New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

Meanwhile 50 million wetbacks work here….steal negro jobs, work off the books and pay no income taxes and all of these sick in the head filthy fucks are worried about Mike Johnson’s paper trails…Welcome to the Twilight Zone
They steal your job scrubbing terlets?
They steal your job scrubbing terlets?
That Ni@@a you claim to cherish…they stole his job cleaning terlets….they ran him from his neighborhood, they stole his welfare, they fucked up his public education, they destroyed his level of healthcare….Do you care Humberto?

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That Ni@@a you claim to cherish…they stole his job cleaning terlets….they ran him from his neighborhood, they stole his welfare, they fucked up his public education, they destroyed his level of healthcare….Do you care Humberto?
Take off your white hood you MAGAT piece of shit.
Even honest lawyers make good money. Give it up. The guy is sketchy.

I know a very good lawyer who mostly does pro bono. Guess what, he ain't rich. But a lot of people love him.
Here…I’ll dumb this way down for ignorant fucked in the head fools.
Are illegals helping to advance hood negroes or are they fucking them over?
Find your nuts and give a straight answer.

Next time you want to post a racist insult at least be man enough to spell it out, ya fuck.

Looks like you need to find your own nuts, asswipe.
Meanwhile 50 million wetbacks work here….steal negro jobs, work off the books and pay no income taxes and all of these sick in the head filthy fucks are worried about Mike Johnson’s paper trails…Welcome to the Twilight Zone
Make another thread about it.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

lol why does that bother you? He doesn't need such services, and neither do a lot of people. You're just pissed off because you can't find anything to smear him with, and he opposes your sexual mutilation of children fetish and mass baby killing advocacy, is all. A lot of Christians live on what they make, not what they can borrow.
It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.

But you're not the least 'suspicious' of people like Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden, and Obama though. lol fraud.

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