with a check which was drawn on an account that has nothing in it.

It's a pretty simple formula, but maybe some of our resident economist and trustees in Keynesian economics might chime in and learn us. That oughtta be a hoot.

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