New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

First and foremost it's anti-American.

Here's the definition for ya.

Is this really who you guys want to be? Have you forgotten that state sponsored religion was the reason many people, including some of the first, came to America? Freedom of religion must include freedom from religion.

A new report confirmed that the House speaker is displaying an “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside his door.
I'm fine with him displaying a Christian flag.

Do you have a problem with the white House being lit up with the fag flag?

Or this?
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You were waxing fearful about "state sponsored religion", which is unconstitutional. I simply said to be sure and let us know when he does something like that. Or are you now saying that you're NOT afraid he'll try to institute a "state sponsored religion" and your post was hysterical bloviating?
His beliefs aren't unconstitutional.

Forcing them on the rest of us is.
I don't remember you soiling your undies every day over Kevin McCarthy, what's the problem? :abgg2q.jpg:
Are you stupid or have you just not been paying attention?

I have explained in excruciating detail what my problems with having a lying religious whack-job election-denying trump-sucking orange-lipped scum-bag as speaker of the house are.

Please try to keep up with the rest of the class.

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