New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

He was a nobody and as such people did not pay attention to his filings. Now he is in the big chair people start to care
Well I'm sorry. I'm not God or somebody pretending to have great insight into what others pay attention to. You apparently are omniscient and omnipresent so of course you absolutely know everything.
Well I'm sorry. I'm not God or somebody pretending to have great insight into what others pay attention to. You apparently are omniscient and omnipresent so of course you absolutely know everything.

Not omniscient, just have some basic common sense.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

Well, as Speaker he will get a big pay bump. A regular congresscritter is paid an annual salary of $174,000. The Speaker is paid $223,500.

Mike Johnson appears to be a hardcore evangelical. He claims to live by the Bible. Until I see or hear otherwise, I take him at his word.

It's possible he gives all his money to his church or to charity and doesn't brag about it.

His tax returns would be more informative than a financial disclosure. Maybe he will release them and you can pounce if there is anything incriminating.

I may disagree with an honest man's policies, but I refuse to attack his character until I have a reason to do so.
Not omniscient, just have some basic common sense.
Well my common sense is that repeating malicious gossip and innuendo with no basis in fact put out by a publication famous for putting out out malicious gossip and innuendo with no basis in fact is not common sense or based on any known fact. It is evil and it is wrong whether or not the person doing it intends that.
He was a nobody and as such people did not pay attention to his filings. Now he is in the big chair people start to care
I'm sure there are reporters are Pro Publica or some other organization digging up all they can on Johnson, right down to how much milk his mother put in his oatmeal when he was a toddler.

Until then, no judgements.
Right, you're mad because you were assigned to find something to rant about in his finances and couldn't, so you decided to rant that you couldn't find anything to rant about in his finances. Hat's off to him if he's found a way to hide what he has from you who are desperate to destroy him. What's next, a fishing trip in his refrigerator to see if he has anything in there past its expiration date?
Empty financial disclosures. Think man. How likely is it that this guy doesn't have a pot to piss in?
ight, you're mad because you were assigned to find something to rant about in his finances and couldn't, so you decided to rant that you couldn't find anything to rant about in his finances. Hat's off to him if he's found a way to hide what he has from you who are desperate to destroy him. What's next, a fishing trip in his refrigerator to see if he has anything in there past its expiration date?

No worries. A thorough anal probe by the new IRS agents should make his finances transparent.

Hope you didn't hide income to avoid taxes Mikey, and no Jesus isn't going to save your little scrawny ass.
I bet this does piss the leftist dems off no end. :laughing0301:

The gray man is invisible. They are undetectable, unremarkable, and flies by a hysteric crowd like a stealth aircraft. The gray man can bug out safely to a secure location without raising any flags or bug in without the Joneses suspecting him. ;)
from your link:

Net Worth in 2023$1 Million - $5 Million

And empty financial disclosures. Not even a savings account reported.
And you're quoting a movie. A fantasy.

Mike Johnson's Campaign Contributions From Company Tied to Russia​

Oct 27, 2023 at 8:20 AM EDT

A group of Russian nationals were able to donate to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson's campaign in 2018 by funneling the money through a U.S. company.

The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

While American Ethane was run in 2018 by American John Houghtaling, 88 percent of the firm was owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev.

One of the men behind the company, Nikolaev, an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also found to have financially backed Maria Butina, a Russian citizen who lived in Washington D.C. Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2019 after admitting to acting as an unregistered foreign agent to infiltrate conservative political groups and influence foreign policy to Russia's benefit before and after the 2016 election.
Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

isn't that interesting....
Even if he "lived a modest lifestyle" he'd have a bank account
You should read your own link.

“Of course, it’s unlikely Johnson doesn’t actually have a bank account. What’s more likely is Johnson lives paycheck to paycheck—so much so that he doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to trigger the checking account disclosure rules for members of Congress.”

“House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—
exceeds $5,000.”

It's possible Johnson is financially overextended. That's happened to a lot of people.

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