New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

Seems that Johnson has triggered the left, that is my point.
He's not a roll over like McCarthy was, and every democrat voted to
remove McCarthy. That is priceless.
Johnson couldn't have happened without the democrats blessing.
Now they are upset? :auiqs.jpg:
Nice try blaming Dems for your party of screwballs jumping the shark & electing a religiius whack job as Speaker & 2nd in line to the W.H.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

They'll obediently support it.

It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.

He has to have a bank for direct deposit of his government check.

How strange. He IS a religious nutter... maybe he manages his funds through some sort of church nonprofit.

Even if that was the case, he would have assets, bank accounts or something

So, you do not find it weird that he has no checking account to pay his bills?

Or is he purposely hiding his assets for some kind of reason? Maybe he thinks it is wrong for we the people to know? Or maybe he didn't understand the disclosure? Or just lazy?

Disclosure is required by laws governing them for a reason....

Where does his paycheck get deposited? Or who continually cashes it for him? Does he and family not own a home? Which is very possible, I suppose?

And yeah, any thinking mind would wonder why he has zero assets at this stage in life with a law degree, or wonder why he obviously is simply lying about having no assets? OR appears to be hiding something?

Yes, of course some partisan looked in to it and wanted and hoped to find something, but that does not quell the questions on it, that have risen from it!


Well, as Speaker he will get a big pay bump. A regular congresscritter is paid an annual salary of $174,000. The Speaker is paid $223,500.

Mike Johnson appears to be a hardcore evangelical. He claims to live by the Bible. Until I see or hear otherwise, I take him at his word.

It's possible he gives all his money to his church or to charity and doesn't brag about it.

His tax returns would be more informative than a financial disclosure. Maybe he will release them and you can pounce if there is anything incriminating.

I may disagree with an honest man's policies, but I refuse to attack his character until I have a reason to do so.

Sounds like we need an impeachment investigation to discover where his money is and whether he has ties to Chinese.

No worries. A thorough anal probe by the new IRS agents should make his finances transparent.

Hope you didn't hide income to avoid taxes Mikey, and no Jesus isn't going to save your little scrawny ass.


Mike Johnson's Campaign Contributions From Company Tied to Russia​

Oct 27, 2023 at 8:20 AM EDT

A group of Russian nationals were able to donate to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson's campaign in 2018 by funneling the money through a U.S. company.

The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

While American Ethane was run in 2018 by American John Houghtaling, 88 percent of the firm was owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev.

One of the men behind the company, Nikolaev, an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also found to have financially backed Maria Butina, a Russian citizen who lived in Washington D.C. Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2019 after admitting to acting as an unregistered foreign agent to infiltrate conservative political groups and influence foreign policy to Russia's benefit before and after the 2016 election.
Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

isn't that interesting....

He doesn't have a bank account? Are we paying him in cash, genius?
Meanwhile 50 million wetbacks work here….steal negro jobs, work off the books and pay no income taxes and all of these sick in the head filthy fucks are worried about Mike Johnson’s paper trails…Welcome to the Twilight Zone
Meanwhile 50 million wetbacks work here….steal negro jobs, work off the books and pay no income taxes and all of these sick in the head filthy fucks are worried about Mike Johnson’s paper trails…Welcome to the Twilight Zone
Oh look, a deflection.

Your surrender is accepted.
It’s suspicious that he has no assets. Most at his level would. Does it prove honesty or is he hiding something? You’d be asking the same questions, if the situation were reversed.

Really? You got any idea how expensive it is to live in DC? The only people who end up rich are the corruptocrats like pelousi and Schumer
It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.
You are right, no one cares except partisan nuts. Divide and conquer, that is all the partisan idiots care about.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

Most I know are happy at him being there, he is almost guaranteed to hand the House back to the Dems
“Most I know”….so all your purple haired, neck tattooed Lib friends with nose piercings think that because he’s totally normal, moral and legit he’ll hand the House back to the weird, immoral and illegit?
Do you hang-out with any core Americans?

Mike Johnson's Campaign Contributions From Company Tied to Russia​

Oct 27, 2023 at 8:20 AM EDT

A group of Russian nationals were able to donate to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson's campaign in 2018 by funneling the money through a U.S. company.

The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

While American Ethane was run in 2018 by American John Houghtaling, 88 percent of the firm was owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev.

One of the men behind the company, Nikolaev, an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also found to have financially backed Maria Butina, a Russian citizen who lived in Washington D.C. Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2019 after admitting to acting as an unregistered foreign agent to infiltrate conservative political groups and influence foreign policy to Russia's benefit before and after the 2016 election.
Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

isn't that interesting....
Gave it back in 2018 as soon as the connection was discovered, Moron.
Really? You got any idea how expensive it is to live in DC? The only people who end up rich are the corruptocrats like pelousi and Schumer
A lawyer with no assets? Isn’t that suspicious? Either he’s the world’s worst lawyer or he’s hiding something. Considering the quality of candidates got Speaker, it may be the former.
A lawyer with no assets? Isn’t that suspicious? Either he’s the world’s worst lawyer or he’s hiding something. Considering the quality of candidates got Speaker, it may be the former.

Not if they're honest. And being smart he probably runs everything through a trust. In which case he would show no assets.
Why is it "suspicious" when a Congressman is honest and not taking graft?

Has the Biden Regime made bribery and payoffs so normative that libs can't believe that a politicians could be honest?
This is about government transparency....

Micheal Johnson should be releasing these details as the guy in the third highest office of government.

Both Biden and Harris have released these details.. So has McConnell and McCarthy... It is just about transparency...
Not if they're honest. And being smart he probably runs everything through a trust. In which case he would show no assets.
The trust would be an asset...

BTW, how does he get paid? In Cash every Friday?
Not if they're honest. And being smart he probably runs everything through a trust. In which case he would show no assets.
Even honest lawyers make good money. Give it up. The guy is sketchy.
The trust would be an asset...

BTW, how does he get paid? In Cash every Friday?

Who knows how it's set up. What we DO know is after quite a while in Congress, he ain't a gazillionaire like all of the other corruptocrats.

Dem and repub alike.

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