New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

You should read your own link.

“Of course, it’s unlikely Johnson doesn’t actually have a bank account. What’s more likely is Johnson lives paycheck to paycheck—so much so that he doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to trigger the checking account disclosure rules for members of Congress.”

“House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—
exceeds $5,000.”

It's possible Johnson is financially overextended. That's happened to a lot of people.
Over a million dollar net worth.
You should read your own link.

“Of course, it’s unlikely Johnson doesn’t actually have a bank account. What’s more likely is Johnson lives paycheck to paycheck—so much so that he doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to trigger the checking account disclosure rules for members of Congress.”

“House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—
exceeds $5,000.”

It's possible Johnson is financially overextended. That's happened to a lot of people.
He gets a $20,000+ deposit every single month.
You should read your own link.

“Of course, it’s unlikely Johnson doesn’t actually have a bank account. What’s more likely is Johnson lives paycheck to paycheck—so much so that he doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to trigger the checking account disclosure rules for members of Congress.”

“House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—
exceeds $5,000.”

It's possible Johnson is financially overextended. That's happened to a lot of people.
He makes $175000.00 a year plus whatever his wife earns. How likely is it they never have a combined balance of over $5k? Right after his direct deposit he has $14K or so in his account. even if he spends it all in a month that's still a high enough balance to trigger the disclosure.
Ah. It does sound like he is financially stretched.

No stock trading, a hefty home mortgage, and more than $120,000 from Liberty University: Here's what we know about newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson's personal finance​

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson is much less wealthy than other members of Congress.
  • He doesn't trade any stocks and has a home mortgage valued between $250,000 and $500,000.
  • He's made more than $120,000 since 2018 teaching online classes at Liberty University.

From 2016 through 2022, Johnson did not disclose owning or trading any individual stocks or other securities, such as mutual funds.


Since 2013, Johnson and his wife, Kelly, have had a home mortgage valued between $250,000 and $500,000 from Citizens National Bank.


In addition to the mortgage, Johnson has other debts, including a personal loan and a home-equity line of credit from Citizens Bank, both of which were valued at between $15,000 and $50,000.


Johnson has spent the past five years teaching online courses at Liberty University, gradually making more money from the gig each year.

He made $10,600 in 2018; $26,200 in 2019 and 2020; and more than $29,000 in 2021 and 2022. Altogether, he's disclosed $122,485 in earnings from the job.


As a House candidate in 2016, Johnson disclosed making a $128,316 salary from Kitchens Law Firm, in addition to his $25,000 salary as a state representative. Couple that with another $18,000 he made from his own practice, and he made just over $171,000 — not far off from his current $174,000 salary.

Love him or hate him, he sounds like a guy who walks the walk.
He makes $175000.00 a year plus whatever his wife earns. How likely is it they never have a combined balance of over $5k? Right after his direct deposit he has $14K or so in his account. even if he spends it all in a month that's still a high enough balance to trigger the disclosure.

Maybe he's got the money going through 20 or so different LLCs. That's cool, right? :dance:
Ah. It does sound like he is financially stretched.

No stock trading, a hefty home mortgage, and more than $120,000 from Liberty University: Here's what we know about newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson's personal finance​

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson is much less wealthy than other members of Congress.
  • He doesn't trade any stocks and has a home mortgage valued between $250,000 and $500,000.
  • He's made more than $120,000 since 2018 teaching online classes at Liberty University.

From 2016 through 2022, Johnson did not disclose owning or trading any individual stocks or other securities, such as mutual funds.


Since 2013, Johnson and his wife, Kelly, have had a home mortgage valued between $250,000 and $500,000 from Citizens National Bank.


In addition to the mortgage, Johnson has other debts, including a personal loan and a home-equity line of credit from Citizens Bank, both of which were valued at between $15,000 and $50,000.


Johnson has spent the past five years teaching online courses at Liberty University, gradually making more money from the gig each year.

He made $10,600 in 2018; $26,200 in 2019 and 2020; and more than $29,000 in 2021 and 2022. Altogether, he's disclosed $122,485 in earnings from the job.


As a House candidate in 2016, Johnson disclosed making a $128,316 salary from Kitchens Law Firm, in addition to his $25,000 salary as a state representative. Couple that with another $18,000 he made from his own practice, and he made just over $171,000 — not far off from his current $174,000 salary.

Love him or hate him, he sounds like a guy who walks the walk.
Adn disclosed none of that.
He gets a $20,000+ deposit every single month.
He has two kids in college, a stiff mortgage, a HELOC, and a personal loan. The man's finances are stretched.

Plus he has to feed and clothe his four kids. And he has to maintain a residence in DC, which is not a cheap place to live.

I bet the money flies out of his wallet.

He also adopted a black kid when the kid was 14 years of age.

I don't know, man. This guy seems to be an honest man who lives his principles. A rare breed.

I will wait for evidence of malfeasance.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

Maybe he is pulling a Biden, so you will be okay with it.
Right, you're mad because you were assigned to find something to rant about in his finances and couldn't, so you decided to rant that you couldn't find anything to rant about in his finances. Hat's off to him if he's found a way to hide what he has from you who are desperate to destroy him. What's next, a fishing trip in his refrigerator to see if he has anything in there past its expiration date?
I got rid of my bank account and got rid of my credit cards years ago.
He makes $175000.00 a year plus whatever his wife earns. How likely is it they never have a combined balance of over $5k? Right after his direct deposit he has $14K or so in his account. even if he spends it all in a month that's still a high enough balance to trigger the disclosure.

Plus a $30,000 salary teaching at Liberty University.
Well, as Speaker he will get a big pay bump. A regular congresscritter is paid an annual salary of $174,000. The Speaker is paid $223,500.

Mike Johnson appears to be a hardcore evangelical. He claims to live by the Bible. Until I see or hear otherwise, I take him at his word.

It's possible he gives all his money to his church or to charity and doesn't brag about it.

His tax returns would be more informative than a financial disclosure. Maybe he will release them and you can pounce if there is anything incriminating.

I may disagree with an honest man's policies, but I refuse to attack his character until I have a reason to do so.
You can judge someone's character by who he sides with.
You can judge someone's character by who he sides with.



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